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darrels joy 04-30-2009 06:45 PM

Phony General? (now with added Phony Goodness)
Phony General? (now with added Phony Goodness)

April 13th, 2009
Someone sent me this picture of a fellow he sees frequently around a local ROTC detachment. Our tipster says he believes the guy served in some capacity in the military but doubts his claims that he did 3 tours at SOCOM or that he’s a Major General.
Me? I’m just enjoying the military goodness of the pictures;
Like you are, I wondered what the glob of patches on his right shoulder are so I blew the picture up a bit;
For those of you who might not know, the patch on your right shoulder is supposed to be one of the units that you served in during combat. He’s added a Ranger tab and a Special Forces tab - which is completely unauthorized. Anyone who has ever worn the stuff for real knows which shoulder it goes on.
Here’s what he’s wearing over his left breast;
Yeah, the Combat Infantry Badge is a “Group 1″ badge which means it goes over the Aviator Wings, a “Group 3″ badge. It’s right in the AR 670-1 as an example;
Again, anyone who ever was awarded the CIB knows why it goes above everything else. It’s an exclusive club - one to which the three bloggers here all belong and we get reallly mad at people who wear them and haven’t earned them - ask Geof Millard. I don’t know where every single medal goes, but I know how to wear my own uniform.
I know that a general wearing a Good Conduct Medal is rare - he could have some enlisted time (officers don’t get the GCM because officers are supposed to be good all of the time without a medal) but that’s a long way to travel from three years of enlisted time (a GCM is awarded for three years of not stepping on your junk) to a two-star general. I also noticed that his Distinguished Flying Cross is placed higher than his Silver Star and his Legion of Merit is supposed to be higher than his Bronze Star.
You guys can pick over the medals in the comments if you want. Here’s a link to a .pdf Army Regulations 670-1 Wear and Appearance. And here’s a link to medals. Knock yourself out. I noticed a few other discrepancies - but I’m going blind look at all of this guy’s stuff.
I remember when I taught ROTC at the University of Vermont in the late 80s, uncles and parents would show up in a lot of weird shit at graduation but this guy takes the cake.
I forgot to ask; Is that a really flat beret on his head?
Added: Our tipster sent along a picture of the general’s left side - I’m glad he balanced out the long tab and short tab on both sleeves;
Is that crooked-ass tie part of a general’s uniform, too?
Expect updated posts on this fellow.

darrels joy 04-30-2009 06:47 PM

A General not-so-much
A General not-so-much

April 30th, 2009
I know you guys remember Brigadier General Baxter from about two weeks ago;

Well, it turns out he was actually in the Army, he even did a year in Vietnam driving landing craft, apparently. But his service was from January 1966 - December 1968, and he left the Army as a Private First Class.
His records show no awards beyond the three medals everyone got for going to Vietnam. It appears that he isn’t even authorized to wear the Good Conduct Medal. Well, here’s his Form 2-1;
Quite bit different from what he’s sporting;
So, here’s his Freedom of Information Act information;
Like I told someone in an email, I really hate to do this to the guy because he is a Vietnam veteran and he served honorably at a crucial time when America needed men like him to step up - he volunteered in the time of a draft and still went to Vietnam. But, damn! A General, a Silver Star? Aviator wings? That CIB really pisses me off, too.

So all of this guy’s stuff is going to the local prosecutor’s office in the morning mail.

SuperScout 04-30-2009 07:12 PM

And this POS ( I don't care if he serve 7 tours of duty in RVN, he's still a POS) doesn't have the brains to consult the proper AR's to determine how to wear medals and awards, without raising eyebrows. The unit awards on the right side of his uniform are also incorrectly placed; the Presidential Unit Commendation (PUC) goes above everything. I hope the authorities send this POS to prison for 10 years.

darrels joy 04-30-2009 09:13 PM

I feel so sorry for the girl. She's probably his granddaughter.

SuperScout 05-01-2009 05:21 AM

Well, maybe she needs a wake-up call too. I just sent an email to Jonn, asking him if he has notified the FBI so that this POS can be arrested.

1CAVCCO15MED 05-01-2009 05:31 AM

They are both Baxters and she is wearing an ROTC uniform. Sounds like this yayhoo has ruined his granddaughter's high school career. I do feel sorry for her but he is the one who did this to her.

ABNCIB 02-23-2010 03:26 PM

Hi. Remember me? That's my blog.

Actually, the woman in the picture is his daughter, she's currently a 1LT in the Army. She came on the blog to tell me off for picking on her poor father.

It was a member of the ROTC detachment who sent me the picture because the guy had been hanging around telling his tall tales at the Instructor group while three of his kids went through commissioning there. All three are on active duty.

darrels joy 02-23-2010 06:03 PM

Always good to get more information. :cool:

Has he stopped? :confused:

Did he get prosecuted? :s:


Packo 02-24-2010 05:01 AM

Holly $hit....great seeing you back here! Good find on this one. I love all the rockers above the 5th GP patch.

Hope you've been doing well. Sorry about the daughters and love em' for defending their father, but there comes a point you just gotta say...."Dad! WTF!"

Take care my old friend!


SuperScout 02-24-2010 07:28 AM

Latest Word?
Has there been any further news about the prosecution of this POS? Right now, I'm so sick of these phookin' wannabees that I could become homicidal very easily!

darrels joy 02-24-2010 08:52 AM

SOC is working on it
"Why Won't the US Attorney for Colorado... "Why Won't the US Attorney for Colorado...

SuperScout 02-24-2010 10:48 AM

Just called the Baltimore US Attorney's office, and left a message for them to call me. Will report to you later.

ussfa344 02-24-2010 11:44 AM

I gotta agree will all of y'll, especially Brice.

I want to stress that the families of wannabes in almost every case are victims too. I feel sorry for the young lady in the picture, just as I feel sorry for the son and wife of our recent major wannabe on this forum.


1CAVCCO15MED 02-24-2010 05:36 PM

It is definitely not a victimless crime. There is a local preacher that has as part of his resume he taught and was a student at Oxford University in England. I checked it out and what it really was is this religious group rented some rooms at Oxford and taught each other. Holy bull s---!

SuperScout 02-26-2010 05:03 AM

Non-Progress Report
So far, I've made two calls to the Federal Attorney's office, and there has been no response. I'm beginning to think the race card may be the reason for the non-starter. Whatever the reason, I'm even further disgusted by this latest insult to us taxpayers by the arrogant behavior of so-called public servants. These POS need to be reminded of the fact that WE pay their freakin' salaries.

covan 02-26-2010 03:05 PM

I think part of the problem of non-prosecution of the cases (including one hot case in my area) is that there are two active cases out there where the accused are claiming that enforcement of the Stolen Valor Act is a violation of their 1st amendment rights. They claim they have the right to tell lies and be impostors because no one is harmed and they are not doing it for financial gain.

The two cases are working their way through the court system and will probably end up with the Supreme Court.

I think a lot of federal prosecutors are leery to invest time and resources into a misdemeanor case (and that it all it is) and have it thrown out or overturned if these two test cases end unfavorably for the government (and us).

Just my $.02.

5thgrpguy 02-26-2010 04:40 PM

Well hell, I guess that means Robert, Brice and even me can just go out and upgrade our Valor awards cause who would it hurt:d: These GDMFWB's need to be dealt with. Freedom of speech my ass, they just don't get it..They are stealing Valor that belongs to others and if our justice system allows these people to prevail based on FOS, then gentleman, we are in real trouble...I could go on but.....

Ron P.

DMZ-LT 02-27-2010 05:33 AM

Once again.First man killed in my platoon was Joseph Silon , 3/6/71. KIA by mortors 120 mm. First award he earned was the purple heart. Ex -friend claimed 3 of those and feels no need to apoligise to Joe or anyone else whose valor he stole

SuperScout 02-27-2010 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by 5thgrpguy (Post 442699)
Well hell, I guess that means Robert, Brice and even me can just go out and upgrade our Valor awards cause who would it hurt:d: These GDMFWB's need to be dealt with. Freedom of speech my ass, they just don't get it..They are stealing Valor that belongs to others and if our justice system allows these people to prevail based on FOS, then gentleman, we are in real trouble...I could go on but.....

Ron P.

Ron, I ROGER your last. Any attorney who would assert that lying is a Constitutional right needs to be denutted with a very dull knife. There is no constitution right to lie. The scary part for me is that at one time, the SCOTUS did rule that burning our flag was "an expression of free speech." Just how they made that reach and stretch gives me pause. On that very topic, I have made a vow that if I ever witness anybody trying to burn our flag, I would take whatever action was necessary, incluidng violence and physical force, to stop that treasonous (IMO) act. And yes, I'm prepared to accept the consequences, irrespective of what they might be. Down here in my part of the country, if said legal action was taken against me, I'd just insist that my attorney have at least one Vietnam vet on the jury, and then I'll plead 'not guilty,' by reason of "Vietnam Flashback" defense- I thought the SOB was a VC, and had to kill him!

Back to the topic at hand, I agree that these so-called public servants are loathe to take on cases that they might lose, as their performance in this part-time job will impact their employment chances for success later on. But then that smacks of 'situational ethics.' Let's just enforce those laws that make us feel good or look good. In the final analysis, it is symtomatic of how our culture has degenerated.

5thgrpguy 02-27-2010 06:50 AM


Amen brother. I too would take what action necessary tp preclude the burning of our flag. My LYB gets concerned when I jump on the POS that fail to remove their hats during the national anthem at Hockey games I attend. I tell her let them come on...most however cower and remove the covers..they are mostly young people and I find that sad...With stolen valor, most of them never apologize, because the punishment does not fit the crime..Look at that clown in San Antonio, that not only had phony awards, but made a phony ID card to get on base..his punishment.. 3 years probation and a $500.00 fine..IMNSHO these people are a disease on our society and know there is not much to worry about as far as prosecution goes,unless they steal big time, so why apologize ?....I mean after all, they are just exercising freedom of speech..

Ron P.

SuperScout 02-27-2010 09:18 AM

Ron P.
If that dirtbag could reproducing an ID card so easily, what's to stop him or another POS from doctoring up some paper to make him "qualified" for VA bennies? We hear story after story of POS getting caught, but how many more have continued to scam the system? I would wager that at least 10% of all VA claims are paid to unqualified people; the fraud, waste and abuse of Medicare, and other entitlement programs is much higher. ANd we hear the statistics bantered about all the time - but do you hear if any government agency is doing anything about it? We need to demand more of our public servants.

ussfa344 02-28-2010 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by SuperScout (Post 442708)
If that dirtbag could reproducing an ID card so easily, what's to stop him or another POS from doctoring up some paper to make him "qualified" for VA bennies?


When I started reading your message I had to chuckle because I thought you were talking about the recent wannabe exposure here and on PF2, but then I realized that you are talking about the much greater epidemic sweeping the Department of Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies with phonies producing made up documents to support their claims, and that certainly isn't funny. While that is more than enough to fire me up, what angers me even more is how these phony PTSD claims make real deal vets truly suffering from PTSD reluctant to file their legitimate claims for fear of being lumped in with the wannabes.

Another thing that angers me is the real deal vets that get turned down because the lack of official records or what have you. So we have phonies collecting benefits based on fraud, while real deal deserving veterans are suffering without the help they need and deserve. It makes me sick.


SuperScout 02-28-2010 06:50 PM


On two seperate occasions, I had a call from some alleged former member of one of my commands, stating that he had served with me, and asked if I would write a letter for him to help him qualify for VA bennies. I guess that they figured out that a letter coming from me, with my record, would smooth the way for him to slide through the approval process, and he could laugh all the way to the bank.

Now, given that I don't remember all the names of all of my soldiers, being somewhat chronologically-challenged and all, I started asking a series of questions that might help my debilitated memory to fire back up. Seems as if he couldn't answer even the most basic things. For example, on tour #1, I ultimately led a mech Scout Platoon; all 10 tracks carried 5 guys, all tracks had a nickname painted on them, and all tracks were configured with a .50 cal and 2 M-60's with gun shields. He could not remember anything, not even the name of any of the other 4 guys that he allegedly served with. Since we were like family - hell - I can even my brothers and sister's names - I figured he could remember at least one name, but nope.

About that time, I told him that I thought he was a phony, and that I was going to have the FBI track himdown and send him to prison for attempted fraud. Next thingk I hear is a loud "click" as the phone became disconnected.

And you are spot on about the reticience of legitimate veterans trying to deal with a very dysfunctional VA system. The entire issue of health care for vets could be solved so easily, and I'll wager, much cheaper than the current sacred cow that need to be led off to the slaughter house: for those vets that qualify, simply give them a MasterCard, or Visa Card, and tell them that anytime they need medical care or meds to just use that card, and the VA will pay the bill. I've known vets that had to be driven 100 miles or more just to see some VA quack, and was no better off after the day-long ordeal of dealing with The System.

Just what the IG at the VA or the Social Security system or MediCare or anyother agency does is not very impressive to my way of thinking. If they were doing the job for which they are being overpaid, we would read of daily stories of fraud being uncovered, monies being recovered, and convictions being rendered, but no, nary a peep out of the hard-working dead-beats called federal employees.

Keith_Hixson 02-28-2010 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by SuperScout (Post 442727)

And you are spot on about the reticience of legitimate veterans trying to deal with a very dysfunctional VA system. The entire issue of health care for vets could be solved so easily, and I'll wager, much cheaper than the current sacred cow that need to be led off to the slaughter house: for those vets that qualify, simply give them a MasterCard, or Visa Card, and tell them that anytime they need medical care or meds to just use that card, and the VA will pay the bill. I've known vets that had to be driven 100 miles or more just to see some VA quack, and was no better off after the day-long ordeal of dealing with The System.


Brice, I have felt that way for a long time. Just give them a card and pay their bills, would probably save us millions each year. And, the vets would get better service. But alas, the government wants control so we have the Vets administration. I'm sure there would be abuses but not anymore than they have now.


Keith_Hixson 02-28-2010 10:00 PM

Brice here is another one for you!

Ex-vets Rep to Admit War Record Phony
November 26, 2009
Philadelphia Inquirer
A former official with the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs is expected to plead guilty on Nov. 30 for falsifying information to receive military tax exemptions, officials said yesterday.

William Devereaux, 64, of Laurel Springs, was arrested a year ago and accused of grossly embellishing his Vietnam military experience and lying about war wounds in order to collect disability benefits and the tax exemptions, authorities have said.

He was director of veterans programs for the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs at the time of his arrest.

Devereaux has agreed to plead guilty on a theft charge related to his property taxes, a spokesman for the Camden County Prosecutor's Office said today.

He could not elaborate on details of the plea agreement, which potentially could be withdrawn before Devereaux's hearing in Superior Court on Monday morning.

Devereaux's attorney, Dennis Wixted, would not comment on the plea other than to say his client had made full restitution of the money he owed.

Devereaux was arrested in November on charges of falsifying or tampering with records and theft by making bogus claims. Prosecutors alleged at the time that he owed more than $40,000 in taxes to Laurel Springs for 2002 through 2008.

Initially, Devereaux vehemently denied lying about his military record and inventing Vietnam injuries, but later admitted he was no war hero.

"I am absolutely remorseful and sorry for ever diminishing the absolute honor and tradition of those great men and women who got those awards," Devereaux told a reporter in December. "If I could take it back, I would do anything."

He did not immediately return a message left at his home yesterday.

Devereaux began work for the Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs in 2001. In 2004, then-Gov. Jim McGreevey appointed him director of veterans programs for the state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. In that position, Devereaux helped Soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Authorities alleged Devereaux falsified tax records to the state by claiming he was injured several times as a paratrooper and artilleryman in Vietnam. He also provided false information to quality for property-tax exemptions in Laurel Springs.

Devereaux reported he had received a Purple Heart, a Soldier's Medal and the Bronze Star, but authorities said he served as a payroll-distribution specialist in Vietnam for four months in 1968. According to the prosecutor's office, Devereaux was never injured and never received the honors.

Wixted said Devereaux, who retired following his arrest, has paid the $40,000 he owed in taxes.

SuperScout 03-01-2010 05:05 AM

Did this POS ever receive any VA bennies? Were they paid back? Seems like he got off way too easily.

Packo 03-01-2010 05:24 AM

Several things here. First, I am not defending the VA in any way, but the money goes to Benefits, Medical, and now Adjudication to get the backlog down and processing times shortened. I have a "feeling" that nada extra is going to IG and that department is probably totally understaffed. I don't know this for sure but do know that there is a big push in Adjudication. Now...the problem here is processing claims fast. This is how so many of these POS'S are getting bennies they don't deserve. As the VA used to turn down legitimate claims to process them "fast" the pendulum has now moved in the other direction that it would seem they are not counting on DOA, DON, DOAF, etc to provide them with proof of a veterans claim. Obviously the guy Scout was talking about was turned down in the older system where a DOA check provided no info of him being in the unit he said he was so he found out who Scout was and hoped he wouldn't remember him but figured that he might just write him a letter just in case. Bad move. For most of us our initial claims took years to process as even with recognizable stressors they went to the Army or whomever to check out if the person was there at a certain time, in a certain action, etc. Not that this is 100% effective but it does cut out most of the bs'ers. It would seem now that they push this crap through without checking it out.

Scout, as we are finding out, I wouldn't hold your breath on them prosecuting this phoney General for all the reasons you point out, especially in Baltimore. This guy was outted years ago and nothing is being done. I'm not holding my breath on our most recent exposure here and PF2. I also think the VA doesn't like admitting to mistakes.

My "step-son" the Oncologist who treated Pighumper, Saxby Chambliss, and Rudy Guilliani, has been doing studies for the VA for years and was instumental in getting Prostate Cancer service connectable for AO. He was saying and has been saying for years that we should have a VA card good at any doctor/hospital and it would save the government billions and inprove care. He was at George Washington University Hospital when I had my first operation with the VA in Washington, DC. He was appalled by the hospital I was in, the filth, the staff, everything but my doctors. He drove every day to visit me because, "I didn't think you'd get out of there alive". He was that worried about the place and decided then when he got established to do studies etc. for the VA, so vets could hopefully get the treatment they deserve. He has operated on many vets for free so they wouldn't get the treatment at the VA hospitals. He would have done James, (Exlrrp), but one of his buddies was doing the implants for the VA in Washington, (state), so he felt confident James would be taken care of.

The system is a mess but I am in no way optimistic it will ever straighten out. The GENERAL and his ilk will continue to prosper. Sad commentary.


Packo 03-01-2010 05:28 AM looks like that POS was just getting state bennies and not VA...from the article, but not sure.


ussfa344 03-01-2010 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by SuperScout (Post 442727)
The entire issue of health care for vets could be solved so easily, and I'll wager, much cheaper than the current sacred cow that need to be led off to the slaughter house: for those vets that qualify, simply give them a MasterCard, or Visa Card, and tell them that anytime they need medical care or meds to just use that card, and the VA will pay the bill.


I have mixed emotions on that when it comes to my personal health care. In my adult life I had a kidney stone 2006, a cold in 1991 that lasted less than a day, and a whole lot of shell fragment and gunshot wounds. Obviously I did nothing for the cold. I passed the kidney stone while in a VA Hospital, but before they had to take any measures other than giving me something for the pain.

That means all of my other medical care in the past forty plus years has been for combat wounds. Back in the late 1970s the VA gave me a card to go to any doctor of my choice on their dime. I have a wound right in the center of my chest that was hurting. The original wound only damaged skin, muscle and my rib cage, but stopped short of my heart (I guess that last part is obvious). So I decided to take advantage of the card and go to a local doctor.

I explained to the doctor that I was having some pain in the center of my chest, so he had me take off my shirt. I have two other gunshot scars and a four inch shrapnel scar within six inches of the wound that was hurting: all that in addition to a whole lot of smaller shrapnel scars. Anyway, I point to the well healed round scar in the center of my chest and told him that it was hurting right there. Dr. Potatohead didn’t ask me how I got any of those scars. He just asked me how the pain felt, and diagnosed me as having pleurisy. I put my shirt back on and left. That was the last time I ever went to a civilian doctor. I decided that day that as I only get treated for the residuals of my wounds, I only want to see doctors that are familiar with the residuals of combat wounds.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, I want my doctors to consider that it just might be a duck. Dr. Potatohead would probably think it’s a zebra.

But just like the rest of the Viet Nam veterans, I am getting old. So when I start having age related problems I probably would prefer a system as Scout laid out where I went to the doctors of my choice for those problems. Hmmmm, but I have seen a number of old guys at VA medical facilities.


Keith_Hixson 03-01-2010 12:46 PM

Robert, having been apart of the medical care industry for over twenty years and getting much of my medical care from the VA, I will tell you one thing. There are Quacks out there in both civilian and VA. You did the right thing recognizing the man for what he was. When it comes to Doctors, its seek and find and seek sometimes takes time even within the VA or Civilian Sector. But, don't give up on either sector because there are plenty of fine doctors in both the VA and Civilian sector.


ussfa344 03-01-2010 06:33 PM


You bring up a good point about incompetent physicians. For the rest of you, I want to make sure everyone knows that you have the right to fire your VA physician. I fired one within five minutes of walking in his office. He was an arrogant SOB and I refused to let him treat me. Guys, as veterans that is our right. Don't let them fool you. You may have to fill out a form explaining why you fire them, but that's fine. Fill it out so that they know they have a problem with that individual. You do not have to submit to the care of a VA physician for whom you don't care. The only downside is that you should only do this if you absolutely have to. You may run out of options or earn a reputation. I fired that physician about 15 years ago and the subsequent treatment that I have received did not seem to suffer in any way.

Over the last forty plus years I have had wonderful VA physicians with the exception of that one jerk, but I did not even let that jerk examine me. They treat me well and I always feel that they go the extra mile to insure that my needs are all met. Maybe all of my other VA physicians spoiled me and when he displayed that "couldn't be bothered" attitude with me it set me off.


1CAVCCO15MED 03-03-2010 12:10 PM

To my knowledge there is no place to go and check on the competence of a physician beforehand unless it is to go to court records on how many lawsuits have been filed against them. Disciplinary actions against the physician within the medical staff are considered private and are not available without a subpoena. Medical staff are reluctant to discipline errant doctors because of fear of a lawsuit. In many places there just isn't any supervision by the medical staff. Oh, they all point to their medical staff review boards but if they never take action they are just camouflage to hide incompetents. That is why malpractice lawsuits are a vital if very flawed check on bad physicians. Many times that is all there is to get rid of a incompetent. If they lose so many lawsuits they will lose their malpractice insurance. After thirty five years in the health care field and someone asked me how do you tell if a doctor is competent I would have to say if you know a nurse that works there to ask them. Even that is not always reliable because they are told to say all physicians are competent. To say otherwise is to endanger their jobs in many places. They have to decide if they can trust you to not let that information get back to their employer. Plus they could get called into a lawsuit to testify what they based that judgement upon.

5thgrpguy 03-05-2010 05:47 AM


While we all agree that fraud is rampant in the VA system, I feel that most VA Dr.'s are very caring people, striving to do the very best job they can, at least that has been my experience here in Dallas. But most of them I see here are not old enough to remember WWII, Korea or Vietnam and very few have been involved in the GWOT and as a result what do they know about combat? Only what they read or are, a well read phony can approach them and make them believe that they experienced the BS they are selling, backed up by phony letter's and documents and bingo....they get is like any kind of fraud that is commited and It appears to be especially easy if they are really a veteran, who is going to challange a guys 214 that may have been altered unless it is very obvious in a system that is so overloaded? All we can do as vets that have actually experienced combat is continue to out these phonies and put pressure on the sytem to prosecute the ones that continue to spew their BS...As we all know some douche in Illinois is attempting to challange Stolen Valor..these people make me sick...What kind of message is this country sending to our young men and women in harms way? :d:

SuperScout 03-05-2010 08:39 AM

Another Wrong Message....
Admittedly, this is way off topic, but the message being relayed to our enemies about how we accept the word of a known terrorist over the word of a US Navy SEAL is self-defeating at its apex. So what if that raghead POS got whacked across the face with a wet towel? So what if he got a tap-tap in his little hate-filled tummy?

Why every congressperson isn't on the steps of the Capitol protesting the proposed court martial of these SEAL's is amazing to me.

On the topic of DD 214's - real or othewise - just how hard is it for someone to create one with PhotoShop or some other software package, and then sell them for others to fill in the blanks and reap the rewards?

1CAVCCO15MED 03-05-2010 10:18 AM

I have said before, there are sites to get most anything. Blank DD 214s are illegal now but I am sure they can be made. Sites like the following are a big part of the problem. I am thinking of graduating my Basset hound from jump school just to prove I can.

1CAVCCO15MED 03-05-2010 10:23 AM

In fact, maybe that is what we need to do to prove how easy it is. In fact, if someone will PM me a class number and dates I will do it. Imagine having the first airbourne Basset hound!

SuperScout 03-05-2010 11:15 AM

Rather than patronize this website, I think a better solution would be to mount a black-ops and simply remove them from stealing oxygen.

1CAVCCO15MED 03-05-2010 11:37 AM

Here is the best part, they claim to all be disabled veterans. What is sad is that they may be telling the truth.

SuperScout 03-05-2010 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by 1CAVCCO15MED (Post 442840)
Here is the best part, they claim to all be disabled veterans. What is sad is that they may be telling the truth.

And this is what makes my butt want to squirt buttermilk: why is it that a disabled vet is supposed to get carte blanche to do crazy stuff? I don't give a sh*t if they are quadruple Purple Heart double-amputees, they should not be enabling wannabees to commit fraud. Just like people trying to rationalize the criminal behavior of Charlie Rangel, because he's a Korean War vet who has a Purple Heart. BFD. Send him to jail.

1CAVCCO15MED 03-05-2010 02:13 PM

Couldn't agree with you more. Sorry about the airbourne dog. Lack of common sense.

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