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HMS Wren, destroyer



by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2004

HMS WREN  -  V & W-class Destroyer
including Convoy Escort Movements

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above left  - HMS Witherington, modified W-class sister ship

(James Witherington, click photographs for enlargements)


H .  M .  S .   W R E N  ( D 8 8 )


Modified W-Class destroyer ordered from Yarrow, at Scotstoun with 13th Order of the 1918-19 Programme in April 1918. The ship was laid down in June 1918 and launched on 11 November 1919. She was the 3rd RN warship to carry this name which was introduced in 1653. After launch she was towed to HM Dockyard, Pembroke Dock for completion which was delayed until 23rd January 1923. This ship was deployed as rescue ship for Home Fleet aircraft carriers in 1938.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s


ATLANTIC 1939-40 - NORWAY   1940 - ATLANTIC 1943-45* - BISCAY   1943-44* - NORMANDY 1944* - ARCTIC   1944*

(* Awarded to HM Sloop WREN)


H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge : On a Field  Blue, a Wren on a branch, all Gold.


M o t t o

Ex parvalis magna: 'from small things  (come) great'


D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


1 9 3 9


September             Transferred to 16th Destroyer Flotilla at Portsmouth for convoy defence and anti- submarine

                                patrol in English Channel and SW Approaches.

                7th          Deployed for escort of troop convoy from Portsmouth to Cherbourg

                13th        Deployed with HM Destroyer VENOMOUS for escort of military convoy MB2 during passage

                                in English Channel.

                14th        Deployed with HMS VENOMOUS for escort of military convoy DB2 in English Channel.


October                  Channel deployment in continuation.


November              Transferred to More Command for convoy defence in North Sea.


December              North Sea convoy defence in continuation.


1 9 4 0


January                  Deployed with 18th Destroyer Flotilla, Western Approaches Command

                                for convoy defence in SW Approaches.


February                Deployed in SW Approaches.

                20th        Passage to meet inward Convoy HG19F from Gibraltar as relief for two French warships

                21st         Joined HG19F as escort during passage to Liverpool.

                23rd        Detached from HG19F on arrival at Liverpool.



                8th          Transferred to Home Fleet for after German invasion of Norway to escort military convoys

                                to Norway.


May                        Convoy defence in support of allied operations in Norway in continuation.

                12th        Deployed with HM Battleship RESOLUTION, HM Cruisers AURORA, EFFINGHAM.

                                VINDICTIVE, HM Destroyers FAME, BASILISK HAVELOCK, SOMALI and HM

                                Netlayer PROTECTOR for support of planned military operation to capture Narvik.

                13th        Provided naval gunfire support during landings at Bjerkvik

                                On release from landing operations resumed convoy defence duties

                                (Note : This ship did not take part in the later evacuation operations.

                                See Naval Staff History (HMSO-2002)



                25th        Resumed convoy escort and patrol duties in with 16th Destroyer Flotilla based at

                                Harwich in Nore Command.


                27th        Deployed with HM Destroyer MONTROSE to provide AA protection during

                                minesweeping operations by six trawlers off Aldeburgh Suffolk.

                                Under heavy and sustained dive bombing attacks by fifteen aircraft.

                                Damaged by several near misses which holed her below the waterline causing

                                extensive flooding due to collapse of bulkheads.

                                Ship sank quickly in position 52. 10N 02.06E although stern structure was exposed,

                                37 of the ship's company lost their lives.

                                Survivors were rescued by trawlers.

                                (Note : HMS MONTROSE was badly damaged in this and later attacks but remained

                                afloat and was towed to Harwich.)


Special Note


HM Sloop WREN was the fourth ship to carry the name and was completed in February 1943. She was one of the BLACK SWAN Class and built on the Clyde by Denny of Dumbarton. This ship served with an Escort Group in the Atlantic and took part in the sinking of five U-Boats.






by Don Kindell


Date convoy         Joined convoy      Convoy No.             Left convoy           Date convoy

sailed                     as escort                                                                                arrived


15/09/39            15/09/39                  DB 002                     16/09/39              16/09/39

13/10/39            19/10/39                  HG 003                     21/10/39              21/10/39

02/11/39            02/11/39                  OB 029                     unknown            07/11/39

11/11/39            11/11/39                  OG 006                     11/11/39              14/11/39

10/11/39            11/11/39                  OA 033                     12/11/39              15/11/39

31/10/39            16/11/39                  SL 007                      16/11/39              16/11/39

20/11/39            20/11/39                  OA 038                     unknown            23/11/39

26/11/39            28/11/39                  OA 042                     unknown            30/11/39

04/12/39            04/12/39                  OA 047                     07/12/39              08/12/39

08/12/39            08/12/39                  OA 049                     09/12/39              11/12/39

16/12/39            16/12/39                  OA 054                     unknown            19/12/39

19/12/39            28/12/39                  HXF 013                   29/12/39              30/12/39

01/01/40            01/01/40                  OA 064                     03/01/40              04/01/40

06/01/40            18/01/40                  HX 015                     19/01/40              19/01/40

21/01/40            21/01/40                  OA 077                     22/01/40              24/01/40

28/01/40            28/01/40                  OA 081                     30/01/40              31/01/40

16/01/40            02/02/40                  SL 017                      04/02/40              04/02/40

07/02/40            07/02/40                  OA 087                     09/02/40              09/02/40

16/02/40            18/02/40                  OA 093GF                19/02/40              19/02/40

14/02/40            21/02/40                  HG 019F                   23/02/40              23/02/40

24/02/40            24/02/40                  OA 098GF                26/02/40              27/02/40

22/02/40            06/03/40                  HX 022                     09/03/40              09/03/40



further editing and formatting is needed, but the data is being made available without delay


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