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judyvillecco 08-19-2002 09:17 PM

Keep talking vet girl. Your many generals nowdays are on the front line. Most of them send others to the front lines and sit in the safe distance fron the bloody action. I agree Murph many Col wives think they have rank when they have none but Vet girl you have your story and you have your pain and I personally am honored to hear from you and yours. I personally don't care to hear from the Colonels wives who like their titles or like to pull rank. I was molested by a colonel and have no respect for that kind. Haven't met many I do respect. Grunts now...I can relate to vetgirl. They went when the call went out but where are the Generals now...talking about 'stolen valor!' Seems like the pot calling the kettle to me. Don't think they have that right unless they've been where Bud Day was. Now theirs a Colonel I'll salute any time but he doesn't demand it. He's so humble and such a gentleman and his wife is such a lady. I worked in the office next door for years and didn't even know about him for several years when I first moved here. That's how unassuming they are. They are real sweet people.

judyvillecco 08-19-2002 09:52 PM

Coffees on... You will find Sparrow that if you quit defending and telling and share your brothers burden, both of you will walk a little straighter. Just a thought. Who are you Sparrow? I don't want to know who you are defending. Want a cup of coffee?

philly 08-20-2002 08:27 PM

Hello All,

I am new to this forum. I just wanted to say "Hello". I found some of your discussions rather interesting.

I hope you ladies have a great evening.


sfc_darrel 08-20-2002 09:00 PM


You're not censored. They don't do that here.

Our screen name, since we both post under it, is sfc_darrel. Darrel retired after 24 years in the Army. We have a son and daughter in law serving in the Air Force, enlisted, and a son, enlisted Navy.

Darrel's answer when an officer walked past and asked why he was talking to himself... It's the only intelligent conversation I get around here, sir.

Joy ;)

judyvillecco 08-22-2002 05:55 AM

Thanks for posting Philly and welcome sit down and have some coffee and chat. Welcome! Yes we do get interesting I think. Join in!

judyvillecco 08-22-2002 05:59 AM

patting a fellow on his back is the best way to get a chip off his shoulder. Also acknowledging his point of view I might add. Coffee's brewing but Joy I think Darrell will acknowledge surely there are others as intelligent as he and worthy of conversation. Now what are your thoughts? Darrell can speak for himself. How do you feel being a military wife and mom. What about vetgirls wounded veteran? How do you feel about that? Have a cup of coffee.

Stick 08-22-2002 10:24 AM

Since only the "Super Moderator" (guilty as charged, Your Honor) have the ability to change, freeze or delete post I take a little offense to the accusations of censorship. It just doesn't happen unless. Unless there is terribly gross language that would be offensive to anybody. Unless there is mis-spelling that changes the intent of the post. Unless, you the poster, ask me to change, delete, or freeze a post, and at that I will review the post for the contributors answers and if they have merit, the post will remain. If there is nothing but insults and arguments going on, then I might freeze the post but leave it there just to let everybody realize how foolish the human condition can get. I feel in my heart that we are all family here and sometimes family can hurt family but the love for family remains. That is what brought us here in the first place and to my family I want to let you know that all of you are welcome here in my room while I enjoy your company. Don't accuse me of changing your words or I'll turn off my hearing aid and stop listening to you.
Oh! Hey, I forgot. I drink my coffee black. Could somebody get me a cup?

judyvillecco 08-22-2002 07:47 PM

You got it Little John! Welcome!One black coffee coming up! Come on in and join us, I tend to start off with little sayings or quotes or stories and anyone can join in, My thought for tonight is Learn from the mistakes made by others. You won't live long enough to make them all yourself. I have been generally talking about heros and feelings, whatever's on your mind and I like your answer Little John about censorship and hope you can help keep us on track. I hope not to shut anyone up here as it is a place to unwind and you have been a most hospitable host. I also wish to STOP an old controversy that seems to go on and on and will say I do NOT BELIEVE YOU ARE CENSORING US. iN VET GIRLS defense I think she has just begun to speak out and has seen the licking I have taken on other posts,,,"family squabbling" and fears some of the same but I hope she speaks for herself I for one try to speak to the few new women who post and encourage their friendship as it gets lonesome here and vetgirl is my friend and has a sweet and good heart. I'm sure we all mean good but like you say.....Thank you for joining in. Hope you join us more!

judyvillecco 08-22-2002 08:26 PM

vetgirl and nang
Why won't Duke go to his reunion with his military buddies?Have any of them contacted him?

Nang I hope you come back and talk about your heart which seems so tender and sensitive to others. How is your child that is away, Hopefully your reunited by now and the news is good. Perhaps you could talk about the pain in the mothers heart for her child that is stationed in harms way and the prayers and worry that fill our hearts with every report. Many nights I have been unable to sleep but instead of counting sheep I prayed so for my child in pain, tears staining the pillow until sleep found me.I awoke the next day with the same ache in my heart. Only safety and seeing relief in my childs eyes allowed me to feel relief. Thinking about you tonight and other mothers. Perhaps its because in a few weeks is the anniversary deaths of two of the most important women in my mother and maternal grandmother. Both died in September! Both were my best friends!

judyvillecco 08-24-2002 10:41 PM

The difference between a conviction and a prejudice is that you can explain a conviction without getting angry. Coffees good any takers? Aristotle once said without friends, no one would choose to live, though he had all other goods. Welcome friends!

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