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wrbones 05-29-2003 11:13 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin' anyway! It's good to see ya! Coffee's on! Ya better grab a cup! It's good and it's hot! Hell, I made it, didn't I! Paper'll be along directly, I reckon!

Well, I got to thinkin' about what we were gonna visit over this mornin' and I couldn't come up with a damn thing! I had things all sorted out to keep things sorted out a bit and so that all of this visitin' would make some sense when ya put it all together, but I came up with an endin' to it some time ago, so all I got is the same ol' shit, just looked at a bit different is all. Didn't make no sense did it? So sue me! LOL.

Lookin' at things from a different point of view from time to time is a good thing, ya know. It don't hurt to look at things as if they were strange to ya. Ya might see or learn somethin' ya didn't know when ya do that! One example is to get down with yer kids or grandkids and take a look at the world, literally, from their point of view! Things look different from down there, don't they! LOL. Yer problems are a bit different, too! Fer example, how in hell do ya reach the peanut butter in the top shelf of that cabinet when yer only three feet tall! Everything three feet and down ain't much problem to ya when yer already there! Now, on the other hand, imagine bein' Near seven foot tall. Top shelf of the cabinet ain't a problem. But gettin' to the bottom shelf of the fridge can be an exercise in physics!

When ya lookit things from a different point of view, ya come to learn things ya never thought of before. Pluses and minuses in some cases, sometimes it's really a sort of an ephiphany. Ya say to yer self, "Damn, I never thought of it that way before!" When I'm payin' attention, it happens to me alla time. Feel like a dang fool sometimes, but I learn somethin' I didn't know...usually about somethin' I thought I had nailed to the wall! Kinda unsettlin' at times, too, 'cause ya always ask yerself, "Why'n hell didn't I see it that way before? It was perfectly obvious!"

That's part of what we do over coffee inna mornin'. Look at things from a slightly different point of view now and then. Hell, I learn somethin' myself near every day! What? Don't look at me that way! Hell, I don't know nuthin'! I'm still gettin' this stuff sorted out!

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It's a new day! Make sure yer eyes are open and ya got yer day planned out! It's another chance to get 'er right! It's a new opportunity! Make sure ya go out and take advantage of it!

wrbones 05-30-2003 11:36 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this morin'! Coffee's on! Make sure ya grab a cup and get some! Paper'll be along directly!

Well, I don't know what's gonna be on the agenda today, folks. I reckon we'll find out directly, won't we! Let me think fer a minute....

Well, I reckon one thing'll do as well as the next, mebbe...;)

There are times when a good look ina mirror would do a person some good now and then. Myself, I'm always kinda surprised when I do that. I usually have hair outta place and my moustache normally needs trimmin' just a little bit. Seems my shirt always gets wrinkled up somehow, too. I know my nose hairs need trimmin' when they get tickled by my moustache....I don't haveta look inna mirror to know that. It feels kinda like a fly on yer nose without havin' a fly on yer nose! The ticklin' tells me what needs doin there! It's also really embarassin' when ya don't get yer shirt buttoned right inna mornin' and the only one who can't see it is you! Ya walk around like that til ya finally see yerself in a bathroom mirror someplace! Then ya say, "Oh, ****." and get it fixed! Once I did that and didn't see it til the day was half gone and saw my reflection in my car window after I left the mall! LOL. Musta looked kinda funny sittin' there inna car tryin' to tuck my shirt back in my britches after I got my shirt buttoned right...

Well, you know what's comin' by now, don't ya! Well, if ya don't, ya ain't been payin' attention when we're havin' coffee inna mornin'! LOL.

Ya see, we're that way with a lot of things in our life. We go along not lookin' inna mirror, or havin' anyone to tell us we got somethin' a bit wrong somewhere, all the while thinkin' we got it all together and we're the coolest kinda folk around! Ya might be arrogant where arrogance ain't called for. Ya might be a bit rougher on yer employees or family than ya figger ya are. Ya might think yer the biggest player on yer block or ya might be prideful over the way yer house is kept up just so when it ain't all that! Hell, maybe ya just pull the wings offa houseflys and think nuthin' of it! I don't know! It'll be somethin' somewhere along the way that ya got goin' that's a bit off somewhere. If yer real perfect and lucky, it'll only be one kinda somethin'. It don't work out likt that though. Usually about the time ya get one thing sorted out, ya need to get somethin' else unfucked. Sometimes, it ain't all that easy, either!

Thing is, when ya feel a fly on yer nose and they ain't no flies around...mebbe it's time to take a look inna mirror. Other times ain't nobody's gonna be good enough folks to ya to let ya know that metaphorical shirt ya got on is buttoned wrong, either!

Well, I reckon it's time to warm up yer coffee! It's Saturday. Make sure ya get yer chores outta the way and spend some time with yer family today! If yer listenin', mebbe they'll let ya know yer hairs a bit outta place, ya reckon! LOL

It's a new day! A new opportunity! We got another chance to get it right! Make damn sure ya take advantage of it!

Make sure ya got yer head wrapped around yer day 'fore ya start!

wrbones 05-31-2003 11:15 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin' anyway! Coffee's on! Make sure ya grab a cup, set a bit and get yer eyes open! Day ain't started just quite yet! Hell, it's Sunday! You got a few minutes 'fore ya head to church and such! Paper'll be here directly!

So what's the real deal, today? I was thinkin' myself. What ya talkin' about? Well, sometimes I know what I'm gonna say before I open my mouth! LOL. Thing is, over coffee a feller has a minute or two to think about things before he opens his mouth! A man ain't got that luxury some days! LOL. Over coffee, ya get to think about stuff ya might not have time for later on in yer day!

So, I was thinkin'. I've been visitin' with some folks off and on and they always got their mouths runnin'. Now overall, ain't nothin' too wrong with that, I reckon, 's long as ya got somethin' to say and know what yer talkin' about! The drawback is, ya never hear what anyone else might have to say about things! End's up, all ya know is all ya know, 'cause ya ain't listenin' and learnin'! LOL. Anyway, with these folks, a fair few of them are like that, but a bit worse. They always have somethin' to say, but they don't always know what they're talkin' about, but they'll keep sayin' it and not listen to nobody! Others are worse, though. They'll want to be the only ones talkin' and they don't know nuthin', and no matter how ya try to teach 'em somethin', they ain't interested in learnin'! They wanta teach others everything they know! Kinda like mrbsox wantin' me to use a spell checker and watch my grammar. I think about it, but I really don't know much about the subject. 'Cept fer spellin'. I kin do some of that sometimes...mebbe.

Now this kinda goes back to that wisdom thing we all visited over some time back. A man who admits he don't kow nuthin', might be a man to listen to now and then, 'cause when he reaches the end of what he knows, he'll tell ya. In the meantime, he's teachin' ya somethin' ya might not a thought of before. It don't take me long to get to the end of what I know. Most of the time over coffee, I'm just thinkin' out loud! Hell, I'm just tryin' to figger some of this stuff out the same way you are!

Some folks don't figger there's anything they don't know and they'll just keep on talkin'. Kinda like me, sometimes! Well, I like to make sure I got to the end of what I know, ya see!

...and sometimes...just sometimes... I know what I'm gonna talk about before I open my mouth.

Make sure ya know what the real deal is with things like that, folks. It might be to yer advantage one day...

Well, I suppose. It might be time to warm up yer coffee and get yer head wrapped around yer day, folks! It's a new day! We got a new opportunity! We got another chance to get 'er right!

Make sure ya take advantage of it, why don't ya!

wrbones 06-02-2003 12:16 AM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! make sure ya grab a cup and get some! Paper'll be along directly, I reckon! Who know's what's gonna be in there today! 'Bout like gettin' a present sometimes! Ya never know quite what yer gonna find! LOL.

Well, I been thinkin' again. What about! Well, hell! Don't ya trust me! Don't answer that! LOL. I was readin' a bit today out of a book. I never read this one before. "The World According to Garp" Some of it ain't much so far. I ain't done with yet. But there's a couple things in it that get ya to thinkin', as screwy as the characters are! I saw a sentence that kinda stuck with me and I been thinkin' on it. It was a place where they were carryin' on about teenage angst and all that.

Where'd I put that damn thing anyway....nope ain't up there...oh, there it is....over by the easy chair. Damn thing got me again when I was readin' earlier. Out like a light fer two hours! Dang easy chair has a strategy that's insidious. Always invitin' and comfortable lookin', and puts ya right to sleep if ya ain't real careful! I fall for it every time, too! One of these days I'm gonna outsmart it....I'm thinkin' a bag of ice, maybe..... What the hell was I talkin' about...oh...teenage angst or somethin' wasn't it.

Well, I got to lookin' at the way that one character inna book said it, "...a part of adolescence is feeling that there's no one else around who's enough like yourself to understand you." My first thought was, "Get used to it, kid." Ya see, there's an aspect of bein' an individual, with a free mind, that kinda keeps a person that way. That's why ya can be lonely inna crowd! Ain't nobody can get in yer head with ya and be you, after all. That's what bein' an individual is all about. It does get kinda lonely sometimes bein' an individual. Ya gotta make yer own decisions and think things out for yerself, no matter what else is goin' on around ya. Responsibility comes into play as well. We've visited over responsibility before, so I won't go into that right now. This thinkin' our own thoughts without outside influence is a strange thing at times and is very difficult to get into the way it deserves over coffee inna mornin'!

Now, you can try joinin' up with associations and organisations and do the tribal thing (which the human race hasn't grown out of yet, and isn't likely too, or there wouldn't be any such thing as nations and all) and we do things together as a society that kinda brings us together in ways wherein we celebrate our differences from everyone else. Kinda self-defeatin' in a way, but it keeps us from gettin' lonely with our own thoughts. Now bein' with yer own thinkin' for awhile is a good thing, in my opinion. If ya learned how to think at all, it gives ya a chance to sort things out for yerself now and then. Trouble is, so many folks get all caught up with not wantin' to feel that kinda loneliness that we're all born with, that they''ll do anything it takes to belong to a group of folks who either tell them how to think, or take over their thinkin' for 'em.

Now bein' lonely alla time ain't a good thing, either, but it is necessary for healthful livin' as bein' in the middle of someone else's thinkin' ain't a good thing to do alla time, either. But it is necessary, if we want to get along in our society as we know it, that we learn to understand and to sometimes accept the thinkin' of other folks. Don't mean we have to approve.

Well, before it gets too much more complicated, I want to say this. Some things don't change from bein' an adolescent. Ya just learn to accept them, live with them and grow with them. That's poart of what maturity comes to. Ya lose the useless fears. Ya accept things as they are in real life, and you move on and deal with it. Nobody will ever fully understand you. You learn to live with yerself, within yerself, and ya learn to accept the fact that sometimes ya gotta do yer own thinkin'. In the sense of teenage angst, no one will ever understand you. Get used to it and move on. In the sense that mutually shared experiences bring understanding, that's where you find someone who'll understand you. Ain't a doctor, nurse, teacher, preacher or politician who can change all that. Most they can do is to help a bit or take advantage of ya if ya ain't careful.

There's been other folks here and there who've said all of this a helluva lot better than I can, but I figgered I'd mention it in passin' this mornin'. One thing to keep in mind. Most of the world's problem come outta fergettin' that the other feller is just as lonely and scared as you are! Ya get away from yer societies, organisations and tribes, it gets a little worrisome. Might be one reason we all are such creatures of habit. It helps keeps the loneliness and worry at bay.

Warm up yer coffee, folks! Daylight's a wastin'! Ya got another chance to get right today! Make sure ya take advantage of it!

wrbones 06-02-2003 11:25 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin'? Everything ok? Hope so! Coffee's on! Get yerself a cup and cop a squat somewhere! Paper'll be along in a bit, I reckon.

I really enjoy visitin' with you folks inna mornin'. I learn somethin' near everytime one of ya opens yer mouth. Seems some folks ain't got a lot of time to visit inna mornin', but that's ok, too. Long as ya got things planned out and ain't just runnin' out the door like a chicken with it's head cut off! Oh, come on! LOL. Hell, I hadda say somethin' like that sooner or later! LOL. 'Least I spelled Chicken right! I coulda said chikkin! LOL.

Well, what the hell's goin' on anyway! I ain't got nuthin' on my mind right now. Gimme a minute!

Let's see...yesterday I got to helpin' someone with lookin' fer some stuff. They apparently didn't know where to start. I got 'em lined out and then did my research thing for 'em. I guess no one warned 'em about the way I go about that sorta thing. I figger they'll be sufferin' from information overload fer a day or two! LOL. I'm mean that way, I guess! LOL. Don't ask me if ya don't wanta know! LOL. I might just tell ya!

I got kinda busy yesterday, fer a bit. Had company most of the day. Feller goin' through hard times with his ol' lady. I just sit and listen mostly. He thinks I'm offering some pretty good hospitality. Well, I feed folks if they stay fer dinner and make sure they got coffee or tea and such. Ain't nothin' special about that. Just treatin' folks right is all, best I know how anyway! Had a couple of folks wanta visit with me on the 'puter, too, and I really didn't have time right then. They seem to know just when I'm busy, too! LOL. I'll get hooked up with them sooner or later, Lord willin'. I feel bad about that, but I gotta take one thing at a time now and then, or I'm gonna really screw things up! Had a couple other folks visitin' with me earlier yesterday on that IM thing, too.

Got my housemouse stuff done and mowed and watered the yard as well. Yard's lookin' good! Got some yeller irises bloomin' now, too! Had folks commentin' on the view from here lately. It is worth the trouble of livin' in town, I reckon...maybe. Weather's been about perfect, here. More rain than usual, but mostly sunny days and it's stayin' cool. Looks like the drought might be over!

I went and played onna lefty website in Britain fer a bit, too, but I'm gettin' bored with 'em. They want to rehash things over and over and over and don't seem to understand that we already covered that stuff before. Short term memory I reckon. Smart enough, but a bit slow onna unptake, it seems. I had fun with them fer awhile. Part of my online activism. I go play with left wing extremists on the web! LOL.

Got a CD from NamGrunt68 too. I ain't hadda chance to listen to it yet. Last one he did was pretty good, but kinda hard to listen too if ya know what I mean. I mean, he's got a warnin' on it that if yer PTSD ya better have a bro standin' by when yer listenin' to it! It's worth yer time, though, well worth yer time to listen to it. It's good stuff, though, and I think's it's an important thing he's doin' with his music. He's rougher than a cob, but he's good folks. I'd really like a chance to visit him face to face one of these days. I think it'd be somethin'! I'm proud to know him the way it is. (I can set ya up with the addy to get a copy if'n ya want. Send me a PM or an email or somethin' we'll figger somethin' out. I ain't gettin' nothin' outta it. Just think it's worth the time is all.)

There's other folks around here I'd like to visit with that way. It'd sure be a pleasure. Now, don't mistake me. I ain't got none of this shit sorted out that you folks might figger I do. I'm a bit different in person if I don't know ya real well. I'm kinda shy and I sure as shit don't think very fast on my feet anymore! That's an advantage in a way. If I take the time, some things I can get figgered out so they make sense to me. Some things I just need to figger out later! LOL. Well, the shy part just depends, I reckon. I do like the wimmin a bit....

Well, I've talked about myself quite a bit this mornin', just ramblin'. Sittin' and relaxin' a bit before I get started. Thing is, if ya were payin' attention....I covered a number of things that we've visited over before. ;) I'll let you figger it out, if ya don't mind.

Myself, I'm gonna warm up my coffee! Join me if ya got a minute! Ya need to get yer eyes open anyway 'fore ya head out! Make sure ya got yer head wrapped around yer day before ya get started! Don't want nobody messin' up, now! 'Least not too bad! ;)

It's a new day, folks! A new opportunity to get 'er right! Make sure ya take advantage of it!

wrbones 06-04-2003 12:22 AM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin'! Coffee's on! Y'all make sure ya grab a cup and find a place to sit! Paper'll be here inna bit, maybe

So what the hell ya got goin' anyway! I ain't been up to much. Another busy day yesterday fer me. A hundred plus mile round trip with several stops along the way and I was still home in less than four hours. Wouldn't a been that long, but I went by to see Mom and Dad on the way back. Gotta get a "Mom" hug, don't ya know, and listen to the ol man tell worse jokes than I do! LOL.

I'll tell ya, folks, Mom is known for her hugs! She ever hugs ya, you been hugged good and proper! I'm tellin' ya, when folks see Mom, the first thing they do is get a hug if they ever been hugged by her before! I've seen little kids, first thing they see her, run to to get hugged, and grown adults not far behind! That hug of hers is a thing of comfort and warmth and even beauty that ya don't run across every day, and when she hugs ya she means it, too! It ain't no kinda game to her. That's the thing I like about Mom. She's real people. Don't ask her what she thinks. She's just liable to tell ya! She won't be after bein' mean to ya, but you'll probably need to hear it if ya don't like it. She's got faults like all rest of us, but she knows that, too.

Well, hell, we ain't really talked about hugs before, and I'm a talkin' so what ya gonna do! LOL. We talked about kissin' a time or two, so what the hell's the difference! LOL. Well, besides the obvious, I mean! LOL.

Well, ya see, I ain't talkin' about Mom so to speak, but I got to thinkin' and she was a pretty good example of somethin' else. Now, you know I ain't always direct, I gotta get yer attention first! LOL. Whether someone uses humor or a slap up side of yer head, ya got to get folks attention sometimes. Thing is, with Mom, once she's got yer atttention, sooner or later yer gonna end up hugged. Don't be mistaken, she don't hug on just any ol' body, and ya don't want her slappin' ya up side yer head, either! It's gonna hurt! LOL. Ya gotta be upfront with her, and she don't mind a bit if yer workin to get things sorted out as long as yer tryin'. Ya be like that with her, bein' real, that is, and you'll end up hugged.

Now, down to the real deal. Mom is a leader. Dad has a different set of skills, but he's a leader, too, but Mom displays a style that works better in a lot of circumstances. A little discipline, a lot of knowledge and knowin' people, and she treats ya the way she wants to be treated for the most part, she is human after all. But ya screw up, she's tells ya. Ya do good she tells ya. One of the rewards ya get when ya been treatin' folks right and bein' real kinda regular is one of her hugs. Not to mention her bread and chicken and noodles, somethin' else folks always want for Mom to fix! LOL. Special ocassions, she fixes up those chicken and noodles and that's when ya know things are right and good. Her chicken and noodles are more legendary than her hugs! There's people in several states that'll follow her to hell and back, and God's the only on to help ya if you mess with her. She won't have to lift a finger! Not that Mom's gonna need any help!

Leadership is like that. Treat people right. Tell them things straight up, make sure they know what they're doin and they're treatin' others right. Make sure they know to work hard and tell them right now whatever's on yer mind, fer good or ill, like it or not. Then tell them they did a good job when they did a good job, and if they're doin' things right, make sure they know it right now. Make sure they're rewarded for it. The hug, so to speak. and if it's a special ocassion...make sure they get chicken and noodles....( For you folks who ain't been keepin' up, the chicken and noodles is the pay raise, the promotions, the party and such like)...just make sure ya give hugs like no one can and that people always like yer chicken and noodles....

...and people will follow you to hell and God help the other guy if he ever messes with won't have to lift a finger...not that you'll need any help.

Mom's a bit of a legend with that kinda stuff...maybe one day, with a little luck and some thought, maybe we can get to be that kinda legend, too.

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It'a good day! It's another opportunity to get it right! Hell, we got another chance to get 'er all sorted out! Make damn sure ya take advantage of it!

wrbones 06-04-2003 11:41 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How in hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Get yerself a cup and get settled somewhere! Gotta get yer eyes open 'before ya head out! Paper'll be along in a bit, I reckon.

Blind spots...That just popped into my head, but I was thinkin'...Yeah, blind spots kinda fits in I reckon, but that ain't what I had in mind to start with! Let's see...what was it... Oh, yeah. Life lessons is what I was thinkiin' about earlier, but blind spots'll do, too.

I was thinkin' of somethin' that came to me years ago when I was workin' a street ministry with this other guy. He was in charge. I kinda liked him. He was pretty unconventional, but his methods worked. Last I heard, he was still doin' it when he had time, what with a family and all. What the heck was his name...came from Montana...well, that don't matter right now.

After a bit of doin' that street ministry and such like, it seemed that after awhile, I kept runnin into the same kinda folks and fer myself, personally, the same kinda troubles. I even remember one person askin' pretty much the same thing I'd been thinkin' about for awhile. "Why do I end up goin' through this kinda thing ( whatever it was, or is ) over and over?" Well, I had related it to havin' to learn things like ya do in college. Yeah, I did some college years ago, but just enough to say I did some. If ya can't learn things any other way, it's a good way to go, fer rote learnin'. I ain't too sure it teaches a man how to think, though.

Anyway. To answer that feller's question, I told him what I'd been thinkin' myself. Sometimes the Boss puts ya through the same thing over and over til ya get it learned right. No matter how bad it is, or how good it is, there's always somethin' in the situation for ya to learn from. For example, ya find yerself in those situations that might cause ya to be tempted to throw yer integrity out the window, and just do whatever ya figger'll work good for the moment, I call that Integrity:101. Ethics is a factor in that kinda situation so ya end up takin' that class at the same time. Ethics: 101. ...and so it goes. Morality, Inner Peace, Strength, both physical and mental; Sociology, Psychology, Relationships, Charity...both kinds, Love..a course work can be intense and demanding at times, Acceptance, Hope and all of it's wonderful variations, Spirituality, Faith, Self-esteem, Leadership..which has a lot of different classes to earn yer way outta learnin' about it, but it has lots of refesher courses. Come to think of it, all these lessons have refresher courses, though. Some are just more intense than others, depending on how far ya progress with learnin' life's little lessons. Some are pretty damned specific, too! Just like in college. Everything ya learn in life is like that. There's a lot more than I've listed here of course.

You'll be thinkin' to yerself, "Damn. I took this course last year." Thing is, this year, it's a more advanced course..and if it is the same course, that means ya scewed it up last year and ya gotta take it again! SO...get it right the first time, if ya can. Learnin' some of those lessons over again is a real bastard! If ya got a blind spot, you'll be takin' the same damn course over and over and ....well, you get the picture. Thing is, if ya screw up one of the freshman class courses, ya ain't gotta chance of gettin into most of the advanced course work, let alone a chance to do any good in the field that the Boss and you worked out for yerself! That's a real shame when that happens.

The bad news is, ya can't drop out of this school! Life is gonna put ya right where ya need to be to learn the lessons ya need to learn. For some of you folks, the other bad news is, that generally speakin', this course work isn't out to make ya rich. It's out to make ya a better person. So, over all, I'd say pay attention the first time if I were you. Ya might learn where yer blind spots are and you'll know why yer in the same ol' shit year after year, maybe.

My blind spots? Well, one of mine is wimminn. When I get 'em figgered out, I'll let ya know!

Warm up yer coffee, folks! It's a new day! A new opportunity! We got another chance to get 'er right! Make sure ya go out and take advantage of it!

Oh, yeah! One more thing. Hard as it is to be patient..keep in mind that that other jughead yer dealin' with is still in 'school', too! I have trouble with that one myself, but hell, I'm still workin' on all of this myself. ;)

wrbones 06-05-2003 11:18 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How the hell are ya this mornin'! Coffee's on! Get a cup and get some! Gotta get yer eyes open before ya head out! Paper'll be along directly, I figger. I get the front page and the comics first. I get the front page so I can read the political comics, don't ya it don't take me long to go over the front page. I just look at the pictures.

Well, what the hell we talkin' about today? Well, hell I don';t know. I usually just start talkin'. Yeah, I know. I talk too much some times, but I'm a bit of a fool that way. Some times I don't say much at all, though. Don't bother me then! It's hard work! I'm too busy to hear ya if ya wanta visit with me when I'm thinkin'! I'll hear ya say somethin' and my answer won't match what yer sayin'. I get funny looks when that happens. It's a bad habit really. I been around too many people that always got their jaw jackin' and they ain't sayin' anything different than they ever were, so I tend to go about whatever I'm busy at. Bad part is, once in awhile, one of 'em'll say something that makes sense and I'm stuck tryin' to backtrack what they was sayin'! That can be a bitch!

I've had some folks tell me I think too much. Well, I've been guilty of that a time or two. Ya get like that, ya ain't really livin', ya know. Yer just goin' through the motions and gettin' on other folk's nerves. See, some folks do ALL of their thinkin' out loud, or they don't check with other folks and see if they're still on track. Now at times, I figger thinkin' out loud is necessary. Ya get to hear the sound or yer words and ya can better tell if they make some sorta sense or not. Usually, it ain't a good idea, though. Folks'll think yer a bit off! Now, personally, I don't have too much trouble with folks thinkin' that about me, don't ya know. I figgered I was a bit different some time ago!

Now other times, I'll get done thinkin' about somethin' and I'll say it out loud and see if anyone else is thinkin' the same way, or see if what I'm thinkin' makes sense to anyone else. It's usually best to find someone ya trust to do that with, just in case yer train fell offa it's track somewhere along the line! Friends don't think yer nuts, and they won't tell anyone else about it... unless ya really are nuts, and then you'll be the first one they tell! LOL. Acquaintances, they'll think yer nuts and tell everyone they know that yer nuts! Mostly, those are the kinda folks that ain't thinkin' much to start with!

Now how in hell am I gonna tie this shit together? Thinkin' out loud is like that. Ya get on a roll and then ya end up with no way to finish it off right. Happens once in awhile, but generally, it should all tie up together when ya get done and then match everything else ya got already figgered out about livin' and about life and folks and such...but once in awhile...ya run across somethin' that ya gotta figger on fer a bit more. Looks like I gotta put this one on the back burner and finish it off later mebbe. On the other hand...

...we could just warm up our coffee and say to hell with it and get ready to face the day!

It's a new day folks! We got another chance to get 'er right! We got another opportunity to get 'er all sorted out! Make sure ya take advantage of it!

Well. Daylight's a wastin'! What're ya waitin' for!

wrbones 06-06-2003 11:25 PM

Morning Coffee!
'Mornin' folks! How in hell are ya this mornin' anyway! Coffee's on! Ya better get a cup and see if yer eyes'll open yet! Paper'll be along directly, I imagine.

Well, what's on the agenda fer today? Well, I don't really know. I kinda been thinkin' about a couple of things today. Had company again today. I treated them like family. Hell, they been here enough they know where everything is. When I tell folks to make themselves to home, I ain't just a shittin'! After awhile, you can get yer own damn drink and pick up after yerself, mebbe. You'll know where everything's at after all. So while he was sittin' and talkin' and watchin' TV, I got my house mouse stuff done, and when he got bored, while I mowed the yard, he found the address bar on my computer. I'd lost the damn thing somewhere.

Some folks are like me, I reckon. Yer always welcome and the coffee's always on. Others are more the host and hostess type. The latter'll try to do everything for ya, no matter how many times ya visit them, and that's nice as far as it goes, but it's a little too stiff and formal for my tastes. Ya visit me, I'll take care of ya til ya know where everything's at, and then yer on yer own! I expect ya to be comfortable and I expect ya to take care of yerself to some extent.

Now. That kinda fits with one of those things I was thinkin' about. I ain't got it all figgered out and I'm just tryin' to work all of this stuff out like anyone else is, so bear with me here. Some folks wanta change the world. They want the world to be more like they are. Be the nice host or hostess as it were. Ya gotta wear these kinda clothes and act that kinda way, when ya don't know what in hell they're up too. After all, ya ain't in their head, are ya? So ya can't think just like they do....and who'd want that? Gets kinda borin' after awhile. I've played that game before, and for the most part, that's what it is. A game. Thing is, those more formal types of hosts and hostesses are pretty good at sayin'' (or insinuatin') that their guests act, dress, and behave a certain way. Like I said. That's good as far as it goes, and it's kinda fun once in awhile, but generally, after a bit, ya won't have any real livin' goin' on in yer place. Everyone will be tryin' to get somethin' outta ya and the folks who're bein' real will be a little leary of visitin' ya. You know. The ones who're always makin' excuses when ya invite them over? The ones who don't want you tryin' to change them? Now I'm speakin' in general here. We can all come up with different ways that this ain't so. That's ok, too, as long as ya ain't makin' excuses fer yer own self!

Now with the more formal type of hosts and hostesses, it never ends. You gotta be invitin' them over and actin' the unreal, formal way they want ya to.... in yer own home. Then ya gotta go visit them and their friends and act the same false way...OR else.

That's politics.

The rest of the world, for the most part, has very formal ways, politically. Americans are a bit more informal than most. Things that way seem to be changin' a bit in America over the last few decades. Personally, I don't think I like havin' other folks tryin' to tell me how to act in my own home. As long as I ain't botherin' nobody, when ya visit me, sooner or later, yer gonna end up gettin' yer damn cup of coffee and cleanin' up yer own damn messes! Leave me alone if yer one of those formal types of hostesses and I'll stay away from yer parties. I'd rather get my own coffee anyway, and if I make a mess if I happen to be at yer place, just show me where the broom and the swab are. I'll take care of it.

Now, that's all a gross oversimplification, and I know it, but I was just thinkin' out loud. Allegories, analogies and metaphors are all like that. They only go so far and are used for 'instructional purposes only' as it were.

Seriously, yer all welcome to come on over to my house and visit fer a spell. It ain't fancy and I ain't a fancy host, but yer welcome to drop by anytime and visit, but don't be surprised if ya end up with a swab in yer hand, either! Coffee's always on and yer welcome to it! Cups are in the cupboard on the right hand side above the sink. Glasses fer the ice tea are right beside 'em

Well, I suppose, it's time to warm up yer coffee and get yer head wrapped around yer day, folks! It's a new day and a new opportunity, after all! We got another chance to get 'er all sorted out! Make sure ya take advantage of it!

wrbones 06-08-2003 12:42 AM

' Mornin' folks! How ya doin' this mornin'! Yer eyes open yet! Coffee's on! that'll help some, mebbe! Grab a cup and find a sit somewhere! Paper'll be along after a bit maybe.

Well, I had somethin' on my mind earlier....I wrote it down so I wouldn't ferget it. Let's see....where'd I put that note, now....Oh, there it is. Right in front of me. I'm tryin' to do two or three things at once here, so bear with me a bit. I got a one track mind and when I get two or three engines to run on it, I get into schedulin' conflicts....ok, now where was I? Light a smoke, get a sip of coffee, jokin' with someone, tryin' to keep someone else outta trouble and visit over coffee all at the same time! I used to be good at that multi-taskin' stuff. Well, that kinda ties in with what I was gonna visit about this mornin' anyway. I reckon that'll work.

I was figgerin' on how some folks, well, most folks, are a bit more complex than ya think they are. There's two or three things that ties in with it....ya never know who yer sittin' beside in yer local bar... and ya shouldn't be judgin most folks til ya get to know them some, but that last is a different kinda subject, really, so I'll let it go fer now. The feller who ya think is just the local bartender or cop, or what have you may have some things goin' on in his life that would surprise ya. A man's hope and dreams aren't what ya might imagine them to be sittin' on the outside lookin' in. I've met folks who're surprisin'. One man I know is a bit of an elder gent who has a dream of building the largest sky-scraper inna state. He wants to go 50 stories and has reputable folks interested. He has all of the plans fer it, the business plans to boot, and has a proffesional lookin' prospectus to go along with it. ( I've studied up on some of that stuff, so I knew what I was lookin' at when I saw it ) Thing is, he's near eighty and is one of the best waiters in town. Now ya wouldn't know all of that to look at him on the street. He's a distinguished lookin' feller, polite almost to bein' formal, and very well dressed. When ya talk to him, ya find he's very educated man. How he got to be where he is is an interesting story. It's worth listenin' to, if ya don't mind listenin' to him go on about that sky-scraper of his. To look at the man...well, ya wouldn't be thinkin' anything like any of that about him!

Another feller I knew in Arizona is a bit like that as well. Thing is, he lives in a mostly middle class neighborhood and has a house and lawn ya wouldn't think twice about, really. He's one of the better know architects in the United States. He has a similar dream. He has all of the plans for the higest skyscraper ever attempted. Make the old WTC look short...and it is within the limits of our tech and abilities to do. He's pretty picky about stuff and is kinda impatient about some things. To look at him, you wouldn't begin to think any of that about him.

I worked with another man who's a chef in one of the local restaurants. One of the three best chef's in town, I figger. He has his own dreams, he don't have any paperwork to back up his claims to bein' a certified chef, though. Feller is a VN Vet. Woerked intel with the Army, I think. He has a couple kids he takes care of. His grandkids. He dotes on them and they run him ragged. Ya sit and visit with the man, ya find a guy who grew up onna ranch, fought in VN, went to college, married and all that, and he has a well thought out opinion on near everything you can think of. On the street, you'd just think he was a teller of tall tales. Ya get to know the man, ya see someone who's is insistent on quality and treats his empolyees as best he can, if he can get it past management. Ya wouldn't know him fer a man who loves his family more than anything, either.

I know another guy, to look at him, you think, "What a fat lazy slob." I dare ya to keep up with him at work, though. His dream is to own his own business and to treat his employees with some better fairness than he's been treated with. Thing is, he's workin' on it. He has the bank, the savings and an get the backing from what they call an angel if he needs it. Now, it's just a mattter of time. He's a loving father and a bit of a bullshitter. and...right now, without startin' a business he can retire in about five the age of look at him or to listen to him, you wouldn't think all of that.

...they're all nice guys, in their own way to boot.

Some folks aren't like that. They'll have all of that and more that I described and be total jerks...but ya wouldn't know that til ya got to know them...and THEIR complexity would surprise ya.

Kinda like some of the folks around here. I haven't seen any really bad folks here, mostly good, but ya start gettin' to know people and after awhile, it surprises ya what's goin' on with 'em.

I find it interesting myself. Folks is folks, but the way we all get put together is amazin' to me. Everything from the way we grew up, to the life choices we made to, to what we learned along the way, and how we ourselves reacted to all of that and more. Meet the simpilest of men and upon knowing him better, you will see a surprisingly complex person.

We don't get where we are by simple things in life. We don't become who we are by one experience or even multiple experiences in this life. We are built , one thing at a time, one idea at a time, one experience at a time, one choice at a time, until we become who we are today....

...and so it is with everyone.

So. Don't under estimate the guy sittin' next to ya at the bar. He could be an axe murderer or a famous celebrity. Ya never know...
In any case, it's gonna be an interesting conversation....

Wll, enough philosiphizin', I reckon. Time to warm up yer coffee and get ready fer the day! Hell, even on Sunday, ya gotta get ready fer stuff! LOL.

It's a new day, folks! A new opportunity! We got another chance to get 'er straight!

Make sure ya take advantage of it!

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