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grasshopper 02-20-2004 06:28 AM

Surgery Update
Surgery on shoulder was Feb 3rd. Everything seemed to be ok. Then the 9th happened. It is suspected that being thrown into the wall caused an internal bruise on the surgery site. A normal bruise (broken blood vessels) shows up on the skin. As this one internalized.. the blood clot was on the inside. Which got infected.

So now I have a 1/2 tennis ball size swelling on the rounded shoulder part. Goes down the arm a wee bit. Fever. Chills. Sleeping my life away. This all showed up yesterday which is about normal for an internalized bruise to rear its head. Good thing I hustled me butt to the doc, they said.

So now am on heavy duty antibiotics and have to go back for a recheck tomorrow.Today there is no change in the swelling. But so far.. no chills. :D

Gott a grab my broom and fly. #2 son has a soccer tourney. have to leave here at 11 am and it takes time for this one-winged 'hopper to shower and do my hair! hahaha!



MORTARDUDE 02-20-2004 12:28 PM

Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. As LT said, "keep moving".


nang 02-20-2004 07:05 PM

Take care of yourself. :a:

Arrow 02-20-2004 07:31 PM

When you're a single Mom the only option you have is to keep Movin'..:nn:

Take care grasshopper....


catman 02-21-2004 04:46 AM

Sue...hope things start looking up for you soon. Will keep thoughts and prayers headed your way. Take care!


grasshopper 02-23-2004 07:30 PM

2nd update.
Saturday, my shoulder was no better so my fam doc sent me to Emerg. After 6 hours there, (every heart patient in the city was htere it seems) xrays & blood tests.. they sent me home with 'see your surgeon asap'. In other words.. they didn't know. sigh

Mypost -op appt with the surgeon was today anyways. Except for the fact that he was away last week, I should have seen him 1st. He poked and prodded, gently then said...

'well it is either fluid from swelling due to surgery.. which at post-op day # 20 it shouldn't be; or blood from a blood clot; or pus.'

He got a humungous syringe and drew some 'stuff' off.
eeeeeeeeek..... pus. sigh. He sent it to the lab for testing, but as I had already been on antibiotics twice, it may come back as a 'sterile' sample and not grow anything. That don't really matter, as it is not really and truely sterile, but is indeed an infection.

Soooooo back on the antibiotics I go.. for the 3rd time since Jan 27th. I should have bought stock in that company!

I have to go back next Monday, March 1st and see the surgeon again. This infection had best be cleared up by then.
By then Feb will be over! wooohooo. My ugly health month!

The temp here has been about 7C above normal for this time of year. Snow is melting like crazy! wooohooo
I am sooooooooooooo ready for spring!

ta for now!

BLUEHAWK 02-24-2004 05:57 PM

Go easy Hopper, I have BEEN through a mess a that type thing...

Gettin' a mite harsh here, but will say to ye, "Listen to what your own heart says about matters such as this."

Docs are Docs, some good some not so good, and it is damn impossible to know which is which in time for it to make any difference in real time for anybody.

However, on PF we have Doc 2/47 and revwardoc... I'd pert near consider breaking the commandments on their word alone. Might be worth a PM to each of them.

Hang in, pain jus' is... shoulder shit never goes away, that I can vouchsafe to ye Lady for certain... no matter what a Doc says.

BLUEHAWK 02-24-2004 06:00 PM

p.s. Arrow

I've been a single Dad too, and I can tell for sure, sometimes the only thing you can do is keep still.

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