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DMZ-LT 07-03-2002 11:49 AM

July 3, 1863
In fifteen minutes from now on this day 139 years ago 15,000 Confederate troops under Gen. Picket made their famous charge on the Union center, a mile away , on Cemetary Ridge. More than 7,000 were KIA and WIA . Gettysburg would cost the Union 23k and the Confederates25k KIA , WIA. Imagine your in the woods waiting for the moment to advance or behind a stone fence looking over the field or flying into a hot LZ - war sucks

Keith_Hixson 07-03-2002 12:43 PM

That Old Man:
Pickett never did forgive Lee for those orders. On July forth the next day, Vicksburg fell. From that point on it spelled the end of the rebellion. Lots of What if's at Gettysburg but it resulted in a Southern Loss. Pickett referred to Lee as: "that old man" for the rest of his life.


usmcsgt65 07-03-2002 05:38 PM

Movie Gettysburg
The second day and Pickett's Charge are done in real time. Gives you an idea what it was like taking the mile walk in the sun on that third day.
So, who was right. Lee to Longstreet: attack the right in the morning, not in the afternoon. Longstreet to Lee: we are in good defensive positions. Meade will be forced to attack us.

DMZ-LT 07-03-2002 07:53 PM

Fredericksburg . The weapons of the last war shape the tactics of the next war. Dumb.

Tamaroa 07-04-2002 04:21 PM

july 3rd
Kind of a special day for me. I found out not to long ago that I have a distant relative who was kia on July 3rd with the 37th North Carolina.

DMZ-LT 07-04-2002 05:59 PM

Sid has two I think. One on each side. Don't know how my great grandads unit missed it. Happy Birthday America !

PHO127 07-05-2002 02:16 PM

All wore gray
Would have to check units they served in but one brother died at Gettysburg, one at Vicksburg and one died at POW camp in Elmira NY. Have the graves registration for Gettysburg and Elmira. Father and one son survived. Served in 5th Ga. Inf. 11th Ga. Inf. 17th Alabama. and Army of Northern Virginia. Have to check family documents to confirm.

PHO127 07-05-2002 06:04 PM

Correction to post for DMZLT
Horace served with 4th ga inf was captured at Snickers gap on 16 July 1864 Died POW Elmira NY Grave 618. Allen Died at battle of Vicksburg, No date, Served with the 46th Alabama. Craven served with Company H of the Army of Northern Virginia was wounded at the first battle of Bull run and discharged 11 Jan 1862 reienlisted in same unit and was killed on July 2, 1863 at Gettysburg. Harrison, Captain, served with the ANV as an artillery officer. Levi served with company K of the 11th Ga Inf.

The first decendant was Thomas (sergent) (immigrant) Born in England in 1600 arrived in Jamestown Colony aboard the Ship Bony Bess in in 1623. He married Elizabeth in 1625 The first Herndon born in america was William in 1629.

usmcsgt65 07-06-2002 12:58 PM

Any chance some of those later Herndon move into Kentucky and started a little village which is call Herndon, KY today?

PHO127 07-06-2002 01:23 PM

Its possible
But have not found it in research so far. I am just starting on research for revolutionary war era. I do know that Herndons were in Tennessee in early 1800's. could have been in Kentucky also

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