View Full Version : "Biggest of Political Lies EVER".

09-17-2011, 10:35 AM
I hate to breaking it to most all-knowing (Yeah, sure?) ruling elite authoritarians & their largely rubber-stamping press/media. But longtime: "Fixing Social Security" is Biggest of Political Lies EVER. Why not just differently or HONESTLY inform The Public about such, for-a-change?

After all, ever since LBJ (re. President Johnson) & cohorts long ago unilaterally took Social Security out of Trust Fund status & placed same in the General Fund to be cavalierly squandered or selectively misused by politicians as most all other monies there are,...isn't realistically: "Fixing Social Security" while in General Fund DAMN-NEAR-IMPOSSIBLE???

Still, our pompous rulers longtime & continuously gifting our lifelong contributions to F.I.C.A. for retirement (by both American Workers & Employers 50/50 equally) to EVEN Criminal Illegal Aliens here,...actually makes that longtime lordly misuse of publicly saved monies or slap-in-the-face to The American Citizenry, even worse.

Besides Democrat/Socialist/Marxist/Progressive Ruling Elite believing selves gods, those pompous yokels actually believe IT'S THEIR MONIES being quite lordly & selectively toyed with, as if merely Monopoly Money. Well, it's not. It's YOUR/MINE/OUR Real Money, Citizens.

But then, and since most all seem fairly content (Public outrage over quite lordly rule in America is usually next to nil.) worldwide mocking absurdities &: "Sharing The Wealth" with even foreign nations & nationals (legals, illegals & enemies inclusive),...why should I or any others deemed lessers & average Americans bitch or moan & complain?

Wouldn't it be much better just accepting our omnipotent rulers' Preferred Desires & Wishes, just as most all other docile & obedient American Sheep or Subjects here normally do,...or just like those other fearful of authority schnooks in The Old Soviet Union once did?

Yes, "Pilgrims". American politicos (bipartisan) have also longtime proved the reality (just like Old Soviet Rulers once did) that public: "Ignorance IS Bliss" FOR EVERYONE (especially for rulers). Plus that Political Dictates are & have always been pretty-much universal.

Besides, if both our typically Trustworthy (tee-hee) ruling elite & Totally Honest & Non-Biased (another tee-hee) press keep concertedly telling us that: "This is America & such could never happen here",...there's really nothing to worry about. IS THERE,...fools or suckers??

If I'm not too far-fetched or wrong and things actually keep getting worse & more dictatorial day after day or just keep: "Going-down-to-hell-in-a-handbasket" here in America,...just dial 911.

When: "(IT) hits the fan" forget about calling Attorney General Holder, Secretary of State Clinton or even their Boss, King or Emperor Obama for any help or justice. All alluded to are actually part of clique & actual reason why most all of We Americans are currently in deep do-do. "Don't m-a-a-a-ke a w-a-a-a-ve (punchline of an old joke)".

Besides, people should always trust cops over politicians & political appointees, ANY DAY of The Week. Besides logic & common sense proving such,...so does history.

AKA: N.R. Filidei / www.wowcopy.com