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usmcsgt65 02-10-2004 06:09 PM

Becoming One
Before I left Cincinnati, I was checking into the reenactor scene. Las Vegas did not have anything close to reenactors. So the question to reenactors, how did you get started?

Tamaroa 02-10-2004 06:57 PM

Check out a monthly newspaper called the Civil War News. In the back they have a classified section of ads for tons of reenacting units always looking for recruits. Their website is:

They also have a lot of great stories on reenactments and preservation news. If you are a Civil War nut you cannot do without this paper.



Doc.2/47 02-10-2004 07:38 PM


What kind of reenactin are ya lookin to do?Out your way the cowboy action shooters are big into shooting events but are also pretty serious as to being period correct.You've got the folks that are into the 1830's mountain man thing.Also Revolutionary,"Civil",and World War II reenactors.Also Native American and Middle Ages reenactors.What trips your trigger?

revwardoc 02-11-2004 05:06 AM

I've been a Rev War re-enactor since '87 and I love it. I had wanted to get into the hobby during the Bicentennial but my first wife didn't want anything to do with it (that should've been a serious clue, but I ignored it). I joined at the Sudbury Co.'s of Militia & Minute and Ancient & Honorable Fife and Drum Muster and Colonial Faire (phew!) and never looked back. I worked my way up the ranks to Company Colonel in '93 then was "voted out" in a drum head election (actually you're only a colonel once through automatic succession of rank).

It's an expensive hobby! I figure that clothing and equipment alone has cost us about 5 grand over the years, then there's travel all up and down the east coast from Quebec City to Charlotte. It's a good thing I love this stuff. Since my spinal surgery, I've become the regimental surgeon (can't take the field anymore) meaning that I've had to procure all the necessary medical equipment and knowledge as well as an operating table, tent, fly, brazier, etc. So if you can't or won't spend some bucks you'll be limited as to your portrayal but it can still be lots of fun. In fact, tonight my wife and I will be giving a lecture at the Leominster (MA) Historical Society on 18th century medicine. We also lecture and demonstrate at schools in an effort to promote American Rev War era history and culture, because if we don't do it, we'll lose that aspect of Americana forever.

Of course there's not much in the way of Rev War re-enactments in Vegas but I'll bet there's US Cavalry if you're interested in military re-enactments.

82Rigger 02-11-2004 10:23 AM

A "twist" on re-enacting
Our little town here on the NW Florida coast has a history back to the early 19th century and was a "playground" for some pirates and other unsavory characters.

So, some of us who didn't want to do the Civil War thing got together and formed a "town militia" of the mid-1850s period.

Costumes are period costumes for this area. Our firearms are also period, meaning they range from cap & ball Colts, Enfields, and Remingtons, etc, back to Tower, 2nd model Brown Bess, Charleville, etc.

Every summer during our pirate festival we "defend the city"!

We even have two carronades!!

usmcsgt65 02-12-2004 10:39 PM

Mountain Men are big in the Vegas area, but my wife's idea of "roughing it" is Motel 6. I enjoy the black powder shooting. I can't do the sleeping on the buffalo robe anymore - bones hurt too much.

Hoyin 03-05-2004 11:36 PM

Been a while guys, has kicked me in the ass big time

but I have done re-enactment for 16 years

Medievil battle though

Just went to a HUGE war..5k on the field..that was awesome


MORTARDUDE 03-06-2004 09:16 AM

Hoyin :

Glad to have you back ! Where was the 5K re-enactment ? Who sponsored it ?

All the best,


Hoyin 03-10-2004 03:24 PM

The 5k re-enactment was in Arizona ..called Estrella War..were all the kingdoms come together for a WAR. Its hella fun.
(actual count was 7k attendance, on the field 4k) you could HEAR it even if you couldnt see it. Its an amazing sight too.
Sponsered by us loons in the SCA. Society of Creative Anachronism we dress medieval and have medieval tents, etc etc
of *course* I do Mongol and bring the ger.

revwardoc 03-11-2004 05:23 AM


For the past few years the SCA has set up a small encampment near my town and I have to admit, as a re-enactor, that I'm disappointed in their efforts. Most of the tents were contemporary plastic or canvas with aluminum poles and there's such a mish-mash of eras that I don't know if I'm looking at medieval or Rennaisance or what. However, the re-enactors themselves are very well informed and know their history quite well. I just wish they'd put a bit more effort into their accoutrements.

There's a museum in Worcester (MA) called the Higgins Armory that specializes in medieval armor and weapons and has an extensive collection. If you're ever in MA, its worth the look. Here's the website;

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