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phuloi 05-05-2004 11:56 AM

WEST COAST GATHERING...Psyco Psalmon Fishing Trip
OK....The East Coast guys have had their fling.Now it`s time to plan for our annual Left Coast get-together,and if it`s anything like years past it should be a ball.

We have a tenative date of Thursday,Aug.5 scheduled for our salmon fishing trip.Go to to make your reservation after I notify you of the confirmed date.They handle all licensing,etc.

Lacking the facilities to accomadate everyone here at my little house,I`ve posted links to a beautiful little campground and a couple of motels that are just down the road.

If you need dog boarding: Greywolf Vet.Hosp.(360)683-2106 or Dungeness Ranch Pet Boarding,(360)681-0939


DMZ-LT 05-05-2004 12:15 PM

This is to cool , two campouts and meeting more of y'all. Sid and I will be there :xx: :D :D

SEATJERKER 05-05-2004 03:11 PM

...Keith, get your rest, your going to need it,...


sn-e3 05-05-2004 03:16 PM

Griz is the pet boarding cheaper the the motel if so i'll take a couple kennels i'v slept in the dog house before so it ain't nothin new. count us in

Keith_Hixson 05-05-2004 04:00 PM

I've got out all my therapy books and . . . . . .
Been doing lots of studing especially on deviant personalities. Sid and John both . . . . Boy I'd better study hard!


P.S. Do I get a cut rate if I already have my license?

MORTARDUDE 05-05-2004 05:24 PM

Keith :

After I post all my pictures, you may think twice about going...LOL


Dragon Lady 05-05-2004 07:35 PM

Keith is that a dog license or fishin license? hehehe :D

You guys best be sure you rest up after that campout cause my flight gets in on the 16th o'August and we have a coffee date!

Picking up the tickets first thing in the morning!

Of course I may give you a call when I get there in June. Have to see how the schedule goes.

catman 05-05-2004 08:01 PM

Griz...can not promise, but I am damn sure going to try!!! Depends a lot on what the VA does!


phuloi 05-05-2004 09:07 PM

We`ll be keeping our fingers crossed.Hope you can swing it.

Frisco Tom..Can you make this thread STICKY???

PHO127 05-06-2004 03:53 AM

This is like
Christmas and your 5th birthday and finally as tall as your mothers broom all in one year.

39mto39g 05-07-2004 05:46 AM

Can you look into a raft trip down the Samon, I guess that would be up the samon see-ins how the samon flows north.


exlrrp 05-07-2004 07:25 AM

I may just come there
Lemme see Now:
It'll be GA, TN, MS & LA in April and May, Barcelona and Provence in June, Kona and Oahu in July and now you say you want me to go to Washington in August ?
Yes, Yes, I think I can do that although the banco puercito might take some buggering. Be just in time for the Shakespeare Festival in Ashland OR too

A bientot, or as they say in Barcelona, Adios.


Keith_Hixson 05-07-2004 07:51 AM

I'm getting my annual haircut next week! :D Should still be good by August!

I want you to know that If you want to visit the Beautiful Sunnyside of Washington (Eastern Washington with its 1,000 shades of Brown) you'll have to visit Ellensburg.

Oh, Ellensburg Hay, was just chosen to be the official HAY for the 2004 and Olympics. All the horses at the Olympic Games will be eating Ellensburg HAY. ANDERSON HAY of Ellensburg, WA won the contract because the quality of timothy hay was the best in the World! Anyway it made the headlines in the paper yesterday. Just thought I'd throw that in.

Ron , I can arrange a float trip down the Yakima River for You! Not Quite as scenic and long but we do have lots of Deer and Big Horn Sheep and the fly fishing in August is Great. I'm a guide and have taken many a wary angler down the Yakima. [I've only lost four to drowning, the others made it but are all confined to a mental institution.] :D


Hoyin 05-07-2004 08:37 AM

Just in time I see! My computers have been very sick..they caught some virus and we are still remodeling. Remodeling is taking over my life!
Anyway I am gonna talk to Paul tonight..enlist David into talking him into taking the excursion to Washington and *man!* can't wait to see you all there!
The start date is August 5th? Til when?

39mto39g 05-07-2004 11:12 AM

The Yakima River, Has white water? Now remember I have been on the Samon and Snake rivers twice.


Keith_Hixson 05-07-2004 11:50 AM

Has a little white water not like the Salmon or the Colorado. Its mostly know for its fly fishing. 40 - 50 thousand fly fisherman float the Yakima each year. Mostly from the greater Seattle area. We lose a couple of drunk college students each year who float the river on inner tubes. If you are drunk, the rapids are no place to be. Our rapids are pretty easy stuff. The Yakima river flow is a little more than the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. I took 15 Jr. Hi kids down the Yakima last Summer. We make them all wear vests. Really Pretty safe but it can be dangerous like any free flowing major river.


phuloi 05-07-2004 10:44 PM

Whenever we first started talking about the West Coast Campout this year several guys showed some interest in white-water rafting.I contacted my buddy in Idaho and we`re good to go,but salmon fishing seems to have more votes.We can always plan a seperate rafting trip on a different date and go over and float the Salmon or the Lochsa.Frisco Tom,I know woould love to do it again...Me too!
I would love to see you make it up here.You could answer the age-old question for your very own self...."Where the HELL is Sequim???"

sn-e3 05-08-2004 08:56 PM

Griz why don't you book the salmon fishing trip for monday that way our california brothers and sisters don't have to burn too much vacation to come to the campout . also looked up squim bay campground and they have a huge group camping spot that would fit everybody and the campground has 3 showers for the ladys who just have to have a shower every morning ha I speak of Irisheyes my wife and soulmate. The monday trip is just a suggestion the campout is yours to do as you wish bro just trying to make things easy for everyone since dave and bern and hoyin and paul and frisco and I haven't retired yet. you lucky old buzzard. P.S. Attention Andy and Curtis Alaska airlines has dirrect flights from Boston to seattle everyday come on out and partake.

DMZ-LT 05-09-2004 02:35 PM

Can't wait to meet y'all. That campground sounds great, may have to borrow a tent or tarp from somebody though. Hugs in advance.

Keith_Hixson 05-09-2004 03:51 PM

I guess no one wants to float the Yakima.
Or maybe you don't care for the guide. :D


39mto39g 05-09-2004 05:45 PM

Yakima river Has the same flow as the middle fork of the SaLmon (hears a couple Ls for the other salmons--LL) The Salmon changes almost daily, how wide is the Yakima river ? Makes a big difference in the flow. I guess I need to get a map and see where it is.
I did a three day and a 5 day on the salmon and it was great.
Im not much of a fly fisherman, A hand grenade tied to the rod maybe. I'll bring my own bait.


phuloi 05-09-2004 09:17 PM

I have a link posted to the Sequim Bay C.G.
John and Sid arrive in Seattle on Sat,Jul31.I figure that weekend is pretty well shot,so chose the next weekend,beginning with the fishing trip on Thursday.
Nothing is cast in stone so y`all let me know what you want to do.But remember....I got PTSD!

Keith_Hixson 05-09-2004 10:40 PM

Width of Yakima? Depends 50 yds to probaby 150 yds in some places. Its a quality fishing water. Artificial lures, single barbless hooks, catch and release. Its a fun easy float, usely catch lots of fish.


web site

39mto39g 05-10-2004 04:17 AM

"catch and release" what about catch and eat. I guess Im not relaxed enough for floatting along and relaseing my supper. Im more of a Going through some class 4 rapids while dodgeing some big rocks and your pants on fire, kinda guy.


Keith_Hixson 05-10-2004 08:00 AM

The Yakima River Flows
The Yakima River flows right past Ellensburg. All the older men in our church remember when the Yakima was a source of food for their families during the depression. They don't comprehend this "catch and release" thing. They believe they should be "grand-fathered" in allowed to catch a limit and eat those fish. I don't care for trout but I enjoy catching them. When I go for eating fish I'd rather go to Columbia River or the Potholes Reservoir and catch walleye, perch, crappie, bass, etc. To me they are a better eating fish. Or head over to the coast for ling cod, halibut, or salmon. But I find fly fishing very relaxing and floating the Yakima an escape back into nature. Deer, Big Horn Sheep, Bald Eagles, 2.5 rapids, and fly fishing just make for a great day.

These guys who act as guides and own their own boats charge $200 a person for a guided float down the Yakima. They are usually booked pretty solid from April through October.

Fly fishing is the "New" yuppy in thing. Sure brings lots of money into Ellensburg.


phuloi 05-10-2004 12:36 PM

I`m with you,Ron.......Fillet and release!

sn-e3 05-10-2004 03:20 PM

Griz I called squim bay state park for the group camp site for aug 6,7,8 and its already booked lets check for other close campsites or maybe we can get with a local land baron and rent a chunk of paridise for the weekend.

Arrow 05-10-2004 03:48 PM

frisco-kid 05-10-2004 04:09 PM

I'll be arriving at Griz's place sometime Sat, the 31st. Kath is going to dump me and head for Spokane. The Thur. fishing works best for me, because we're going to head back south on Fri., so I want my fish as fresh as possible when I get home. Notice what an optimist I am :D .

As far as a campground, I've already got my name down for a couch, some floor, the front seat of the pick-up, or whatever at Griz's Bed and Breakfast :ae: .

RON: I think the rafting trip kinda' fizzled due to logistics, travel time, etc.. Many of us are driving up. Could be wrong. I don't care one way or the other. I have lots of friends and "family" in E. WA/N. ID. Kath is going to be over there anyway. Just let me know, so I know what clothes to bring [Wet Side/Dry Side] :D .

KEITH: Catch and Release- Could never grasp the concept. If you can't eat 'em, why bother :r: .

Arrow 05-10-2004 04:26 PM

phuloi 05-10-2004 04:37 PM

I think the campgroud at Sequim Bay will work out just fine and dandy.We really don`t need to have a group campsite and there are plenty of gathering places within the CG to eat,drink,and be merry.Those that are coming need to reserve a spot,like Arrow said,ASAP.
Lt: No worries,Bro.I have a couple of fart-sacks and I`m sure we can scare up a hooch for you and Sid.

frisco-kid 05-10-2004 06:15 PM

Thanks for thinkin' of me, Darlin'. I'm gettin' old, ya know. As far as hangin' with Kath, nothin's written in stone around our house . You can't go wrong with the Wait & See plan with us :D .

DMZ-LT 05-10-2004 06:20 PM

Griz , my links don't work but I ain't reaL GOOD ON THIS THING EITHER. Opps. If you would get me a camp site I'll send $

phuloi 05-10-2004 09:52 PM

Gotcha covered like a Frisco Fog,my man.

DMZ-LT 05-11-2004 04:48 AM

Thank you.

phuloi 05-12-2004 12:40 PM

Reservation Info
Important stuff....Listen up!

Reservations are made at Westport Charters for our Salmon fishing trip.I have the "Tally-Ho" booked.You need to call 1-360-268-0900 and identify yourself as a Psyco-vet with Bill Melvin and nail down your spot.You can pay now or the day of the trip.

Reservations under my name at Sequim Bay State Park are made for John and Sid Wed,Aug4-Sunday,Aug8....No cost to you guys cause as a 100% disabled vet,I get it for free.I`ll move my little camp trailer down there for you to sleep in.

Everyone else needs to call 1-888-campout to make a reservation..RIGHT AWAY.I have #46 reserved so to be all together get #s 47,48,49,etc.

So far we have me and Arrow,Frisco,Chris and Joan and John and Sid for sure.The rest of you need to let us know if you are coming so plans can be made..please.

DMZ-LT 05-12-2004 12:53 PM

Sids brother will be with us , Ray . Ray is a three tour Marine recon guy and really a much nicer person than Sid.

phuloi 05-12-2004 01:23 PM

Looking forward to meeting him,too! My little camper is just that..little.No sweat,we`ll figure out something.

I forgot to mention above that I`m planning a big seafood pig-out on Friday or Sat...Naturally,lots of salmon,Hood Canal prawns,Dungeness crab,clams...and about a bushel of oysters!

sn-e3 05-13-2004 05:32 PM

Griz Joan and I have reserved camp site #48 so we is good to go. Please friends as you reserve your campsite post the number and we'll make a little map for everyone as to where you are. can't wait until aug. We will fish till we drop and then swap story's until the wee hours or we get ate up by the skeeters.

DMZ-LT 05-13-2004 05:51 PM

Can't wait. Ray has a truck camper. After last year this one is turning out great . Can't wait to see you guys !! Griz that sounds great !! I love feeling like a kid .

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