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Andy 12-12-2003 09:27 AM

Oh Yeah
Dan, Top 10 List Whitey Bulger's little brother has resigned from U. Mass but we are now paying him a 6 digit retirement. He did make me smile when he made the other 49 states pay "their share", 10 Billion for the Big Dig - thank you other states. Neil mentioned high property taxes in Jersey, how do you like your bill? Plus they are really nailing us with inflated sewer and water bills. $1200 a year for a family of two seems a bit high.

Niel, I know you pay a lot in your state for the schools, what with all the third world "special needs" students, it's a the mess. However I thought Conn. paid the most per student and our state was second, maybe that has changed but trust me, we are right up there with you.

One of the tactics the schools use around here to get what they want is to threaten to cut out all sports and do away with advanced studies for high school students. They never do away with all the people who word in the administration building of course. When working on contracts for our department in past years I've gone over the school budget, sort of a compare and contrast. The fat in the school budget was leaking out everywhere.

California may well be in a much more serious situation. However if you have 1 teacher for 25 students and one administrator for ever 4 teacher the system is screwed up and the job could be done for a lot less. And as far as special needs - both my father and father-in-law didn't speak English when they started school, both were productive members of society who were never on welfare. Come here, learn the language.

Stay healthy,

reconeil 12-12-2003 04:17 PM

...YOU GOT THAT RIGHT Friend!!! Immigrate to France,...and you better learn French just to survive. Immigrate to Germany,...and you better learn German just to get-along. In fact, immigrate anywhere on earth (America excluded),...and one best learn the lingo of the land PERIOD.

Still, one must think it quite stupidly strange that our political rulers pretty-much dictate that: "We The (Schnooks)", The American Taxpayer and/or The Vast Majority MUST PAY TOTALLY for such an absurd and irrational multi-lingual nonsense, such as is common in Hong Kong ALSO.

But then, and in fairness,...what else should one expect from a politically dictatorial and/or big brother type system of governance? Besides rulers always rule, and Good Subjects always vote, accept dictates, just do as told in general,...and just cheer-on their new (possibly?) lords and masters every 2, 4 or 6 years.

Fortunately for foreigners and minorities (here legally or otherwise), our meaningless and/or: "Lesser of two evils" voting system doesn't usually effect "Them" very much. After all, "They" certainly achieve more and gain more by their normalcies of lying, deceiving and protesting,...than PAYING FOR EVERYTHING FOOLS will ever get back from big brother,...even if same voters vote TWICE everytime. Sad, but true.

Neil :d: :b:

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