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reconeil 01-19-2004 04:53 PM

First-off, let's get something straight, Get Real or in an apolitical or Real World context, and/or quite abnormally be unequivocatingly honest. This latest of MANY (actually ongoing for MANY hundreds of years) Islamic Holy Wars, NOW quite differently also targets all American men, women and children (both Believers and Infidels alike) for extinction. Sad (sick also),...but true.

Sadder still (sicker also), is that unfortunately there are multitudes worldwide (some even here in America) actually believing the most absurdest of all lies and fanatical misbeliefs. Yeah sure,..."Allah The All Merciful" actually countenances, condones and encourages the slaughter of non-combattants and/or defenseless men, women and children (both Believers and Infidels alike), "His Name"??? NONSENSE!!!

WOW(!), about deceptively brainwashed for generations from birth pawns, followers and/or future assassins, by those doing such Islam perverting brainwashing for MANY hundreds of years. Besides being intelligence insulting in general,...such also insults Allah.

Therfore, and since nowadays impossible for conventional defensive tactics alone to protect Americans against such a large and quite sophisticated (even though historically and religiously backward) army of fanatical nuts,...fingerprinting and/or a positive form of identification of everyone on American Soil, is quite desperately needed.

Hell, any not realizing that A Fingerprint Data Base was, is, and will never be as important for America AS IS TODAY,...are undoubtedly FOOLS (both leaders and followers of such alike).

Still, one can only hope, what with our MANY years of a general naivete' and/or basically Honor System type open borders (such as no other large nation on earth), that FINALLY fingerprinting (the best positive ID known to date),...just isn't too-little, too-late. After all, SO MANY: "Foxes" are already; "In (this) henhouse".

Granted, there will be those in academe, authority, Hollywood, journalism and/or American Notables in general quite adamently against fingerprinting all law-abiding American Citizens. Such, no doubt are also against fingerprinting all foreign visitors to American Soil, even after America's worst: "Pearl Harbor" and/or; "9/11". Go figure? Guess that to some, unwaveringly or staunchly defending ones ideology is more important to such,...than life itself? It sure seems so.

Regardless, that some American Fools apparently prefer absolute privacy and anonymity here in America rather than SURVIVAL, it should be emphasized that fingerprinting infringes on NO American's: "Right to Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness". Quite the opposite.

In fact, and if not a zealot or politically bent and thusly apolitical and thinking honestly and realistically, fingerprinting should prove extremely helpful nowadays,...and especially regarding that: "Right to Life" part.

And for that matter, what's wrong with all American Citizens having A National Fingerprint ID and also having A Fingerprint Data Base of every foreigner visiting American Soil? For all law-abiding or people of well intent worldwide, America would then be a much safer place for one to eventually live in, and even a much safer place to just visit.

Naturally, all Criminally Illegal Aliens (NOW politically-patronizing & citizen-pacifyingly called: "IMMIGRANTS") will moan and frown at being fingerprinted, and non more so than a quite likely good percentage of such. After all, Coyotes, Dope Mules, Arms Smugglers, Spies, Moles, Assassins or just plain terrorists daily sneaking into America, undoubtedly fear and despise being fingerprinted much more than most. It's understandable.

For "Them" TOTAL ANONYMITY serves their nefarious and clandestine purposes infinitely better,...much like as for most all criminals.

So then, and if any law-abiding American has any qualms whatsoever about the very slight inconvenience of being Fingerprint ID'd, I would suggest asking themself one simple question.

The question being:
Would I rather be sensible and have A National Fingerprint ID, and thusly much better chance at longevity,...or go the absolute privacy above all else and/or ACLU or liberal route and be an easier target or victim of terrorism, and thus likely dead long before my time?
Take your pick: "Friends and Fellow Americans".

And besides,...isn't it quite foolishly asinine (nationally-suicidal also) to not at least: "FINGERPRINT for SURVIVAL"??? I (no doubt some other Americans also) most definitely believe so.

The End (Everyway possible?)

by N.R. Filidei
(initially written for discussion on - 1/19/04)

Neil :d: :b:

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