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Stick 10-04-2014 07:13 AM

Service animals
:i:Just this past week a dog that had been utilized by an Army unit in Afghanistan was reunited with the troop that handled him there. The dog immediately recognized his handler and ran to him at the gate waging its tail and happily yelping. It was an exceptionally cheerful reunion. Dogs in the Army today are used by the Army in tunnels of the enemy and are regularly used as "Tunnel rat." And to think that I enlisted just to avoid being drafted as a tunnel rat.
About two years ago our Church had a dog show on a Wednesday night, Family night event. There were well over 20 Police, Guide, guard, Seeing Eye and sniffing dogs at the show and for about an hour and a half Dog Trainers or Police K-nine officers showed off how and what their dogs were able to do.
At the finish of the evenings festivities all of the dogs were on the auditorium floor at the same time taking commands from their owners when one dog trainer stood in the center of the floor with a microphone and spoke one command into that microphone.
"Be a dog" was the order and all of the dogs went nuts with each other barking and playing with each other. Only one of the dogs peed in the corner of the room after the "Be a Dog" command was given and when a lot of dogs surrounded the offender who promptly tucked his tail between his legs. At the end of the evening there was only one small puddle to be cleaned up and that might have been spilled coffee.
Did we use Service Animals in the '60's?

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