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HMS Griffin, destroyer



by Lt Cdr Geoffrey B Mason RN (Rtd) (c) 2004

HMS GRIFFIN -  G-class Destroyer

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above left  - sister-ship HMS Grenade

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H .  M .  S .   G R I F F I N   ( H 3 1 )


Greyhound or G-Class Fleet Destroyer ordered from Vickers Armstrong, Newcastle under 1933 Programme in March 1934. The ship was laid down on 30th September that year as Yard No 700. The ship was launched on 15th August 1935.She was the 6th RN warship to carry the name which dates from 1656 and had been used by 2 merchant ships which fought against the Spanish Armada in 1588. Build was completed on 6 March 1936 at a cost of £248,528 (excluding Admiralty supplied equipment such as guns, ammunition and communications equipment. Before beginning Fleet service with the 1st Destroyer Flotilla in the Mediterranean she was used to carry out comparative trials using Admiralty design and commercial design propellers. After a successful WARSHIP WEEK National Savings campaign in March 1942 this ship was adopted by the civil community of Oldbury, then in Worcestershire. Yard No on build was 700.


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s

ARMADA 1588 - BEACHY HEAD 1690 - BARFLEUR 1692  - VIGO 1702 - VELEZ MALAGA 1704 - CAPE PASSARO 1718 - NORWAY 1940 - MEDITERRANEAN 1940-41 - MATAPAN 1941 - GREECE 1941 - CRETE 1941 - LIBYA 1942-42 - MALTA CONVOYS 1941-42

H e r a l d i c   D a t a

Badge : On a Field Blue,  a Griffin Gold


M o t t o

Dentibus ac rostro :   'With teeth and beak’


.D e t a i l s   o f   W a r   S e r v i c e


1 9 3 9


September             Deployed with 1st Destroyer Flotilla D1 for patrol and contraband control In the



October                  Transferred with Flotilla for duty in Home Waters.

                22nd       Took passage to Plymouth from Gibraltar with HM Destroyers GRENADE, GRENVILLE and



November              Joined Western Approaches Command and transferred to Harwich with Flotilla

                16th        Commenced convoy defence and contraband control duties.

                17th        Damaged at Harwich.

                19th        Taken in hand for repair in London commercial shipyard.

                21st         Took part in rescue of survivors from HM Destroyer GIPSY which sank in the entrance to

                                Harwich after detonating a magnetic mine.

                                (Note: HM Destroyers KEITH and BOADICEA also assisted in the rescue operations.



                7th          Resumed duties at Harwich.


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January                  Deployed on North Sea patrol and contraband duties.

                19th        Took part in search and rescue operation with HMS GRENADE for survivors from H M

                                Destroyer GRENVILLE that had been mine and sunk 23 miles east of Kentish Knock

                                Light Vessel

                                (Note : 113 men were picked up by these two ships.)


February                Patrol and convoy defence duty based at Harwich in continuation.

                2nd         During escort of East Coast southbound Convoy FS 84 with HMS GALLANT, stood by tanker

                                BRITISH COUNCILLOR that had been torpedoed by Submarine.

                                Rejoined convoy.

                                (Note : HMS GALLANT detached from escort and took survivors to Rosyth.)


March                    North Sea convoy defence, patrol and contraband duties in continuation

                                (For details of North Sea activities in 1940 see THREE CORVETTES by M Monsarrat) and

                                THE BATTLE OF THE EAST COAST by J P Foynes.)


April                       Transferred to Home Fleet at Scapa Flow prior to planned landings in Norway.

                                (Operation RUPERT/R4).

                4th          Deployed in NW Approaches and North Sea.

                14th        Part of screen for HM Battleship VALIANT and HM Repair Ship VINDICTIVE with HM

                                Destroyers CODRINGTON, ACASTA, ARDENT, FEARLESS and BRAZEN, to cover

                                passage of military convoy taking troops for landing at Narvik.

                                Convoy destination changed to Namsos.

                                (For details of the disastrous naval operations off Norway see CARRIER GLORIOUS by J

                                Winton, NARVIK by D MacIntyre THE DOOMED EXPEDITION by Adams).

                16th        Deployed with Fleet units off Norway.

                24th        Intercepted and captured trawler POLARIS believed to be supporting U-Boats In North Sea


May                        Deployment off Norway In continuation.

                2nd         Took part in evacuation at Namsos with HM Cruisers DEVONSHIRE, YORK, CARLISLE and

                                French cruiser MONTCALM, HM Destroyers AFRIDI, NUBIAN, MAORI, KELLY, HASTY,

                                IMPERIAL, GRENADE, French destroyer BISON and three troopships.

                                Home Fleet duties in support of evacuation operations in continuation.


June                        Transferred to English Channel in support of evacuation from French ports and for convoy

                                defence duty.


July                         Channel deployment in continuation.

                19th        In action with aircraft off Dover.

                24th        Transferred to 13th Destroyer Flotilla at Gibraltar.

                                Passage to Gibraltar.


August                  Deployed for convoy defence and patrol duties.

                30th        Joined HM Destroyers NUBIAN, MOHAWK, JANUS, HERO, GALLANT, HOTSPUR and

                                GREYHOUND in Force A.

                31st         Screened Force F which comprised (HM Aircraft Carrier ILLUSTRIOUS, HM Battleship

                                VALIANT, HM Cruisers COVENTRY and CALCUTTA).

                                (Note ; These ships were on passage to Malta and were to reinforce Mediterranean Fleet in

                                Alexandria (Operation HATS).



                4th          Returned to Gibraltar with HM Destroyers GALLANT, GREYHOUND and HOTSPUR.


October                  Gibraltar Flotilla duties in continuation.

                22nd       Participated in the sinking of Italian submarine LAFOLE off Gibraltar with HMS GALLANT

                                and HMS HOTSPUR.

                31st         Shadowed movements of Vichy French destroyers off Moroccan coast.


November              Transferred to 14th Destroyer Flotilla at Alexandria for duty with Fleet In the Eastern


                7th          Joined HM Battleship BARHAM, HM Cruisers BERWICK and GLASGOW with HM

                                Destroyers GALLANT, GREYHOUND and ENCOUNTER in Force "F" for passage to Malta

                                to reinforce Mediterranean Fleet.

                                (Note : Cover for the transit to Malta was provided by Force H. (Operation COAT).


December              Deployed with Fleet in Eastern Mediterranean.


1 9 4 1



                3rd          Screened HM Battleships WARSPITE, VALIANT and BARHAM during bombardment of

                                Bardia with HM Destroyers HEX, GREYHOUND, JUNO and JANUS.

                7th          Joined HM Destroyers JERVIS, JUNO, JANUS,. NUBIAN, MOHAWK, GREYHOUND,

                                GALLANT and DAINTY as screen for HM Battleships WARSPITE and VALIANT as Force


                                Covered passage of military convoy to Piraeus in Eastern Mediterranean after transfer from

                                Force H (Operation EXCESS/ MC4).

                                (Note : Passage of convoys MW5(F), MW5(S) and ME6 between Malta and Egypt was also

                                covered by this Operation).

                10th        Rescued survivors from HMS GALLANT which was mined 25 miles SE of Pantellaria.

                                (Note :Stem portion of HMS GALLANT was later towed to Malta).

                15th        Re-deployed in Red Sea for convoy escort duty.


February                Provided support for military offensive in Italian Somaliland. (0peration CANVAS).


March                    Rejoined Mediterranean for Fleet duties.

                                Part of escort for HMS WARSPITE, HMS VALIANT, HMS BARHAM and HM Aircraft

                                Carrier FORMIDABLE, during offensive sweep in Eastern Mediterranean.

                19th        Deployed with HM Cruiser BONAVENTURE, HM Destroyers GRIFFIN, HAVOCK and

                                HOTSPUR as escort for Convoy MW6 for passage to Malta.

                                Under sustained air attacks during transit.

                20th        Mercantile ss CLAN FERGUSON joined MW6 with HM Cruisers COVEN1RY, CALCUTTA

                                and COVENTRY.

                                On arrival of MW6 in Malta took passage to rejoin Fleet at Alexandria.

                28th        Present at Battle of Matapan as part of screen for Fleet units.

                                Sank Italian destroyers VITTORIO ALFIERI and GIOSUE CARDUCCI with HM Destroyers

                                GREYHOUND and HAVOCK.

                                (See Naval Staff History and MATAPAN by SW Pack).

                29th        Part of screen for Fleet units covering passage of military convoys to Piraeus.

                                (Operation LUSTRE).


April                       Mediterranean Fleet deployment for support of military convoys to Greece in continuation.

                15th        Bombarded Sollum with HM Destroyer STUART (RAN) and HM River Gunboat GNAT

                24th        Escorted Convoy AN29 with HM Destroyers DECOY, HASTY, WATERHEN (RAN) and

                                VENDETTA (RAN).

                                Detached to join HM Cruiser COVENTRY and three other destroyers-as escort for ss

                                PENLAND and ss THIRLAND CASTLE to evacuate troops from Megara near Corinth

                                (Operation DEMON).

                                Under air attacks during which ss PENLAND was sunk.

                                Rescued survivors from PENLAND and detached to Suda Bay.

                                (For details see ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY and Naval Staff History).

                29th        Towed HM Store Carrier GLENEARN from Aida Bay.

                                (Note : Yow was later transferred to HM Sloop GRIMSBY)

                                Returned to Greek coast to assist in rescue of survivors.

                30th        Escorted HM Netlayer PROTECTOR towing damaged submarine HMS ROVER from Suda

                                Bay to Alexandria



                18th        Deployed with Fleet units in support of evacuation from Crete.

                                Embarked allied troops for passage from Suda Bay and Sphakia.

                                (For details of Crete Campaign see THE BATTLE FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN,

                                ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY and Naval Staff History)


June                        On completion of Crete evacuation deployed in support of military operations in Syria against

to                            Vichy French, based at Haifa (Operation EXPORTER)

July                         Bombarded vehicles on road between Haifa and Beirut.

                                Part of escort for cruisers during bombardment near Beirut.

                                (For details see RELUCTANT ENEMIES by W Tute).


August                  Transferred to Alexandria for support of Tobruk garrison.

to                            Deployed for escort of convoys and transport of mail, troops and supplies.

September             Under air attacks during passages.

                                Took part in relief of Australian garrison and replacement by Polish and British troops.

                                (See ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY and Naval Staff History)


October                  Tobruk support in continuation.

                21st         Took part in rescue of personnel from HM River Gunboat GNAT north of Bardia with HM

                                Destroyer JAGUAR.

                                (Note : HMS GNAT had been torpedoed by U99 and badly damaged).

                                Towed HMS GNAT until arrival of tugs off Mersa Matruh.)


November              Deployed with 2nd Destroyer Flotilla for screening of major Fleet units.

                24th        Part of screen for HM Battleships QUEEN ELIZABETH, VALIANT and BARHAM with other

                                Fleet destroyers during search for enemy supply convoys reported on passage to Bengazi. 

                25th        Took part in anti-submarine operation after HMS BARHAM had been sunk by U331.

                                (Note : HMS BARHAM sank in less than 5 minutes with a loss of 862 lives.


December              Deployed with 2nd Destroyer Flotilla for interception of enemy convoys and the bombardment

                                of enemy shore positions at Dena in support of 8th Army advance.

                14th        Took part in rescue of 144 survivors from HM Cruiser GALATEA after she had been torpedoed

                                by U557-

                                (Note :This cruiser sank almost immediately.)

                18th        Carried out operations against human torpedoes at Alexandria after HMS VALIANT and HMS

                                QUEEN ELIZABETH were badly damaged by limpet mines in harbour. See above references.


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                16th        Joined HM Cruiser CARLISLE, HM Destroyers ARROW, HASTY and HERO as escort for

                                Convoy MW8A from Alexandria to Malta (Operation MF3)

                                (Note : This convoy comprised supply ships AJAX and THERMOPYLAE).

                18th        After escort for joint Convoy MW8A/B transferred to Force K returned to Alexandria.

                                Taken in hand for refit


February                On completion resumed Flotilla duties.

                13th        Joined Force B as screen for HM Cruisers DIDO, EURYALUS and NAIAD with HM

                                Destroyers HASTY, ARROW, HAVOC, JAGUAR, JERVIS, KELVIN and KIPLING for

                                cover of Convoy MW9 during passage to Malta and Convoy ME10 from Malta to Egypt.

                                (Operation MF5).

                14th        After Convoy MW9A/B had been overwhelmed and sunk in air attacks returned with Force B to

                                Alexandria as escort for Convoy ME10.

                                (For details of this disastrous attempt to pass a relief convoy to Malta see above references).

                20th        Transferred with HM Destroyers DECOY, HAVOCK, HASTY, HOTSPUR and HERO of

                                Flotilla to Eastern Fleet based in Ceylon.

                                Took passage to Trincomalee with call at Bombay.

                                Under repair at Bombay before joining Eastern Fleet at Colombo.


March                    Joined Fleet for screening duties and convoy defence.

                28th        Allocated to Force B with HM Destroyers ARROW, DECOY, NORMAN, FORTUNE,

                                VAMPIRE (RAN) and SCOUT for screening of HM Aircraft Carrier HERMES, HM

                                Battleships RESOLUTION, REVENGE, ROYAL SOVEREIGN and RAMILLIES, HM

                                Cruisers CALEDON and DRAGON.

                30th        Sailed with Force B ships to intercept Japanese warships in the event of an attack on Ceylon

                                by carrier aircraft operating in Indian Ocean.

                31st         Took part in unsuccessful search operation with ships of Force B in conjunction with Force A



                2nd         Resumed search operation with Force B after refuelling at Addu Atoll.

                to            For details see OPERATION PACIFIC by E Gray and WAR WITH JAPAN (HMSO)


                10th        Passage to Killindini with Force B.

                                (Note : Force B ships were dispersed to East Africa as it was recognised that RN strength in the

                                Indian Ocean was insufficient to prevent Japanese attack on Ceylon).


May                        Deployed on convoy defence in Indian Ocean.

                                Detached with HMS FORTUNE and HMS HOTSPUR to reinforce defence for Malta relief

                                convoy from Alexandria.

                                Took passage To Bombay.

                                Escorted HM Battleship CENTURION to Alexandria.

                                (Note : HMS CENTURION, launched in 1911, had been disguised to resemble a modem

                                KING GEORGE V Class battleship and was to be deployed during Malta relief

                                convoy operation as a decoy

                                (See ENGAGE THE ENEMY MORE CLOSELY)


June                        Called at Massawa on passage to Mediterranean with HMS CENTURION.

                12th        Joined HM Cruisers CLEOPATRA, DIDO, HERMIONE, EURYALUS, ARETHUSA.,

                                COVENTRY, NEWCASTLE and BIRMINGHAM for defence of Convoy MW11 to Malta

                                Operation VIGOROUS).

                                HMS CENTURION was deployed with convoy.

                                See above references and MALTA CONVOYS by R Woodman.

                                (Note : Other destroyers in screen were HM Australian Destroyers NAPIER, NESTOR,

                                NORMAN, NIZAM, HM Destroyers JERVIS, KELVIN, JAVELIN, PAKENHAM,

                                PALADIN, INCONSTANT, SIKH, ZULU, HASTY and HERO, H M Destroyers

                                DULVERTON, EXMOOR, CROOME, ERIDGE, AIREDALE, BEAUFORT,

                                HURWORTH, TETCOTT, ALDENHAM, FORTUNE and HOTSPUR).

                14th        Under series of air attacks which continued after nightfall.

                15th        Threat from superior force of Italian warships was anticipated and convoy was ordered to

                                reverse course.

                                As a result of temporary confusion ships became a sitting target for waiting E-Boats which

                                resulted in sinking of HMS HASTY and damage to HMS NEWCASTLE.

                                Ships again ordered to reverse course towards Malta.

                                After dawn sustained air attacks were renewed which seriously depleted stocks of ammunition

                                and damaged Escort Destroyer HMS AIREDALE had to be sunk.

                                Operation was then abandoned.

                                During return to Alexandria HMS HERMIONE was sunk by U205 and HM Destroyer

                                NESTOR RAN), previously damaged in the air attacks had to be scuttled.

                                For details of this ill directed and ill conceived operation see THE BATTLE FOR


                                CONVOYS and Naval Staff History.


July                         Passage to rejoin Eastern Fleet at Kilindini.

                                Resumed convoy escort duty in Indian Ocean..


August                  Deployed in Indian Ocean for convoy defence and interception.

                                Nominated for refit and conversion for use as an A/S Escort Destroyer.


September             Took part in Eastern Fleet amphibious exercise at Zanzibar.

                                Passage to Freetown.


October                  Joined escort for convoy to Bermuda at Freetown.

                                On release from escort took passage to Southampton.



                2nd         Taken in hand at Southampton for refit and conversion for Anti-Submarine escort duties.

                                (Note : Work done included:

                                Two of the 4.7in gun mountings removed.

                                The forward mouinting was replaced by HEDGEHOG Ahead Throwing A/S

                                mounting and additional Depth Charge facilities were fitted in place of the

                                after gun.

                                Warning radar sets Type 286 and 271 were also added as well as additional 20mm

                                Oerlikon guns for close range AA defence.

                                For details of development of A/S weapons and radar see SEEK AND SRIKE by

                                W. Hackmann and RADAR AT SEA by D Howse).


December              Under refit


1 9 4 3


January                  Under refit

to February



                1st           Transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy.

                20th        Commissioned for service as HMCS GRIFFIN.

                24th        Refit work completed.



                10th        Renamed HM Canadian Destroyer OTTAWA, despite the objection of the captain.

                                (Note : This name had been previously carried by a Canadian destroyer sunk in the

                                Atlantic by a U-Boat in September 1942.)


May                        Worked up at Tobermory for service as Senior Officer's ship in the 5th Canadian

                                Escort Group based at St. John's.

                                Passage to Canada to join Group for Mid-Ocean Escort duty.

                27th        Part of escorted for Convoy HX240.


June                        Mid Ocean escort duty in continuation.

                10th        Formally handed over to Royal Canadian Navy as a gift.


July                         Mid-Atlantic convoy escort in continuation.




1 9 4 4


January                  Mid-Atlantic convoy escort in continuation.



                24th        Escorted Convoy SC153.


March                    Mid-Atlantic convoy escort in continuation.

to                            Nominated for duty in support of allied landings in Normandy.

April                       (Operation NEPTUNE)


May                        Transferred to 11th Canadian Escort Group as Senior Officer's ship.

                                Passage to Plymouth.

                                Joined HM Canadian Destroyers CHAUDIERE, GATINEAU, KOOTENAY and ST



June                        Deployed at Plymouth.

                4th          Carried out anti-submarine operations with Group to prevent any entry of U-Boats into

                                English Channel.

                11th        Transferred to Portsmouth Command to improve protection available for convoys to beach


                                (For details of naval activities prior to and during the invasion see OPERATION NEPTUNE

                                by K Edwards and LANDINGS IN NORMANDY June 1944 (HMSO)).


July                         Channel anti-submarine deployment in continuation.

                6th          Participated in sinking of U678 with HMCS KOOTENAY and HMS STATICE in position

                                50.32N 00.23W. There were no survivors.

                                See U-BOATS DESTROYED by P Kemp.


August                  Re-deployed in SW Approaches and Bay of Biscay for U-Boat interception.

                18th        Participated in sinking of U621 with HMS KOOTENAY and HMCS CHAUDIERE in Bay of

                                Biscay in position 45.52N 0.26W). There were no survivors. See above reference.

                20th        Participated in sinking of U984 with HMCS KOOTENAY and HMCS CHAUDIERE in

                                English Channel in position 48.16N 05.53W). There were no survivors. See above reference.


September             Deployment in English Channel in continuation.


October                  On release from RN control took passage to Canada.

                12th        Taken in hand for refit at St. John's.


November              Under refit.

to December


1 9 4 5


January                  Under refit


February                Rejoined 11th Escort Group at St. John's for convoy defence off Canadian coast.


March                    Convoy defence and support in continuation.

                11th        Sustained structural damage in collision with HMCS STRATFORD during A/S sweep off


                13th        Taken in hand for repair,


April                       Carried out harbour trials

                30th        Resumed convey defence duties.


May                        After VE Day nominated for trooping duties.


June                        Deployed to carry Canadian servicemen back to Canada from UK.


P o s t   W a r   N o t e s


HMCS OTTAWA (ii) was paid off on 31st October 1945 at Sydney, NS on completion of trooping duties and placed on the Disposal List. She was sold in August 1946 to the International Iron and Metal Co. for breaking up after a particularly extensive and distinguished record of operational service in WW2.






by Don Kindell


Date convoy         Joined convoy            Convoy No.          Left convoy           Date convoy

sailed                     as escort                                                                                arrived


07/09/39                       13/09/39                 GREEN 1               16/09/39                 18/09/39

28/09/39                       28/09/39                 GREEN 3               03/10/39                 07/10/39

30/09/39                       05/10/39                 BLUE 003              08/10/39                 11/10/39

23/10/39                       08/11/39                 SL 006                    10/11/39                 10/11/39

11/04/40                       13/04/40                 NP 001                   15/04/40                 15/04/40

10/08/40                       11/08/40                 ZA                         unknown               19/08/40

29/03/41                       29/03/41                 GA 008                  31/03/41                 31/03/41

29/12/41                       29/12/41                 TA 007/M             31/12/41                 31/12/41

03/01/42                       03/01/42                 AT 011/M             07/01/42                 07/01/42

11/01/42                       11/01/42                 AT 016/M             14/01/42                 14/01/42

07/09/42                       07/09/42                 CF 005                   10/09/42                 10/09/42

30/09/42                       02/10/42                 CF 005B                 03/10/42                 14/10/42


(Note on Convoys)



revised 31/7/08


further editing and formatting is needed, but the data is being made available without delay


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