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HARDCORE 08-01-2020 10:20 AM

Fixed & Rigged

How in the Hell are we even able to survive if, in reality, things are genuinely, as the President said – “Fixed and Rigged?”

“Come on people – get your heads screwed on straight!” This nation of ours can only function when these elected representatives fully come to realize that the health, the well being, the prosperity, and yes, even our survival itself, is not a partisan issue – “They Are American Issues!!”

“Screw these ultra-vested politicians who worship one political party or the other, and not the people themselves!” Or don’t these greedy little fools know what the word “UNITED” means?

Granted, there will always be policy disagreements within any government, and that is the nature of “This Progressive Republic of Ours!” But if “The President” is right, and I believe that he is in this case, then those who seek to “fix and rig”, need a refresher course in “Those Three Beautiful Little Words” – WE THE PEOPLE!!


reconeil 08-01-2020 12:26 PM

Truly WELL STATED, Rick,...and especially your ending of: But if “The President” is right, and I believe that he is in this case, then those who seek to “fix and rig”, need a refresher course in “Those Three Beautiful Little Words” – WE THE PEOPLE!!"

Still, I might add WHOM specifically need such a: "Refresher course".

After all, It's not just the Chinese, Russian, Iranian & North Korean Enemies that PERPETUALLY wish for and want President Trump TO FAIL,'s quite obviously also America's very own Political Supremacist Democrat Lords & Ladies that PERPETUALLY WANT President Trump TO FAIL. THEY are truly a: "Mein (PARTY)eber alles" gang, mob or clique.

What a Truly National Shame.


Boats 08-02-2020 06:06 AM

Every Presidential race is fixed and rigged - look at the last one.


reconeil 08-02-2020 12:05 PM

Americans unfortunately can't: " - look at the last one.", since Hillary: "Bleached" about 30,000 ((THIRTY THOUSAND) emails, of which many undoubtedly had to do with typically promoting VOTER FRAUD, as needed. Glad it didn't work.

I don't care if that once Sorry Excuse for an FBI Director or Comey or any other staunch Dems would obviously (deceivingly also) say differently.

Democrat and/or Leftist, Socialist, Marxist Political Supremacists are historically well known for that: "The Ends Justifies The Means" saying, and even having The Dead illegally VOTE for THEM,...even multiple times. It's Truly Sad but True, and especially even here in America.


Boats 08-02-2020 05:03 PM

Reco - that has yet to be proved. We've not been shown proof of this endeavor.


reconeil 08-05-2020 11:29 AM

Even if you only believe about half the sad truths daily exposed on TV, there's more than enough PROOF that Staunch Dems/Leftists/Socialists/Marxists (all the way up to THE TOP) were and still are involved in Voter Fraud.

Therefore, it's quite obviously understandable why Democrats are So Dead-set AGAINST all voters Having Legitimate Photo VOTER IDs, which are usually required for MOST EVERYTHING ELSE in America.

Since Legitimate VOTER IDs would automatically and obviously cut down Too Much VOTER FRAUD, it's more than fair saying that Republicans pressing for such to the Democrat Faithful & Party Officials is like holding up A Cross to a bunch of vampires.

That I can't PROVE,...even though logical and quite likely if believing in vampires.


Boats 08-05-2020 11:53 AM


It seems to me that the US citizens today are no longer working together as a team. We are so divided that this is causing a major uprising within the structure of the USA. We have to find a way to work out our differences or we will have major divisions of which we haven't seen since the Civil War.
United is what we call ourselves - but the divisions today don't indicate any harmony. As we all know divided we fall! It's been written before and it can be again - if we don't resolve our issues.
The world is watching the USA tear itself apart internally over issues we've done little to resolve.
You can't lock them all up - it would instigate further divisions and this is not path we need at this time.
I don't have any answers! The Government doesn't have any answers - and that adds to insecurity of the whole - and we could fall into something to big to handle.
United States "we are not" right now. We have far less unity then we did before Trump.
I see and feel much of the pains many are going through. It's not easy. I don't see a quick fix - do you?
The world order is shuffling - wars or conflicts are world wide again and again - power struggles are constant - country budgets are so high now that taxation will be horrendous to pay off.
We've got sick folks all over the world and here we are bitching again and again about issues we have no control over - nor do those Governments all around the world.
Yes its ugly to see and harder to live through. But here we are!
I've go no idea how to fix this mess - but yet here it is!

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