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SEATJERKER 05-10-2005 03:17 AM

National POW/MIA Flag,...
...I'm working on bringing the National POW/MIA Flag to the Flag Day parade of Troy New York, on the 12th of June 2005,...

...I've been in contact with Mr. Tim Rowe who runs the program, and hopefully I can get it done as the scheduling of it is tight,...

...The Flag is 60'X 30', and it "is a tribute to all our Veterans past, present, and future", I only hope I can get it done,...

...Troy's Flag day parade is the LARGEST in the Nation, and it is only fitting for the Largest POW/MIA flag to be there also. Troy being the "HOME OF UNCLE SAM" rightfully holds it place in American history, and as such, I hope to bestow the Honor to the men, and women that have served our Nation from her, We have two Medal of Honor receipients from here, and I am proud to say I'm from here,...



Chevelle 05-10-2005 12:14 PM

...Here at work,...

...All present, but not mentally accounted for :xx: ,...

...Had to add John's dancing banana to see if it's all there,...



Chevelle 05-11-2005 04:15 AM


...Tim called me last night, and agreed to send me the National POW/MIA flag for display at the "Troy Flag day parade" on the 12th of June 2005,...

...I have a lot of arranging to do as it may only be displayed in the proper manner, not allowed to be carried as people throw money into it etc, along with the weight (98 lbs.), I'm sure it would take a lot of able bodied persons to try, but this parade is almost 2.5 miles long, and I'll post up the marchers later, The National Marine Corps Band will be headlining also,...

...To do something of this magnitude for the Men, and women that have been POW/MIA's from all over brings me a great sense of pride, and patriotism, but more importantly, it will bring the plight of those to the fore front again that have been forgotten,...

..."We will never forget"

..."Welcome Home",...


...I wish I could have been there with you then,...


David 05-11-2005 04:27 AM

That's outstanding! Hope you have pictures to show us afterward :)

DMZ-LT 05-11-2005 04:42 AM

Ya done good Curtis !

Doc.2/47 05-11-2005 06:30 AM

Yep.You're a good man,Curtis.

Boats 05-11-2005 06:46 AM

Get some pictures - as per Doc above - I second that - your a good man.

Stick 05-11-2005 02:17 PM

Hand salute, Curtis. Ya done good. Stand proud troop.

sn-e3 05-11-2005 02:31 PM

Good job curtis you da man. don't forget I want a raffle ticket again this year.

Andy 05-11-2005 05:41 PM

Very impressive! Think I'll take a drive west of here on June 12th. Where will the flag be? PM if you like.

Stay healthy,

Arrow 05-11-2005 06:05 PM

You did good Curtis! :32:

Tina 05-11-2005 10:13 PM

you did good Curtis.. i am like everyone else hope to see some pics..
love ya
Your friend and God Bless,

SEATJERKER 05-12-2005 02:50 AM

...Troy is located a few miles North of Albany New York,(which is the Capitol for those that didn't know),...

I-87 to exit 23, and north on 787, for those that are coming plan on getting into the city EARLY as they cut the city in half, and shut down 4th street, the streets are lined with people by 10:00 am stacking out their spots, and some have had their same spots for umpteen years, and DON'T DARE MOVE ANYONE'S LAWN CHAIR, :D :D :D , , South Troy has had the motto, "South Troy against the world" for years, and they mean it, even having it printed up on tee-shirts, and distributing them around the neighborhoods,( a strange lot we are),...

...I pulled it off, but there is still a lot of work on the "gittin' it done stage to do here, arranging the rigging, and spanner, ??crane, or fire trucks,(workin' on the city, still have to speak to the "planning co-ordinater" as no one knew I was going to do this, ( I didn't know I was gonna do this as I thought about it last year, but it was too late in planning, just sort of ""fell"" into place this year, and I'm wingin' things as usual),...

... I spilled the beans yeasterday when I got the news, and I think I have cause quite a stir as now as this is a whole new ballgame for the city, and the parade, it's like a hockey game breaking out at a boxing match, but ya'll know me, I never do things small, or correct, just try to get it done flyin' by the seat of me britches,...

..., this will bring the attention needed again to our brothers in arms that didn't make it home,...


...Cris,... raffle tickets are available, I haven't gotten any yet, $30.00 again,... will list them out when I get a chance, OCT is a long /short wait,...


Chevelle 05-16-2005 10:26 AM

Have pics,...
...somebody send me a fax number I can fax over the picture to, and if they can post it to the forum,...


MORTARDUDE 05-17-2005 06:52 AM

Curtis :

Good for you. Why did you did change your name on PF ?


Chevelle 05-17-2005 11:53 AM

...I didn't, my home computer still has SEATJERKER, I figured out how to log on at work,...


MORTARDUDE 05-17-2005 01:51 PM

You shoud be able to use the same name anywhere on the planet, even Alabama, at least that is how it works for me ... LOL


Tina 05-17-2005 04:16 PM

i can log in from anywhere too.. you just have to put in your use name and password..

SEATJERKER 05-17-2005 04:59 PM

...I didn't want to go through the "finding" of my password, and having a different e-mail address at work stuff, it didn't work,...

...simplest way for me was just to re-register, with sub title,...


SEATJERKER 05-27-2005 01:50 PM


..."I GOT CRANE",...

...took me a while but I have secured a crane from a company called

..."Saxton Sign Corp" out by where I work, called today after trying three other companys, where the one from "Troy crane" reallly irked me by saying "I can let you have it for $500.00 a day for the 2 days, I wanted to tell him to PHUCK OFF, but my professionalism kept me at bay,...

...(not saying the rest of you can't call him and tell him exactly how you feel)...

...Ed Vigiant, and Mike Kellog of Saxton sign corp said yes, on the first call, my dealership "Fuccillo Chevrolet" of East Greenbush is paying the shipping, and air freight back to South Bend, so all I got to do is buy the rope, and the "spleandor board, or 32' of pipe to suspend it,...

... It will be up on the morning of the 11th of June, and the 12th, the day of the parade,...


MORTARDUDE 05-27-2005 02:13 PM

What is the history behind this flag ? Thanks.


Arrow 05-27-2005 04:05 PM

:ae: Proud of the way you're movin' brother!

SEATJERKER 05-28-2005 06:12 PM

The history of the POW/MIA Flag
In 1971, Mrs. Michael Hoff, An MIA wife,nd member of the National league of families recognised the need for a symbol of our POW/MIA's.

Promped by an article in the Jacksonville Florida times union Mrs Hoff contacted Norman Rivkees, Vice President of Annin& company which made the banner for the newest member of the United nations, The Peoples republic of china, as a part of thir policy to provide flags to all United nations member states.

Mrs. hoff found Mr. Rivkees to be very sympathetic to the POW/MIA issue. he along with Annin's advertising agency, designed a flag to represent our missing men. Following League approval, the flags were manufactured for distribution.

On March 9th 1989, an official flag whichflew over the White House in 1988 on National POW/MIA reconition day, was installed in the U.S. Capitol rotunda as a result of legislation passed overwhemingly during the 106th congress. In a demonstration of bi-partison Congressional support, the leadership of both houses hosted the installation ceremony.

The league's POW/MIA flag is the only flag displayed in the U.S. Capitol rotunda- where it will stand as a powerful symbol of national commitment to America's POW-MIAs until the fullest possible accounting has been achieveed fo the U.S. military personnel still missing and unaccounted for from the Vietnam War.

On August 10, 1990 the 101st Congress passed U.S. Public law 101-355, which recognized the League's POW-MIA flag and designated it as "the symbol of our nation's concern and commitment to resolve as fully as possible the fates of Americans still held prisoner or missing in Southeast Asia - thus ending the uncertainty for their families and the nation.

The importance of the League's POW-MIA flag lies in it's continued visibility - a constant reminder of the plight of America's POW-MIAs.

With the passage of section 1082 of the 1998 Defense Authorization Act during the first term of the 105th Congress, the League's POW-MIA flag, will be flown each year on Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, National POW-MIA Recognition Day, and Veteran's Day on the grounds or in the public lobbies of major military installations as designated by the Secretary of Defense, all Federal national cemeteries, the National Korean War Veterans Memorial, the National Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the White House, the U.S. Postal Service Offices, and at the official offices of the Secretaries of State, Defense and Veterans Affairs, and the offices of the Director of the Selective Service System.

The new POW/MIA flag is a replacement of the 20'X30' POW/MIA flag that is now protected in a climate controled vault in the Massachusetts commonwealth Musuem in Boston,...

..."Welcome Home',...


Chevelle 06-01-2005 09:45 AM

...I have secured a "spot" right across from the reviewing stand right on 4th street at the Franklin Plaza for the National POW/MIA flag,...

...right across from the "Time Warner "film crew will be set up,...

...the 11th, and 12th is approaching fast,...


DMZ-LT 06-01-2005 10:34 AM

Your doing good , Curtis. Thank You. Don't forget the pic's ! :xx:

SEATJERKER 06-02-2005 06:36 PM

...hello Texas WE HAVE A PROBLEM,...


...seems that there is a problem about "WHERE" the placement of the National POW/ MIA flag is being postioned,...

...As the "CITY OF TROY" couldn't make room around the parking area already reserved for the the prominents at "riverfront park" in Troy by the "Uncle Sam monument" because the crane will take up all of 3, yes three parking spots, plus out riggers, they basicly told me to "FIND" my own place to put it, I DID, which is by thee grace of the "Franklin Plaza" which the owners of this private ownership gladly said yes, BUT IT SEEMS THAT IT MIGHT BE IN THE BACKDROP OF THE FILMING CREW FROM """TIME WARNER""" WHO IS THE LOCAL CABLE CHANNEL UP HERE AS THEY FILM THE PARADE, becouse where they are filming is next to the reviewing stand, and """"""""""""""IT""""""""""""" might be in the whole way unless I """""Jack"""""" """""IT""""" up high so it won't be seen in the backround,....

...when the """private""" owner's of Franklin Plaza today said they would be glad to have it there as they are """"""""""Very patriotic":""""", I was in 7th heaven thinking that it would be the highlight of this years parade, however tonight the call I recieved stated that """"the """"parade committee"" has to/ or the final say on all issues, blah, blah, blah,...


sn-e3 06-02-2005 06:55 PM

Curtis take a swig of tabbasco sauce before getting in the mayors face. he won't mess with you once you breathe on him.

1CAVCCO15MED 06-02-2005 09:26 PM

What a bunch of crap. What do they think Flag Day is all about , anyway?

SEATJERKER 06-03-2005 03:38 AM

....I'm going to wait until I hear from the "comittee" before I vent,...

...It's not the "work" that I have put into this that ticks me off, it's the way they presented it back to me,"that the National POW /MIA flag would be in the backdrop of the filming of the parade constantly throughout the filming",...

...I'll post up as it ""UNFOLDS",......... yes pun intended,...

...Chris, It's not the Mayor's fault, His office has been with me all the way trying to help out, It's the "higher ups" from the Parade planning, and comittee chairman as of yesterday,...

...I know I pulled a rabbit out of my hat getting this done as I didn't know how to do it, so flying by the seat of my pants, I did it as per the aquiring, and donations for equiptment, etc, but yea, I didn't go by the usual format, (what soldier does :D ) I just thought it would be a shot in the arm for all the Veterans, and the City,...

...To Be Continued,...


SEATJERKER 06-04-2005 12:54 AM

POW/MIA flag to honor missing vets at parade
By: Robert Cristo, The Record06/04/2005

TROY - A five-story flag honoring U.S. prisoners of war and servicemen missing in action, will be on display at the culmination point of next week's Flag Day Parade.

The National Prisoner of War, Missing in Action flag is expected to hang just across from the parade viewing stand at Franklin Plaza on Fourth Street, according to Troy resident William Giles, who is junior vice commander of the Rev. Francis A. Kelley Jr. chapter of Disabled American Veterans.
Giles, an Air Force veteran, is the man behind bringing the 60-foot by 30-foot flying tribute to veterans past, present and future.
As someone with many ties to veterans of the Armed Forces, Giles said he felt compelled to bring attention to the thousands of military men and women who shed their blood overseas, some never returning home to enjoy the freedoms they helped protect.
Today, there is one American still missing from Operation Desert Storm, and more than 1,800 from the Vietnam War, as well as more than 8,100 from the Korean War and 78,000 from World War II.
"Being that we have the largest Flag Day parade in the nation and that this is the home of Uncle Sam, I thought it would be fitting to bring this flag and pay tribute to all those missing soldiers," said Giles, a manager at Fuccillo Chevrolet in East Greenbush.
"It also brings this issue to the forefront of people's minds again, because we can't ever forget them (POW/MIA) or leave them behind," he added.
The flag was first created in 1971 when the wife of a man missing in action recognized the need for a symbol of soldiers whose status was never determined.
The flag is black with the silhouette of a man in the foreground and a watchtower with guard holding a rifle, a strand of barbed wire and the words, "You are Not Forgotten," emblazoned in white across the bottom.
The flag is flown on the grounds or in the public lobbies of major military installations, all federal National Cemeteries, war memorials, as well as, public events like Troy's Flag Day Parade.
Giles says the 100-pound flag is flown at events all across the country at a cost of only the shipping of about $120, which Fuccillo Chevrolet paid for. Other area businesses chipped in to provide help in properly flying the flag.
"It's one of those things (the flag) that's owned by no one and everyone at the same time," said Giles. "The flag is a tribute to everyone who has ever served to protect our way of life and didn't make it back home."
Due to the flag's size and strict rules on how it is to be displayed, Giles received some help from Saxton Signs, in Castleton, which donated the crane necessary to properly fly the flag.
The owners of Franklin Plaza also donated the space needed to display the flag.
However, with the big event less than 10 days away, the president of the Flag Parade Committee, Bill Rezey, said Thursday he hadn't received much contact from Giles about the POW/MIA flag and was wasn't sure if it would show up.
But the flag organization's Director Tim Rowe said not to worry because the flag is scheduled to be shipped to Troy via United Parcel Service by this Wednesday.
He also says that judging from past experience, the flag's scale and message should have a profound effect on those who attend this year's parade.
"When you see the flag 70 feet up in the air, it has a great impact in people," said Rowe, over the phone from Sound Bend, Ind. "I think it really grabs people's attention and makes them think."
Giles is looking for volunteers to help him set up and take down the flag. Anyone interested in assisting can call Giles at his job at 477-7941.

?The Record 2005

QM3steve 06-04-2005 02:58 AM

All the right strings are pulled. It sounds like it's a done deal. Is this right?

Chevelle 06-04-2005 03:57 AM

Done deal,...
...As far as the National POW / MIA flag getting here, ALL DONE,...

...As far as getting the positioning, and getting it up in place etc, and , and , and, I'm still flying by the seat of the skivies,...

...The article in the Troy record newspaper does show the logo of the POW /MIA, and it is the headline on page one,...



urbsdad6 06-04-2005 04:28 AM


Thankyou for your hard work and persistence. You are truly an example of what Americas soldiers are made of. Doing the task at hand with no expectation of reward. A true Minuteman doing what most would find too difficult and bothersome to try and do. Congratulations!

Doc Urb

QM3steve 06-04-2005 08:18 AM

Not only his support and persistance, but the people who are willing to assist. They show the spirit and support for the men and women lost in service too. To have Fucillo support this, is "Huge." Thanks for their support too. You done good Seatjerker!

Some NYers will understand "Huge"

Chevelle 06-04-2005 10:55 AM

...also having a "banner made up to hang on the crane from "dandelion design", that says,...

.................................................. ............................
..."just because we care"

...Fuccillo Saxton...
...Chevrolet Sign ...

.................................................. ..............................

...Andy, you gonna make it over on the 11th, or 12th,...

...All is well as long as it don't rain, KEITH, GET IN SOME SPECIAL PRAYERS, THANK YOU,...


SEATJERKER 06-04-2005 04:44 PM


...Think you can make it in from Cooperstown on the 12th,...



1CAVCCO15MED 06-05-2005 10:16 AM

Curtis, I admire your perseverance and energy. Great job!

Glenda M. Carter 06-05-2005 11:54 AM

Keep up the good work Curtis...Can't wait to see pics.

Chevelle 06-06-2005 02:13 PM

Shipped,... me today,...

...Tim just called me, and gave me the UPS tracking #,...

...should be in my hands Wednesday,...


QM3steve 06-06-2005 04:22 PM

I'm a stonethrow from I-88 and about an hour from Albany. What is the quickest way once I hit Albany? I-90 to 787N to Rt.2?

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