View Full Version : Pat Condell talks about bin Laden's death

09-13-2011, 03:20 PM
The British Commentator discusses the ass-whopping
Osama got. The last minute is hilarious. This guy is good.


09-14-2011, 06:23 AM
Pat Condell most certainly proves that: "More truth is said in jest than anyway else",...even about America's Phony Allies & other of Obama's Favored People & Ideologies.


09-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Your: "This guy is good",...greatly understates.

Hell, if I had the power I would make it mandatory that all national policy swayers/makers/controllers or wealthy: "Talking Heads" ("Pin Heads" also) of government, officialdom, lobbyists & other big political contributors (bipartisan) & press/media (bipartisan also)LISTENED to Pat Condell,...over & over & over.

Granted, forcing such common sense on all will never help typical self/clique-serving/aggrandizing phonies mend their ways & be quite differently: "Duty, Honor, Country" foremost, instead.

But hell,...you never know? Maybe some of Our Betters might truly: "Change" for The Good?
Betcha: "America's Finest" and/or U.S. Military would certainly appreciate that. ;);)
