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HARDCORE 08-21-2023 06:13 PM

Attacks Against The First Amendment & Reason

It is the right, nay, make that the duty, of every “Thinking American Citizen” to rebut any concept or idea that they find appalling or that goes contrary to their educated and well-thought out personal opinion! The power to think and reason after all, is what differentiates man from the beast and without it we remain but an intellectual ape, in my opinion! And in my opinion again, without the power to reason and to discern, opine and analyze, we humans would be no better and no more advanced than a gaggle of easily controlled sheep or any other barnyard critter!

And for the record, a fine wardrobe, an advanced education, social position, elected office and even a crap-load of cold-cash alone – does not a leader make! For it takes a helluva-lot more than just pomp and wealth alone to make a real man. And although wealth sure as ‘Hell’ helps in advancement, it also takes character, personal drive and brains to achieve – a few of the character traits that I am (at times) sorely lacking in? But then, I am not running for public office, as I lack the wherewithal to even advance along these lines! Nor do I possess the desire to screw this great nation of ours up any more than a few of our leaders already have! As I am but a goat amidst a gaggle of goats, and at times I even lack the ability to express my views in an understandable and creative fashion, but then, this has never stopped any politician from running their mouths, now has it? Voltaire, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and even Edison, Roosevelt, and the illustrious Molly Pitcher, etc – we certainly need the likes of you esteemed members of our race - in our midst once again today – “And So It Is!!”


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