View Full Version : "Intelligence Insulting" President

10-17-2012, 08:36 AM
"Intelligence Insulting" President (October 17, 2012)

If the presidential debate last night proved anything at all, it most certainly proved that the Typical Dem Tactic of Feigning being Offended when accused of obviously lying or even worse,...actually Works Quite Well.

The Moderator also letting President off-the-hook and get away with deceptively pretending to be: "Greatly Offended", was also quite helpful.

Both sure stopped Romney's hard questioning about when President Obama FINALLY permitted his spokespeople to call The Well Planned, Heavily Armed and Forwarned Benghazi Embassy Attack by Radical Islamic Terrorists just that, or what TRULY & ACTUALLY was.

NOOOOOO...any of you voters suckered now as before by How Dare You Ever Question Me: "His Barackness", "Dem Messiah" or any other; "Holier Than Thou" Democrat Political Supremacists and their supportively echoing each other press and pundits.

"Benghazi-gate" or an obvious political cover-up had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with any movie.

No movie that: "No one ever saw" caused The Benghazi Embassy Attack and Murder of Four American Citizens, as President Obama, Administration and supporters concertedly echoed for about TWO WEEKS,...obviously done so TO POLITICALLY PROTECT an Inept Ruler and his similarly Inept Political Appointees from voter wrath, come the November election.

Besides, didn't anyone else see The Prez addressing The UN and some of his obedient underlings repeatedly calling the attack on Benghazi Embassy EVERYTHING ELSE BUT...A Very Well Preplanned Terrorist Attack, for about 2 weeks?

I certainly did. That too as on many other Actually Dictated (since usually bypassing Congress on such matters, policies and issues) was typical flat-out-lying for political gain, and Absolutely Intelligence Insulting to All We Americans.

AKA: N.R. Filidei / www.wowcopy.com

10-17-2012, 02:22 PM
Unfortunately it's not the popular vote of the people that elects the President/Commander & Chief of America but the Electoral College the has the vote that counts and as of today, the current poles show BHO 25 Electoral College votes ahead of Romney. BHO has the votes where it counts so we can look for four more years of bliss, a.k.a. stupidity in the administration of what used to be the most influential nation in the world.
BTW Acorn got the Electoral Collage elected but at least the people had the pleasure of gettin' rid of that Nancy b-tch in the House. Look for a Republican House and Senate which might be the only hope. Never before have I clamed to be either Democrat or Republican but BHO has changed my mind today.

10-17-2012, 06:47 PM
Matters not how BHO II or Jr. similarly deceives, lies and buys his way back into office, or even if such an American tragedy were helped by The Electoral College, Stick.

If that Marxist(?) or Muslim(?) "Plant" (or both?) and handlers sucker Americans or further corrupt the system into giving him another 4 years of Power & Control,...we'uns ALL aire in deep do-do.

Even if Republicans get control of the U.S. Senate and retain control of The House, old Barry or Barack has already shown (and often enough) just how well he can bypass the entire U.S. Congress with that: "Executive Privilege" thingy. He even brags about it.

Just imagine what dictates we peasants (both civilian & military) will be forced to suffer by: "Executive Order",...if: "His Barackness" no longer has to be concerned or worry about dictating policies that obviously DISGUST The American Electorate, Stick?

That's one-helluva-scarey scenario, and sort-of like once was in old pre-WWII Germany.

Sure hope and pray such never comes to be here in Good Old US of A.


10-18-2012, 11:06 AM
About those 160 or better branches nationwide of ACORN Democrat Community Organizers or Dem Vote Getters ANYWAY POSSIBLE (illegally fictitious, multiple, bogus voter registries and otherwise) you touched on before, Stick,...we TRUE patriotic, honorable and concerned Americans need not worry about Despicable ACORN anymore.

All such ACORN branches just deceptively changed their names like American Communist Party long ago changed their organizational name to America's Labor Party, Workers United for America, Progressives and such.

Such was wisely done to dupe most Liberty & Freedom Loving Americans into stupidly accepting A Quite Nationally Subjugating Communism, Marxism or Socialism here, as if no threat.

Whatever, such Nationally Dangerous Organizations just like leopards cannot change their spots,...no matter how such Political Supremacists & Total Control types rename selves.
