View Full Version : My LTC

05-15-2002, 08:34 AM
Got the address of my bitnam Squadron Cdr. and wrote him a note , mostly to see if he remembered me after 31 years. He wrote back that he did. " Yes I remember you well. One always remembers those leaders who dare to be different and have the courage to use their individual character for the benefit of their men, but always getting the job done. I recall the young lieutentant who refused to wear a steel pot or a vest and always had a string of beads around his neck. If you are evey passing through Austin , Tx you will always be welcome in this house". This is from the same guy that told me , while my Plt was guarding the TOC, " I don't give a ##$% how you set the Plt. up to guard the TOC LT, your the #$% Plt leader - but if we get hit tonight , at first light when I look out of the bunker the first thing I better see is your body on the wire" Made me very proud that he remembers me and the men of my platoon after all these years. Welcome home !!

05-15-2002, 12:17 PM
I am glad you found your CO. It appears he is like us and has mellowed a bit. Go see him if you get a chance.

05-15-2002, 04:22 PM
Just another example of what a class act you are,Lt.:D

05-15-2002, 08:29 PM
We didn't need no stinking helmets or vests. We could have worked well together. Except you 9th guys spent too much time playing in the mud.

Stay healthy,