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the humper 11-17-2003 11:31 AM

I have a strong variance from you. Don't know of too many females that could undertake a two mile hump, also a lot of males, the same. But regardless wouldn't won't to be put in that position, with either, and then have a politically correct discussion, which would be the best, while they are trying to kill you. No time for PC, just immediate action!!!

Mom 11-17-2003 12:11 PM

Basically I'd say most mother's (and fathers) don't want their children in direct combat, male or female, because they ARE THEIR BELOVED CHILDREN. I'd feel the same if my daughter was a son. As anyone would feel.....worried about their safety. I love my daughter and DON'T want a hair on her head mussed or any other part of her hurt in anyway shape or form.

That, however, isn't my call. It's hers.

By the way humper....if my daughter wants figure out how to avoid combat I'd support her 100%! I haven't been there done that but I don't need to have been to know it's not nice! Only once was I in a situation where an armed person was about to harm someone and that was once to many! Can't imagine more then once....scary stuff! Passed out once I took his knife away and called the cops and he was in custody.

But, it's her call and I don't think she will refuse to go. I wouldn't. Weird to say it but, I would. Shaking in my boots. Throwing up as well probably. But needs must somethimes.

the humper 11-17-2003 01:47 PM

You've got another 100% added to that if she has to make that decision. As I to would have liked to have been in a situation to make a decision, but when they say GO, you go, and I hope she is never in that position as pertains to combat. And too, at that time I was that kid you're referring too and believe me my mother raised as much cane as any mother could. And let me try to clarify, somewhat, the prior post. I don't care what gender, ethnic, religion or any other group they might be classified as. Wether they are 4ft. l, or 6ft 7, if they can't do the job, then they should not be in that position.
Luck to your daughter, and I'll be thinking of her!!!!!!!

Mom 11-17-2003 02:23 PM

unfortuneatly she is able to do the job. VERY able. A fully trained Military Police Woman with some of the scariest extras....2 black belt, can hit the broadside of a barn with any pretty much any weapon (hand held plus) the military has, can find her way out of a paper bag blindfolded.....and flatten anyone in about 5 seconds. Without working up a sweat. Has stuff on her shoulder that most men would envy (braid and patch given for training and excellence).

A nice sweet and pretty woman as well. Not just my opinion, her husband and son think so too.

AND being a mother I'd like to keep her safe and no reason to work up a sweat would be nice... very nice.

philly 11-17-2003 09:41 PM


I'm not sure why the MP's aren't receiving hazardous pay in Iraq. In '89, all of us MP's were paid hazardous duty pay. Things change...cut backs, cut backs, cut backs.. :d: :d:

My God keep her close and out of harms way. :a:

the humper 11-18-2003 02:25 AM

& Phil. M, reads from your description that the lady is very well qualified for duty assigned to her. Phil, in the arena I was in, due to the terrain and topography the MP's, that I saw once, maybe twice, were at least 15 miles from the front lines and combat. But with what they are facing today, they are right in the middle of it. And certainly due whatever the pay regulations require.

philly 11-18-2003 03:46 AM

Yeah Humper,

Today, we are often fighting our enemies in urban locations. During the Panama Invasion, some MP's were assigned to the Infantry. I was assigned to the 82nd Airborne MP's & Infantry. We were paid $110.00 a month for hazardous pay.

Mom 11-18-2003 06:48 AM

Well, that's what my daughter was told she'd get As for cousin was there K9. I never asked if he got hazardous pay. Do know my daughter didn't get it in Korea. A couple of barroom fights and a riot was all she mentioned as having caused a momnet of "oh, my God!" The rest was , other then a very nasty incedent, the usual.

Never mind. Right now I just feel a bit "once bitten twice shy" about my daughter and the rest of my family. Read my post under Civil Service and.... IF it's still there. And maybe you'll understand why I don't like the people I care about being discussed much. Except by caring people.

the humper 11-18-2003 11:26 AM

What outlandish extravagance!!!!!!!!!!! A whole $110.00, Man talk about inflation. We got a grand sum of $10.00 and it was called Combat Pay as opposed to the term used when you were speaking of!!!

philly 11-18-2003 08:52 PM


You're too funny. Even $110 dollars combat pay wasn't much. I believe they did call it combat pay even in my day.

Thanks Humper for your service to our country. :a:

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