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SuperScout 01-08-2011 12:21 PM

Stupid is as Stupid does
It was bad enough that after Sgt. Sean Collins was killed in Afghanistan his parents received a senator's letter of condolence with the wrong name.
But the soldier's father says the White House added to the sting by subsequently turning down a request for President Obama to personally call Collins' mother.
Pat Collins, a retired lieutenant colonel, told Q13 FOX in Seattle that the family was told last month that the president could not fit it "into his schedule" to call mother Linda Collins about their son's death. Pat Collins, who initially made the request with the White House, said he would've understood, except for the fact that around the same time, Obama found an opening in his schedule for a much-publicized phone conversation with Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie.
"He is the president of the United States, and he's a very busy man, very important man -- but then to find out that he fit it into his schedule to call the president of the Eagles to thank him for giving Michael Vick a second chance, that kind of burns a little bit," Collins said.
The White House's response marked another "disappointing" turn for the family in the government's handling of their son's death.
Collins, who joined the Army in 2005 and had already served two tours of duty in Iraq, was killed Dec. 12 while on patrol in Afghanistan. Five others were killed in the attack as well.
After the attack, the Collins family received a letter of condolence from Washington Sen. Maria Cantwell. The top of the letter got Sgt. Sean Collins' name right, but the final paragraph referred to him as "Bryn."
Linda Collins, in an interview with Q13 FOX, called the mistake "a little disappointing."
Cantwell has since acknowledged the error, and the Collins family has accepted her apology. (The morons of Washington re-elected her, so maybe they deserve her stupidity.)
It's unclear who the family may have spoken with in the White House regarding the possibility of a presidential phone call.
Pat Collins said he was told within "two or three days" of asking that his request would not be granted. Though Collins voiced concern that Obama carved out time to talk about the Eagles' Vick, that discussion was part of a broader conversation between Obama and Lurie about the use of alternative energy at Lincoln Financial Field.
A senior administration official told Fox News that the president remains committed to honoring the troops. (Right - some commitment, when he can't even take 5 minutes to call the grieving mother?)
"The president honors the sacrifice of all our men and women in uniform and sends hand-signed letters to the families of those who lost their lives. My understanding is that President Bush had the same policy," the official said.
Aside from sending hand-signed letters, Bush also reportedly met privately with hundreds of families of troops who died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

reconeil 01-08-2011 12:54 PM

As Fox News reported, of course: "The president remains committed to honoring the troops".
What presidents typically do aside, the key question for most should be...WHOSE TROOPS?
Are Indonesian, Kenyan, Black Panther or Nation of Islam Troops best honored by BHO???


SuperScout 01-08-2011 02:45 PM

Just like with everyting else in o'bummer's agenda, it's the wrong message, at the wrong time, to the wrong audience.

And I cheerfully notice the absence of any defense of this worthless POS by our liberal contingent. But I guess its a case of trying to defend the indefensible.

Seascamp 01-08-2011 04:15 PM

What are the chances the current Pres. even knew about the request? Thus far, the hallmark of this admin is to hire a bunch of freestylers, cut em’ loose with each pulling their own respective agenda rope, making things up as they go, sans communication, plus, there is no such thing as a team rope. Nope, and at this late date, a team rope is yet to be found.

I think it would be infinitely easier to herd jack rabbits though buck brush using cajoling talk, opposite direction circum ambulation management misdirection plays, plus a Clarabelle honk horn. At least the Jack rabbits would get a kick out of it.

SuperScout 01-08-2011 04:59 PM

Sir Scamp
Great to see that you're back to your great style of marvelously descriptive metaphors! My only contribution to this delightful form of communications is to offer a similar metaphor on a difficult task: about as easy as giving a sexual massage to a bobcat with a handful of cockleburs.

But to the subject matter: if o'bummer gets a message that Warrior X has lost his life as in the past, he gets the message and sends, according to the White House Spin Meister, a personal note of condolence, probably following the admirable pattern set by his predecessor, George W. Bush. But admittedly, o'bummer's inner circle is about as organized as a Chinese fire drill while suffering from way too much gum bai with Shao Tzin Gho. Not only is there no team rope, but these attendant morons don't have the cognitive skills to recognize a rope when they see one.

reconeil 01-09-2011 06:25 AM

Regarding phony agendas & concerns being metaphorically discussed about obvious Official Phonies and/or: "Attendent morons",...your also; "About as easy as giving a sexual massage to a bobcat with a handful of cockleburs" wasn't all that shabby or too bad either.

Truly like hearing you Texas Boys shoot craps, also. ;);)


SuperScout 01-09-2011 04:19 PM

Not only do we shoot craps, we usually get our limit as well! And speaking of good ol' Texas boys, there was this one fella who walked into a small bar out near Crawford, Texas. After his eyes got accumstomed to the dark, he looked towards the end of the bar, and there sat George W. Bush! Quickly seeking out the bartender, he asked, "Isn't that George Bush down there?" The bartender replied, "Yep, that's him!"

So the guy finds enough courage to approach the President, and says, "Mr. President, it's good to see you here! May I ask what you're doing in this little ol' bar?"

"Why, I'm planning World War III," was the reply. "I'm going to do it by killing 140 million Muslims, and one blond with big boobs."

The baffled bar visitor asked, "Why kill a blond with big boobs?"

And the President hollered back to the bartender, "See, I told you nobody gives a sh*t about 140 million Muslims!"

Seascamp 01-10-2011 01:45 AM

Then there is the strange but true saga of the Louisiana possum and it’s no ordinary possum, no sir. This possum wares a three piece suit complete with representation of a Phi Beta Kappa key and speaks a few words whilst hanging by its tail from a tree branch. Upon inquiry, it was learned that the possum is none other than the newly appointed Louisiana State branch Czar. And the understandable words are “Bush done it”.

Gunner Carvo 01-22-2011 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by SuperScout (Post 854445)
(The morons of Washington re-elected her, so maybe they deserve her stupidity.)

Well, I'm glad the people in-charge of mailing out absentee ballots were late sending them out, or I might have been insulted, being a Washington native and all. Not to mention, the bulk of the population live on the wet side of the state and have a lot of relocated Californian hippies casting ballots there.

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