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BLUEHAWK 04-13-2011 08:00 PM

Message from the President
Wed, April 13, 2011 9:56:40 PM<nobr style="width: 680px;" id="0_messageHeaderSubject_text" class="cgSelectable msgSubjText">The view from outside Washington</nobr>

<table class="fontT2 fontMedGray" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr class="msgHeaderContainer"><td id="0_messageHeaderLabelCell"><nobr id="0_messageHeaderToLabel" class="headerRecipientLabel">From:</nobr></td><td><nobr id="0_messageHeaderSender_text" class="cgSelectable">"Jim Messina," <></nobr>

</td></tr><tr id="0_messageHeaderToContainer" class="msgHeaderContainer"><td><nobr id="0_messageHeaderToLabel" class="headerRecipientLabel">To:</nobr></td><td>Michael S. Bell <></td><td>

<hr class="messageHeaderDivider colorK2" noshade="noshade">
<table style="padding-top:10px;" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td align="center"></td> </tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;color:#333333;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;line-height:1.4;"> Friend --

The President's speech today began a new conversation in Washington about how to reduce the deficit while protecting crucial investments in our country's future.

But as we seek to build an organization based outside of Washington, President Obama's speech also provides an unusually stark contrast -- one all of us can use to start conversations with our friends and neighbors about what's at stake in this election.

He spoke about things you don't generally hear in Washington conversations too often dominated by special interests: He'll cut waste and excess at the Pentagon -- particularly spending that is requested not by our military, but by politicians and corporate interests.

He'll eliminate tax cuts for Americans in the highest tax brackets who don't need them, including himself -- and he will reform the individual tax code so that it's fair and simple and so that the amount of taxes you pay isn't determined by what kind of accountant you can afford.

Some cuts he proposed are tough. But they're also smart and surgical -- helping us balance our books while still doing the right things to win the future. President Obama's plan would protect the middle class, invest in our kids' education, and make sure we don't protect the wealthiest Americans from the costs of reform at the expense of the most vulnerable.

The other side has presented a very clear alternative: End Medicare as we know it, privatizing the program that millions of seniors rely on for health care. Make deep cuts to education. Slash investments in clean energy and infrastructure. All to pay for tax cuts for people making over $250,000 a year, and all while actually raising our national debt.

In short, their plan will please a special interest donor base and those who put ideology before results rather than reduce deficits over the long term. And let's be clear: They think they can get away with it because, fundamentally, they don't think you'll do anything about it.

That's where I know we can prove them wrong. Because we can respond right now by building an organization that will stop them -- not just in this deficit battle, but in the next election so they never have the chance to enact these proposals.

Here's the first step. Join our fight for a deficit reduction plan that will actually reduce the deficit -- with a goal of shared prosperity through shared responsibility. Add your name to support President Obama's plan -- and then help bring more people into the conversation:

President Obama made a promise in his speech today. He said that we won't have to sacrifice programs like Medicaid and Social Security -- programs that millions of Americans rely on -- as long as he's President. He's committed to seeking serious solutions to the problems we face while still upholding the larger responsibilities we have to one another. So it's our job to build the organization that's going to keep him in the White House.

Please add your name in this crucial moment -- and then reach out to your friends and neighbors.

More soon,


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. -- If you missed President Obama's speech earlier today, some excerpts are below:

1. "Our approach lowers the government's health care bills by reducing the cost of health care itself.

"Already, the reforms we passed in the health care law will reduce our deficit by $1 trillion. My approach would build on these reforms. We will reduce wasteful subsidies and erroneous payments. We will cut spending on prescription drugs by using Medicare's purchasing power to drive greater efficiency and speed generic brands of medicine onto the market. We will work with governors of both parties to demand more efficiency and accountability from Medicaid. We will change the way we pay for health care -- not by procedure or the number of days spent in a hospital, but with new incentives for doctors and hospitals to prevent injuries and improve results. And we will slow the growth of Medicare costs by strengthening an independent commission of doctors, nurses, medical experts and consumers who will look at all the evidence and recommend the best ways to reduce unnecessary spending while protecting access to the services seniors need."

2. "But let me be absolutely clear: I will preserve these health care programs as a promise we make to each other in this society. I will not allow Medicare to become a voucher program that leaves seniors at the mercy of the insurance industry, with a shrinking benefit to pay for rising costs. I will not tell families with children who have disabilities that they have to fend for themselves. We will reform these programs, but we will not abandon the fundamental commitment this country has kept for generations."

3. "In December, I agreed to extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans because it was the only way I could prevent a tax hike on middle-class Americans. But we cannot afford $1 trillion worth of tax cuts for every millionaire and billionaire in our society. And I refuse to renew them again."

4. "This is my approach to reduce the deficit by $4 trillion over the next twelve years. It's an approach that achieves about $2 trillion in spending cuts across the budget. It will lower our interest payments on the debt by $1 trillion. It calls for tax reform to cut about $1 trillion in spending from the tax code. And it achieves these goals while protecting the middle class, our commitment to seniors, and our investments in the future.

"So this is our vision for America -- a vision where we live within our means while still investing in our future; where everyone makes sacrifices but no one bears all the burden; where we provide a basic measure of security for our citizens and rising opportunity for our children."

5. "But no matter what we argue or where we stand, we've always held certain beliefs as Americans. We believe that in order to preserve our own freedoms and pursue our own happiness, we can't just think about ourselves. We have to think about the country that made those liberties possible. We have to think about our fellow citizens with whom we share a community. And we have to think about what's required to preserve the American Dream for future generations.

"This sense of responsibility -- to each other and to our country -- this isn't a partisan feeling. It isn't a Democratic or Republican idea. It's patriotism."</td></tr></tbody></table>:d:

reconeil 04-13-2011 09:02 PM

WOW!!!,...he's the best BSer-In-Chief lawyer I've ever heard.
Almost makes me feel guilty for not Stupidly voting for that Purposeful Phoney, 2 years ago. ;);)


BLUEHAWK 04-14-2011 06:20 AM

Hey Recon!
Remember the last time a large group was borrowing money to pay for "investment" they had no money to cover?

We're in the deep doodoo now brother... deep.

And, I STILL want to see his dang birth certificate.

reconeil 04-14-2011 06:57 AM

Not to worry, Blue.
By tomorrow typical: "Democrat/Socialist/Leftist Progressive or Marxist Political Supremacist posing as a Liberal" Obama will just make another fine speech, which should allay any & all your fears. That's what Lefty Harvard Professors normally do. ;);)

Hell. BSing INFERIORS (how Ivy League Profs consider all others) is basically the only governing experience BHO Jr. has in the first place. So, why believe anything King Obama pontificates?

Barry H.S. or Barack H.O. Junior's years of experience as an ACORN Chicago Dem Community
Organizer don't mean diddly for Quality of Character, either. Neither did his 2 years of constantly voting: "Present" as a U.S. Senator display any semblance of Honor & Integrity.

So, cheer up. "The emperor has no clothes" Obama's days are numbered.

Also, that Middle East kicking out lordly dictators thingy might actually catch on here too.
Whom really knows?

If Americans finally do wise up & decide going back to that Freedom & Liberty route again over current Democrat/Socialist and/or Progressive/Marxist Rule,...WATCH OUT!!!

The entire Administration & most beholding czars & affiliates better head for the hills,...or at least somewhere safe & without extradition.

It takes long for Americans to really get riled, pissed & quite disgustingly fed-up.
But when they do,...all you Progressives, Marxists or Communists better WATCH OUT again.

"You (re. Democrat Party) can't fool (screw also) All the people All the time".


Stick 04-14-2011 01:15 PM

Yeh, I'ld like to see his birth certificate but answer one more question Mr. Obumer, who's gonna do Acorns duties for you this election and get all them extra votes from people that don't exist or exist so much that they can vote and vote again from addresses that don't even exist anywhere other than the Mexican border towns?

darrels joy 04-14-2011 05:42 PM


The illegal Mexicans assisted by their unions and their union employers. :eek:

Just like last time. :d:

reconeil 04-15-2011 08:24 AM

ACORN: "People that don't exist or exist so much...", JUST IS NOT SO. The single biggest Corruptor of America's Political System (re. ACORN & Obama's first alma mater) merely changed its name after being exposed for MANY Large Scale Voter Frauds***.

Regardless of what Democrats' Propaganda Ministry ACORN now calls itself, they and about 160 to 200 (True amount will never be known.) George Soros affiliated & financed organizations are just as Big, Active & DUPLICITOUSLY-CORRUPTIVE anti-America, as ever.

Whatever, and even though despicable as it gets,...all honest Americans must admit (since can't deny the obvious) that current Chicago Democrat Political Machine gone national most certainly proves that: "Divide & Conquer" theory works quite well.

I don't think Democrat Ruling Elite & Dem Party were even that bad & people divisive during Our Civil War. Afterwards, and as: "Carpetbaggers",...that's a whole different story.

***Why was no recount DEMANDED after that 2008 Election?
Were McCain & Republicans that fearful of being called: "Racists"?


BLUEHAWK 04-15-2011 09:53 AM

The rest of the story...
<cite id="yn-date"><abbr title="2011-04-15T07<img src=" images="" smilies="" new2="" medic.gif"="" border="0" alt="" smilieid="67" class="inlineimg">2 hrs 48 mins ago</abbr></cite> Obama caught on audio slamming GOP

<cite id="yn-author">By <a href="" target="_blank">Rachel Rose Hartman</cite>
Yesterday, President Obama delivered some of his harshest criticism yet of his recent battle with Republicans to fund the government.

However, Obama may not have intended for everybody to hear him.

While listening to an audio feed from a Chicago fundraiser Thursday night, CBS News reporter Mark Knoller heard Obama speaking with donors after other reporters had left the room. That's when <a href="*" target="_blank">the president really opened up about his disdain for the recent GOP pushback:

"I said, 'You want to repeal health care? Go at it. We'll have that debate. You're not going to be able to do that by nickel-and-diming me in the budget. You think we're stupid?'" the president reportedly said.

Obama also complained about GOP attempts to attach a bill to the resolution to fund the government that would defund women's health services provider Planned Parenthood.

"Put it in a separate bill," the president said he told House Speaker John Boehner and his staff. "We'll call it up. And if you think you can overturn my veto, try it. But don't try to sneak this through."

The president also made clear he is no fan of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the GOP's Budget Committee chairman.

"When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure, he's just being America's accountant ... This is the same guy that voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my health care bill--but wasn't paid for," Obama reportedly said.

(Photo of Obama: Nam Y. Huh/AP)

reconeil 04-15-2011 01:54 PM

Well, Blue,...
...that's just typical Lordly Bull or par for the course.

Even way-back-when similarly Omnipotent Rulers (re: Adolph, Josef & Mao) like: "His Barackness" suffered opposition quite poorly (actually never accepted any whatsoever).

Just like Obama,...Germany's Hitler, USSR's Stalin & China's Chairman Tse Tung used every possible means at their disposal to silence any dissent,...such as is quite common for all dictators.

Still, credit given where credit due to The Most Audacious of: "Democrat/Socialist/Marxist or Progressive Political Supremacists posing as Liberals" EVER!!!

America's currently embarassing: "Apologist-In-Chief" has some cohones. BHO II or Jr. repeatedly & shamelessly LIES on nationwide TV as if His Subjects are all quite stupidly subservient & believe him to be king.

Maybe years spent by Barry or Barack in Indonesian Muslim Madrassa School could be the reason for such an obviously Superior Arrogance & Gall?

After all, to such Radical or Extremist Muslim Mullahs or teachers, lying or duping Infidels (re. Christians & Jews) is pretty-much an insignificant part of their teachings.

Killing as many Christians & Jews as are possible, is much more important & a top priority.


BLUEHAWK 04-15-2011 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 969352)
Killing as many Christians & Jews as are possible, is much more important & a top priority.


There was a time, I am ashamed to say, when I would not have believed that.

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