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coachman 09-12-2011 02:51 AM

I am back
Coachman is back after a long absence.

reconeil 09-12-2011 05:52 AM

Where did you go?


darrels joy 09-12-2011 08:09 AM

Love your signature.


coachman 09-12-2011 03:43 PM

Been running the roads and re-building my web site

coachman 09-12-2011 03:56 PM

Someone want to clue me in on this?

The Patriot Files 2.0

reconeil 09-12-2011 05:34 PM

Check-out: 1CAV's: "Honesty is greatly appreciated" thread.

The two quite differing & opposing perspectives about site preference &: "Freedom of choice" might help you understand, even though I'll never understand any veteran superiority & snubbery except from a clique of Medal of Honor recipients. From such,...such would be perfectly acceptable.

Besides, both I and darrels joy are fairly decent sorts whom actually aren't really all that
bad to contend with, start with. ;)

Some members here actually like & enjoy reading what we have to say. ;);)


coachman 09-12-2011 08:26 PM

I never said anything bad about it I registered there. Just was gone so long I was surprised when it opened when I goggled the old site.

Arrow 09-12-2011 10:50 PM

Welcome back, Coachman, it sounds as though you've been very busy. David is still with us. Thankfully. He recently made a move and the site was off line for a bit.

reconeil 09-17-2011 03:22 AM

Apparently you misinterpreted what was discussed on: "1CAV's Honesty is greatly appreciated" thread, which I thought might help explain your questioning of: "Someone want to clue me in this (re. Patriot Files-2)".

Actually, non on the entire thread even inferred that there was anything: "Bad" about PF-2.

In fact, while browsing over there to see why so many once quite loyal to deserted & preferred remaining on PF-2, seemed like a fairly decent enough site to me.

Regardless and even though never liked being so obviously disliked & avoided by Any People Anytime, I still do appreciate 1CAV's Honesty. Even though he never expected my reading such a lowly regard for both myself & D-Joy,...I still appreciated the demeaning info.

Such explains a lot and how easily even Veterans can be misled by Fellow Veterans.


STYCK 09-23-2012 06:10 AM

Ain't tryin to rain on anyones parade...but after bangin my head on my keyboard and C R S issues I finally figured out my login...
Now don't everybody start gettin all mushy n gushy ...ok guys remember we're all grown men...Gonna see whats what...maybe add some more fun n friviolity...

reconeil 09-25-2012 08:09 AM

"More fun and frivolity" "Works-fir-me".


STYCK 09-25-2012 03:26 PM

Even went to the "WARRIORS SALOON"...nasty...stringy....creepy spiderwebs ALL over...looked n smelled like a I found a broom...knocked down all the vacked the floor had to empty it 2 times....all the coolers were empty..cleaned those...turned em back all we need is some beer trucks to breakdown out we can lighten their loads...BT DT...:D
So everybody just quit posting or what???..sucked up by aliens??? ...moved to Canada...

coachman 10-02-2012 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 1300358)
Where did you go?


Working my butt off and taking care of my diabetes now on insulin pills did not work.

coachman 10-02-2012 07:46 AM

I am back

Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 1300358)
Where did you go?


Working my butt off and taking care of my diabetes now on insulin pills did not work.

Stick 10-14-2012 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by STYCK (Post 1572375)
Now don't everybody start gettin all mushy n gushy ...ok guys remember we're all grown men...Gonna see whats what...maybe add some more fun n friviolity...

Heck Styck we even let that Arrow girl here and she's a staple here of the first PATRIOTFILES. That other sites a cast off.
Ain't none better than the folks right here, Neil included, and none better than the original PF's.
BTW Is "STYCK" a misspelling or is it Polish?

STYCK 10-14-2012 04:40 AM

Well "STICK"...since you already have that username,,I improvised...IIRC can't have duplicate usernames...and no it's not a Polish name...actually I consulted an Aborigine witch doctor...he tossed some bleached kangaroo bones in the dirt and that's what they spelled...:D

reconeil 11-20-2012 11:23 AM

Just noticed your: "Bleached kangaroo bones" schtick, STYK.
Chu no doubt one sick puppy for sure.
Hell. You seem even mentally sicker than me. ;);)


STYCK 11-20-2012 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 1618770)
Just noticed your: "Bleached kangaroo bones" schtick, STYK.
Chu no doubt one sick puppy for sure.
Hell. You seem even mentally sicker than me. ;);)


Awwww....Gee thanks for the compliment...I'm blushing...:rolleyes:

reconeil 11-26-2012 05:03 PM

Think nothing of it (re. "The compliment"), STYCK. ;);)

More seriously, have you found out anything from friends or any other previous posters here after your questioning: "so everybody just quit posting or what???...sucked up by aliens???...moved to Canada..."?

The only few answers I ever got awhile back as to why SO MANY Honorable Veterans previously praising Patfiles to high heaven herdlike stopped posting and all deserted simultaneously as one, seemed pretty-lame, shallow and unbelievable to me.

In the vein of some members are only comfortable doing PMs or Private Messages, have any of such veterans been more forthcoming, forthright or honest to you, as to what scared them off and leaving here in-the-first-place?

Whatever problems David's site once had, everything seems working well or A-OK now.


STYCK 11-26-2012 07:05 PM

H I I K....Haven't heard...seen...anything from anyone other than those who are still here...kida funny that everybody just stopped posting all of a sudden...I mean I brush my teef take showers on a regular basis..(2 times a month)..even change my socks...(3 times....a year)..
The few times I did login...there was nobody on but me...
Don't know why or for what reason everybody just quit...

reconeil 11-28-2012 01:20 PM

Sorry hearing that you couldn't find out why so many veterans never returned to Patfiles.

After all, the reasons given me awhile back for such a mass desertion were pretty-much unbelievable. People acting herdlike out of the clear blue makes very little sense to me.

Still and with all the many viewers remaining here on this very fine site, one hopes that veterans will speak up and that postings will eventually pick up.

Silence never accomplishes anything worthwhile, whether for veterans or not.


Stick 09-26-2013 06:22 PM

STYCK, ain't been here for over two months now but not AWOL.
This 'puter stopped working when one of the grandkids went onto a web site and came back with about 14 viruses. Had to toss the old machine and slap the hand of the first grandkid I see on this one.
Good to be back, I was going into remission.

SuperScout 02-26-2014 08:16 AM

Welcome Back, too!

reconeil 10-10-2014 08:42 AM

Stick and all other Honorable Veterans,
In fairness to your grand-kids, don't blame them for all of those: "14 viruses" that screwed-up your computer.

It's much more than likely that most viruses picked-up were from PC Hackers/Site Saboteurs/Thought Control & Word Police constantly disrupting the site continuously and for years, and thus forcing many fine veterans to leave.

There just used to be too many honest and sensibly-conservative conversations, debates and postings before, and Political Supremacists or the PC (an oxymoron) Crowd most certainly can't permit that. Note the disgusting IRS's conservative muzzling behavior.

Thus, the best I can advise members here, is to just do as I do.

Make sure you have some virus protection, and log on solely when wanting to post or reply to some thread on

Then immediately log off when finished, just as you would on any other important sites.


Boats 10-20-2014 05:17 PM

Boats finally logged in too. Too many things to discuss other than wanted to see who was still on this old site. I haven't heard from HC in a while I have to check up on him and see if he's still around. Been sick wife too. Still working have to - need the income. Was forced into Medicare have to pick up the supplements for my wife. Found out my meds from the VA cost me more than to get them from CVS direct. Saving $500+ a year just on those.

Hope you're all well. VA day soon to be here. Need to look up some of the old timers to reminise - if we still remember? Age is catching up to me eyes are fading. Wife is doing some hard time as well.

Gotta take up drinking again - just say I can.

You all take care


reconeil 10-27-2014 05:09 PM

Welcome back old (comparatively young) friend.


Boats 09-19-2015 07:27 PM

Welcome Back
Only a serviceman could forget his login - I do it often. I'm glad your back and I thank you for your service.

Stick's login issues is common for me. Believe it or not I'm still working and I don't know why. Why is failing - I'm nearing 69 soon and 70 is right around the corner. I keep in touch with my Bud HC whose literal skill empress the hell out of me. I wish I had his talents.

Wife is failing on me. in the emergency room three times in the last six weeks loosing weight down to 90+ lbs. 48 years married - grandkids 18 and over what the hell.

Had six beers tonight and feeling a little whozzy but still upright. Miss my Buds gotta call my buddy who I served with to make me laugh.

Don't know why we all degrade to much after 70. I'm still at my fighting weight but nobody wants to pick on me. Hands are scared from phosphorous burns three disk are out of my back and my right hip feels like someone hit me with a sludge hammer.

Everyone I know has bitten the bullet - I'm running our friends. One left in Lancaster, PA and I'm going to call him shortly.

I miss all the guys I served with for so many years. Most are gone the others I can't find. Wife is failing and I'm hungry - so I'm going to go get something to eat.

You guys behave and tell it as it is - hell with it - we all don't have much time before the big sleep comes. I'm not voting for Trump (what an ass). I will move Canada if he wins.

Good Luck

reconeil 03-01-2016 08:49 AM

Why would you quite differently move to Canada, if Trump wins?
Hell. You and We All have put up with or suffered dictatorial: "His Barackness" for over 7 years,...and it's very unlikely that Donald Trump would be any More Lordly Superior than King Obama, if he were to become the next President of The United States.

Besides and in fairness, Trump couldn't possibly be any worse a president than Obama is, anyway.

Plus Trump is reasonably honest, and thus much more believable than Obama is, was, or will ever be, also.

Regardless, I think that if: "Benghazi Hillary" were to become president, such would be a more sensible reason for moving to Canada, and especially if wisely concerned about The Lives and Safety & Security of You & Yours.

You just can never count on Phonies, Pathological Liars & Hypocrites for matters of great importance.


Boats 03-01-2016 10:38 AM

I think its personal! I can't stand that guy. I'm honest I have to tell it as it is.
He wins forget it our system and our politics overseas will be awful. I can't believe the BS he's making and his so called promises. This guy has only 1/2 a deck and there all deuces.

Boats 03-01-2016 10:40 AM

Don't forget he will be your Commander and Chief - he was 4-F and got out of going active duty. Does he look he's suffering? Guy's a ditt's.

reconeil 03-01-2016 02:19 PM

Whether a: "Personal" hang-up or not, you must admit that; "Our politics overseas" couldn't possibly be made any worse by Trump, than King Obama and Secretary of State Hillary have already abysmally Failed At.

I just can't believe that Trump would appease and pander to all our enemies (especially our Muslim Enemies) and snub our Allies like Obama does and did.

Nor can I believe that Trump would say: "What difference does it make" about the 4 Dead Americans, OR ANYWHERE, Madam Hillary did.


Boats 03-04-2016 12:05 PM

He's got no experience
If he gets in?!!! He had better pick a Vice-President whose been there and done that. If he goes in cold turkey he will get things much worse than they already are. I got a bad feeling about this presidential election no matter who gets in. Like I told HC - I would rather have box when voting that say's: "NONE OF THE ABOVE"

reconeil 03-08-2016 08:13 AM

If there were a box stating: "NONE OF THE ABOVE", that would truly insure that America's worst and Proven Official Liar, Madam Hillary Rodham Clinton would become our next president,...assuming that such an obviously Duplicitous, Greedy & Corrupt Liar hadn't yet been jailed.

Dems always stick together and vote for Dems, no matter how unworthy, untrustworthy, unreliable and unbelievable such Obviously Corrupt Candidates truly are.

It's sad for America and all We Americans,...but most assuredly true.


Boats 09-07-2016 09:31 AM


Whomever gets - nothing will change - the people of America will always suffer the issues currently at hand. One person or a new President can't fix what was destroyed in the last 50 years. It's a rat race today - dog eat dog - Congress doesn't want to fix the problems and any new President isn't going to make us any better - anytime soon.

Just my gut feeling. I feel bad for my Grand-Kids - God only knows what they will suffer in the years to come.

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