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HARDCORE 01-17-2024 12:32 PM

It Just Ain't Nice To Screw Around With The Ultimate Powers That Be
PERSONAL EPITAPH OF - “Frank Olson (July 17, 1910 to November 28, 1953)!” He was an American bacteriologist, biological warfare scientist, and an employee of the United States Army’s Biological Warfare Laboratories who worked at Camp Detrick (Fort Detrick) in Maryland.

At a meeting in rural Maryland, he was ‘covertly’ dosed with ‘LSD’ by his colleague ‘Sidney Gottlieb’ (the head of the CIA's MK Ultra program) and, nine days later, he plunged to his death from the window of a hotel in New York.

The U.S. government first described his death as a suicide, while others alleged it to be murder?[1]

The Rockefeller Commission report on the CIA in 1975 acknowledged their having conducted covert drug experiments upon fellow agents (And Others?). But Olson's death is one of the most questionable outcomes of the CIA’s mind control project – MK Ultra!”

(And Now - My Personal Opinions)


Some years ago, I brought to your attention the series of mind control experimentations (Mk Ultra etc) that were covertly conducted by our very own government, against our very own people – but apparently to no avail? It also seems that nobody really gave a damn, as the government’s slick/wily handling of these affairs, coupled with the “then-current conspiracy-theory craze”, had the public convinced that nothing that brutal, brazen, or even criminal (?), could ever have ever occurred here within “The Fatherland? After all, human-degrading crap like this, could only have happened in the likes of “The Third Reich”, could it not?!

Well, for your information, the experimentation upon innocent human beings was not just limited to “The Hun”, but rather, it was even conducted upon our very own and unwitting, “All American and Uniformed” personnel, back during “The Cold War Period!”

Unfortunately, however, the public’s outrage was short-lived, and the humanity who conducted these ‘Domestic Atrocities’ were allowed to just slither back into the posh and festering wood work and this, by our grateful nation, that just threw those who were so viciously abused during “The Mk Ultra” (and other associated) atrocities , into the garbage cans of history itself – so much for these “Gallant, Young Americans”, and the honor of “Our Nation” as well!? Well, I personally have not forgotten, nor will the Almighty, history, and even many of those who were so viciously experimented upon!

And in my opinion, the day is yet to arrive, when all of these cretins and all who aided and assisted them will be brought to account before the ultimate of tribunals !! AND LEST WE EVER FORGET- POLITICIANS COME, AND POLITICIANS GO, BUT TRUTH AND HELL ITSELF ARE STILL ETERNAL! AND THOSE WHO KNEW OF SUCH TRAVESTIES, BUT WHO DID NOTHING AT ALL TO PREVENT OR EVEN TO RECTIFY THEM, ARE JUST AS GUILTY (IN MY OPINION), OF THESE ABOMINTIONS AND LIES, AS WERE THE PERPETRATORS THEMSELVES – “ALSO IN MY OPINION?!”And To Those Who Created & Engaged In Mk Ultra, Second Chance, Operation Dork, Blue Sky, etc. etc - May You All Burn In Hell –



Boats 01-18-2024 03:39 AM

And we call ourselves civilized - see below
And we call ourselves civilized - see below
I do recall back in our history that we did a few of those things - even then they
took exception to such protocols. That was awful - they wanted to know what would
work and what wouldn't. Yes even then it was reported but once again they have
departments within the system - uncontrolled by certain fashions within our system.
Once it was uncovered or reported - it was immediately shut down. Testing folks
to see what worked and what didn't wasn't legal even back then.
Was it the CIA or Medical malpractice for the really sick or mentally disturbed?
WWI used a lot of that crap on us back then I recall my Grandpa telling me
about things like that on captured POW's or insane individuals having severe
medical conditions.
Man's inhumanity to other's at times goes undercover - and not advertised.
Hanging and electrocution weren't exactly what I call pleasant during the
testing and the wars being fought.
When your brain goes on overload after a lot of stress - it can break a person's
mental state can due some God awful things to others.
Torture still goes on today and will until mankind becomes more civilized.
Some scientist work on crap like that. Look at the stuff we spray for
insects - lawn weed killer's - its still just a dangerous to us all more
so - for those with an inability to tolerate these antigen things.
Acceptable - HELL NO - but its always after the fact. Yep we the
so-called civilized people have still got a long ways to go.

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