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David 03-02-2007 09:53 AM

Swiss accidentally invade Liechtenstein
ZURICH, Switzerland - What began as a routine training exercise almost ended in an embarrassing diplomatic incident after a company of Swiss soldiers got lost at night and marched into neighboring Liechtenstein.

According to Swiss daily Blick, the 170 infantry soldiers wandered just over a mile across an unmarked border into the tiny principality early Thursday before realizing their mistake and turning back.

A spokesman for the Swiss army confirmed the story but said that there were unlikely to be any serious repercussions for the mistaken invasion.

"We've spoken to the authorities in Liechtenstein and it's not a problem," Daniel Reist told The Associated Press.

Officials in Liechtenstein also played down the incident.

Interior ministry spokesman Markus Amman said nobody in Liechtenstein had even noticed the soldiers, who were carrying assault rifles but no ammunition. "It's not like they stormed over here with attack helicopters or something," he said.

Liechtenstein, which has about 34,000 inhabitants and is slightly smaller than Washington DC, doesn't have an army.

Keith_Hixson 03-02-2007 10:26 AM

Now I would expect this . . . . .
From the Polish Army led by Bob K. or the North Dakota National Guard, but I am deeply hurt and disappointed in the Swiss. I will have to ponder about using my Swiss Army knife from now on. Just totally devastated by this report.

Keith :D

revwardoc 03-02-2007 11:54 AM

Did Liechtenstein realize they had been invaded? I wonder; if the Swiss troops had gone into France by mistake, would the French have surrendered?

Keith_Hixson 03-02-2007 11:58 AM

The French are so . . . .
Anti War and combat and all, Maybe it would be a good idea to for them to take over and rule France. :D

Keith :D

b3196 03-02-2007 12:02 PM

Did I ever tell you our tanks only have one speed foward and five in reverse.

SparrowHawk62 03-02-2007 12:38 PM

Don't the Swiss have a little compass on their knives?

Stick 03-02-2007 02:49 PM

Who's watching the Pope????????

82Rigger 03-02-2007 07:32 PM

Trivia question:

Name four well-known Swiss exports.


1. Swiss Army knives

2. Swiss cheese

3. Swiss chocolate

4. Martina Hingis

:D :D

Keith_Hixson 03-02-2007 07:36 PM

Will the Swiss guards find he Vatican? That is the question.

The Swiss are better Watch Making than Patroling?

Keith :D

82Rigger 03-02-2007 07:41 PM


North Dakota National Guard?

Did they invade somebody?


1CAVCCO15MED 03-02-2007 08:16 PM

I hope this doesn't escalate into an arms race between Liectenstine and Switzerland.

Keith_Hixson 03-02-2007 10:17 PM

Montana Jokes
Montana folks tell jokes about the North Dakota National guard invading Montana. Its a regional thing out West. Like, the North Dakota National guard decide to invade Montana, they gathered at the border between North Dakota and Montana and threw hand gernades at the Montana National guard and the Montana National guard pulled the pins and threw them back.
There are a whole bunch of stupid North Dakota invading Montana jokes.
Or was it Bob K. leading the Indiana National guard on invasion of Illinois? Anyway you get the jist of it.
This situation just reminded me of those stupid jokes.

Arms race? Is Liechtenstein going to start manufacturing knives? :D


1CAVCCO15MED 03-02-2007 11:58 PM

It has already started. Cheese

82Rigger 03-03-2007 01:09 AM

Ah! An arms race between Switzerland and Wisconsin.

Keith_Hixson 03-03-2007 07:32 AM

Can only the Swiss
Can only the Swiss make Swiss Cheese?

If it's made in Wisconsin or anywhere else is it Swiss Cheese?

I'm so confused. I need a therapist. Bob K. help me.

Keith :D

b3196 03-03-2007 09:28 AM

Swiss cheese was once made by the Swiss for the Swiss but the Swiss wern't making any money from the Swiss so they felt they should broaden their horizions by selling a copyright of the name Swiss and the recipe for Swiss cheese to the great folks of Wisconsin. This was kinda like the 2 Polocks who had a pickup truck and they went to the farmer and bought 3dozen eggs for 2 dollars. Drove 20 miles into town and sold the eggs for 2 dollars for 3 dozen. After a few weeks, one looked at the other and said, "do you think were making any money?" The other said, "No, maybe we should buy a bigger pickup"
Thats how the Swiss learned from the people of Poland.

Robert Ryan 03-03-2007 09:52 AM

Time for Liechtenstein to enter the nuclear arms race. The Swiss need to look out for the mighty French Army.

1CAVCCO15MED 03-03-2007 06:59 PM

Next comes the new ring of terror. Yes, tremble all who see these scrivings: Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino, Monte Carlo, Vatican City and their fast strike force The Knights of Malta. I mean, I mean......when your country is the size of a tennis court the insatiable greed for land, liebenstraum. Tennis balls.

82Rigger 03-03-2007 07:21 PM

65535 Attachment(s) balls.

Ah, I've got it! Martina Hingis...the Swiss Miss... is a spy!

Doc, I think you meant LEBENSRAUM (living room).

LIEBENSTRAUM is..ah...a love dream. :D

Packo 03-03-2007 07:28 PM

65535 Attachment(s)
This isn't the first time....the Swiss made the same mistake two years ago only they went into France. The French surrenderred.


frisco-kid 03-03-2007 10:14 PM

I seem to remember years ago hearing about Poland buying 10,000 septic tanks. After they learned how to drive them, they were going to invade Russia. Bob, did they ever approach you about being an instructor?

b3196 03-04-2007 07:23 AM

65535 Attachment(s)
Tom (Frisco)
As amatter of fact, they did, but I refused.
From the way they described the position, It sounded like a real $hitty job with poor pay. The only positive thing was: All you can eat!!!!

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