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David 04-28-2002 11:33 AM

Definition Of A Marine

Registered to :Oct 18, 2001
Messages :885
From :Mpls Mn
Posted 11-12-2001 at 11:25
Marine's come in all shapes, shades, weights, sizes and states of sobriety, misery, and confusion. He is sly as a fox, has the nerve of a dope addict, the stories of an old sailor, the sincerity of a politician and the subtlety of Mount St. Helens. He is extremely irresisitible, totaly irrational, and completely indestructible.

A Marine is a Marine all his life, he is a magical creature, you can kick out of your house but not out of your heart. You can take him off your mailing list, but not off your mind.

Marines are found everywhere; in love, in battle, in lust, in heat, in trouble, in debt, in bars, and behind them. No one can write so seldom and yet think so much of you. No one else can get so much enjoyment out of a letter or clean clothes or a six pack.

A Marine is a genius with a deck of cards, a millionaire without a cent, and brave without a grain of sence. He is the protector of America with the latest copy of Playboy in his pocket. When he wants something, it's usually 30 days leave, music that hurts the ears, a five dollar bill, or a women he can count on.

Girls love them, mothers tolerate them, fathers brag on them, the government pays them, police watch for them and somehow they all work together. You can beat their bodies but their minds; you can take their hearts but not their souls.

He likes girls, females, women, ladies, and members of the opposite sex.

He dislikes small checks, working weekends, answering letters, eating chow, waking up, maintaining a uniform, cutting his hair and the day before payday.

You might as well give in; he is your long distance lover; he is your steel eyed, warm smiling, blank minded, hyperactive; overeacting, curious, passive, talented, spontaneous, physically fit, good for nothing bundle of worry. He shatters all your dreams and fantasies when he drunkenly crawls onto bed with you at 3 o' clock in the morning, kisses you for five minutes, tells you how much he loves you, smokes a cigarette, checks the clock and falls asleep.

Writen by the wife of a Marine.

Semper Fi Brothers, they're on to us.

Profile www Qoute

Registered to :Aug 23, 2001
Messages :429
From :Bartlett, TN. C.S.A.
Posted 11-12-2001 at 15:13
nerve of a dope addict ???

old Army guy who don't get it.

Profile Email www Qoute

Registered to :Oct 18, 2001
Messages :885
From :Mpls Mn
Posted 12-12-2001 at 11:41
yeah I really didn't understand that part a whole lot either, I just copied it I didn't write it.
Sgt G.A. Blake, MARINE, The Title says it all.

Profile www Qoute

Registered to :Jan 04, 2002
Messages :3
From :
Posted 06-01-2002 at 13:31
Great post!!!!! had a good time laughing about that. My question now is....what about female Marines???? We're a bit of a "unique" breed, too!!!



Profile www Qoute

Registered to :Oct 18, 2001
Messages :885
From :Mpls Mn
Posted 07-01-2002 at 09:53
theoddz, all you have to do is change the wording a bit, Welcome and Semper Fi
Sgt G.A. Blake, MARINE, The Title says it all.

xusnpaul 05-08-2002 07:48 PM

I only knew two kinds of Marines, lean and mean, and big and mean.
:) Retired Navy CPO

Tiffany 05-08-2002 09:43 PM

WOW... I enjoyed reading it. I found myself laughing and at the same time thinking to myself hey....this is soo partially true.

thedrifter 05-25-2002 08:21 AM

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thedrifter 05-30-2002 03:39 PM

US Marines
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1. The term, Leatherneck" derives from the late 1700's
when Marines wore a leather strap around their necks for protection.

2. In combat Marines NEVER leave comrades behind.

3. Marine sergeants are the only NCOs in the U.S. Armed Forces to have the privilage of carrying swords on ceremonial occasions.

4. The Marine Corps March, "Semper Fidelis" by J.P. Soousa, is the only military march authorized by Congress.

5. The Marine Hymn is the oldest official anthem of any U.S. military service,

6. In the US Navy, when "Abandon Ship" is ordered, the last person to leave the vessel before the captain is his Marine orderly.

7. Jarhead a slang term used by sailors a early as WW 2 to refer to members of the Marine Corps, drawing the term from resemblance of the Marine dress blues uniform, with its high collar, to a "Mason Jar".
Another term for Jarhead is back to the days when mules were used in the Marine Corps; mules were referred to jarheads, Stubborn Marines.

8. Semper Fidelis the motto of the USMC Latin for Always
Faithful, Faithful to God, Country, Family and the Corps.

9.Once A Marine, Always a Marine the motto of the Marine Corp League having earned the title of the Marines it becomes a itegral part of who and what we will become later in life.

10. Espirit de Corps the spirit of a unit, this spirit is commonly reflected by all members. It applies devotion and loyality to the Marine Corps, with deep regard for history, traditions and honor.


Tell It to the Marines
Ten thousand gobs laid down their swabs to fight on sick Marine, Ten Thousand more stood up and swore, It was the damndest fight they'd ever seen!
Tell It to the Marines. ........... Lon Chaney, 1927



thedrifter 05-31-2002 03:05 PM

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PS: Below Graphic by fontman

Keith_Hixson 05-31-2002 03:46 PM

And I'm spending the weekend with one of them!
You Army Air Force and Navy boys pray for me. You hear pray for me. I'm being invaded by a Marine.:D

Keith:D ;) :D

thedrifter 06-01-2002 09:41 AM

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Hi Keith,

We Marines can be softies when it comes to family and friends. We tend to stand tall, proud and tough. Our Brotherhood is small and lasts a life time. But when a friend is in need we are there.
Enjoy your time with him, "The Marines Have Landed The Situation Is Well In Hand".



thedrifter 06-01-2002 10:08 AM

>Save Water, Shower With A Marine
>Grunts Can Do Anything
>Marines Always Welcome, Relatives By Appointment
>Good Night Chesty, Wherever You Are
>Marine Sniper -- Visualize World Peace
>Marine Sniper -- You Can Run But You Can't Hide
>What Part of Marine Don't you Understand?
>We Don't Care How You Do It In The Navy
>Be Safe Sleep With A Marine!
>To Boldly Go Where A FEW GOOD MEN Have Gone Before
>Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Live Forever
>When It Absolutely, Positively Must Be DESTROYED Overnight -- Call The
>Heaven Won't Take Us and Hell Is Afraid We'll Take Over
>There Are Two Types of People: MARINES and Those Who Wish They Were
>It Ain't Bragging If You CAN Do It
>We Deliver More Destruction Overnight Than Those Who Simply Deliver
>Deadliest Weapon In The World -- A Marine And His Rifle
>If You Weren't There Then Shut Up!
>Marines Never Die -- They Just Go To Hell And Re-Group
>For Those Who Fought For It, Freedom Has A Flavor The Protected Will
>The Impossible Is Done With The Lord's Help And A Few Good Men and
>Nobody Ever Drowned In Sweat
>Marine Pilots Are Plane People With A Special Air About Them
>I Love The Smell Of Jet Fuel In The Morning -- Marine Aviation
>USMC -- Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
>USMC -- No Promises, No Shortcuts
>USMC -- America's 911 Service
>More Sweat In Peace, Less Blood In War
>USMC IS Part Of The Navy -- The Men's Department
>Do Draft Dodgers Have Reunions? If So What Do They Talk About?
>To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine Neither of Which Is Marine Corps
>Marine Artillery -- The Grunts 24-7, 911 Rescue Battery
>Women Marines -- Fewer and Prouder
>Every Marine Is A Rifleman
>One Shot, One Kill
>Forget Smith and Wesson -- This Property Protected By A US Marine
>When In Doubt Empty The Magazine
>Force Recon -- Penetrates Deeper, Takes Longer And Carries A Bigger
>Pain Is Only Temporary, Pride Is Forever
>Where In The Hell Is 29 Palms?
>USMC -- We Do Not Promise You A Rose Garden
>B.A.M. ~ Beautiful American Marine
>Pain Is Weakness Leaving The Body
>Combat Engineers -- When It Absolutely Must Be Destroyed Overnight
>The Marine Corps Doesn't Build Character, It Reveals It
>USMC Infantry -- Taking Out The Garbage
>Not as Lean, Not As Mean, But Still A Marine
>And On The Seventh Day When GOD Rested, We Overran His Perimeter And
>The Globe, We Stole The Eagle From The Air Force, The Anchor From The
>The Rope From The Army, And Have Been Protecting Our Shores Ever
>Marine "You earned the title "Marine" upon graduation from boot
>training. It wasn't willed to you; it isn't a gift. It is not a
>subsidy. Few can claim the title; no one can take it away. It is
>forever." Tom Bartlett - Leatherneck Magazine
>"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a
>The MARINES don't have that problem." President Ronald Reagan - 1985
>"Marines are about the most peculiar breed of human beings I have ever
>known. They treat their service as if it was some kind of cult,
>their emblem on almost everything they own, making themselves up to
>like insane fanatics...." by an anonymous Canadian citizen
>The US Air Force Chief-of-Staff would never be called -- Airman
>The Chief-of-Naval Operations would never be called -- Sailor
>The Commanding General of The US Army would never be called -- Soldier
>BUT the Commandant of the Marine Corps would be proud to be called a
>United States Marine Corps Leader of men, teller of tall tales, legend
>his own mind, U.S. Marine extraordinaire, stream fordable,
>beer-fueled, water-cooled, author, history-maker, lecturer, traveler,
>freedom-fighter, defender of the faith. Wars fought, tigers tamed,
>revolutions started, bars emptied, alligators castrated. Let me win
>hearts and minds or I'll burn your GD damn hut down!
>No Former or Ex Marine here! Just a Marine no longer on active duty.
>"Once A Marine Always A Marine"
>"It's not the stars or bars you have, not what you wear on your sleeve
>shoulder, that determines what you are. It's what you wear on your
>The Eagle, Globe, and Anchor- It is The Title you earned, MARINE, That
>you in the Brotherhood of the MARINES.

thedrifter 06-03-2002 12:57 PM

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The first reason I like Marines: They set high standards-for-themselves and those around them-and-will accept nothing less.
I like the way Marines march.
I like the way Marines do their basic training whether it's Quantico, Parris Island or San Diego.
I like the idea that Marines 'cultivate and ethos conductive of producing hard people in a soft age.'
I like the fact that Marines stay in shape.
I like the fact that Marines only have one boss-the Commandant. And I like the directness of the Commandant.
I like the fact that Marines are stuborn.
I like the way Marines obey orders.
I like the way the Marines make the most of the press.
I like the Marines wholehearted professionalism of the Marines.
I t occured to me that the services could be characterized by different breeds of dogs... The Air Force reminded me of the French Poddle. The poodle always looks perfect...sometimes seems a bit pampered...
always travels first class. But don't forget the poodle was bred as a hunting dog and in a fight it's very dangerous. The Army is kind of like a St Bernard...It's big and heavy and sometimes seems a bit clumsy...But it's very powerful and lots of stamin. So you want it for the long haul. The navy, God bless us, is a Golden Retriever. They're good natured and great around the house. The kids love'em. Sometime their hair is a bit long... they go wandering off for long periods of time, and they love water. Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attact and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat. That sounds like a Marine to me! So what I really like about Marines is that 'first to fight' isn't just a motto, it's a way of life. From the day they were formed at Tun Tavern 221 years ago. Marines have distinguished themselves on battlefields
around the world. From the figithing tops of the Bonhomme Richard, to the sands of the Barbary Coast, from the swamps of New
Orleans to the Halls of Montezumia, from Belleau Woods, to the
Argonne Forest, to Guadalcanal, and Iwo Jima, and Okinawa and
Inchon, and Chosin Resrvoir and Hue City and Quang Tri and Dong Ha, and Beirut, and Grenada, and Panama, and Somalia and Bosnia and a thousand unnamed battlefields in godforsaken corners of the
globe. Marines have distinguished themselves by their bavery, and
stubborness and aggressive spirit, and sacrifice, and love of country,
and loyalty to one another.
They've done it for you and me, and this Country we all love so dearly. And they asked for nothing more than the honor of being a
United States Marine.
And that's why I like Marines.

From a speech by RADM J. Stark, USN made in Newport, RI on
November 10, 1995

Courtesy of Meekko



thedrifter 06-08-2002 09:29 AM

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In a crowd you're bound to spot him, He's standing so very tall

Not too much impresses him; He's seen and done it all.

His hair is short, his eyes are sharp, But his smile's a little blue.

It's the only indication of the hell that he's gone through

He belongs to a sacred brotherhood. Always Faithful 'til the end.

He has walked right into battle and walked back out again.

Many people think him foolish for having no regrets

About having lived through many times others would forget.

He's the first to go and last to know, but never questions why,

On whether it is right or wrong, but only do or die.

He walks a path most won't take and has lost much along the way,

But he thinks a lot of freedom, It's a small price to pay.

Yes, he has chosen to live a life off the beaten track,

Knowing well each time he's called, He might not make it back.

So, next time you see a DEVIL DOG standing proud and true,

Be gratiful for all he's given; He's given it for you.

Don't go up and ask him What's it's like to be in a war;

Just thank God that it's your country He's always fighting for.

And thank him too for all the hell He's seen in that shade of green.

Thank him for having the guts to be a UNITED STATES MARINE.



thedrifter 06-18-2002 04:53 AM

Fate of a Marine
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Since time began, countless men have asked,
What is the meaning, what is life?s task?
Is it to love, or to play, or to live in good health?
Or obsess over cars, houses, and wealth.

Do we each live life in our own little way?
Or is it all fate, and have we no say?
Well I awoke this ?morn, and said to the mirror,
?This is your life, you decide it right here!?

And so to the parade, I go in my blues,
I balance my cover, and polish my shoes.
The glare of the buttons reflects on the wall,
I puff out my chest, and stand quite tall.

The look of a Marine, determined and proud,
I raise my hand sharply, a salute to the crowd.
But does the crowd know, what fate holds for me,
Or do they just see blue, and forget what may be.

Two years or less, and my blues will be folded,
Stored in a closet, while my fatigues become scolded.
The cover replaced by a thick Kevlar cap,
My crisp sharp salute, now a comrade?s taps.

The crowd will be gone, their faces now faded,
A reminder of what was, a memory serenaded.
The dust and the heat, will bite at my cheeks,
And I?ll clean my rifle, and pray for the weeks.

Someone must do it, go protect the right,
Someone must leave here, and go to the fight.
My grandfather said, ask ?why not me??
And so there I?ll sit, far over the sea.

I won?t have regrets, or wish I was back,
For if I weren?t there, who?d pick up the slack?
Would you go in place, to toy with your fate?
Or sit back at home, and silently wait?

No the time will come, and I will go,
The time will come, and I?ll have to show.
All that I ask for my fate in return,
Is the respect that myself and the others will earn.

Because one day I?ll be back, and I?ll put on my blues,
I?ll balance my cover, and polish my shoes.
My buttons will gleam on the wall once again,
And people will ask me, ?Where have you been??

So I will tell them, I was protecting their rights,
I will tell them of war, and of nightmarish nights.
Maybe then they?ll know, what we have done,
This war we have fought, their safety we?ve won.

Until then I?ll sit back, and listen to laughter,
Of the ignorant people, whose safety we?re after.
It matters not though, to the Marine dressed in blues,
Given the choice, WE know what we?ll choose.



graphic made by Doug Kidd

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