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darrels joy 10-30-2010 03:47 PM

Virginia Democrats Offer Free Beer to Voters, Shocked to Find Out It’s Illegal…
Virginia Democrats Offer Free Beer to Voters, Shocked to Find Out It’s Illegal…

You’re doing it wrong, the only way to get people to vote Democrat these days would be to get them drunk before voting. Bonus: Even with the offer of free beer, not one person showed up, that’s how far the Democratic party has fallen… ;)
(Politico)- A Virginia Democratic organization appears to have violated federal election law by offering free beer to voters.

The Arlington Young Democrats held a happy hour last week at which they offered “a free drink and some appetizers” to anyone who brought an “I Voted” stick to prove that he or she had voted early in Virginia, according to a flier.

“In elections in which federal candidates are on the ballot, no one can offer any kind of benefit or reward for voting. The simple way to deal with this is to open up the event to all comers — voters and nonvoters alike,” Loyola Law professor and election law expert Rick Hasen wrote POLITICO in an e-mail. “This is a very common problem, because people believe they are doing their civic duty by encouraging other people to vote. And in many states, in elections when federal candidates are not on the ballot, this activity is perfectly legal.”

Corporations such as Starbucks and Ben & Jerry’s ran afoul of this law in 2008 and complied by offering freebies to everyone rather than just voters.

“We did have a get-out-the-vote happy hour” Young Dems president Gordon Simonett said. But the group said they were not aware that they were running afoul of any laws and held similar events in 2008 and 2009.

Simonett said that “zero people came by” with voting stickers and only a handful of poll volunteers even showed up. ”Turnout was not what we expected,” Simonett said. (The offer is illegal, Hasen said, even if nobody takes it up.)

A GOP group blasted the effort anyway.

“The Arlington Young Democrats knew they may have to pull all the stops to help Moran across the finish line, including offering a free drink and food in violation of the law,” said Michael Thielen, executive director of the Republican National Lawyers Association. “This is just another sign of what scared Democrats will do.”

Seascamp 11-03-2010 07:02 PM

I'm surprised the Demos didn't prevail upon their new best Pal ever; Felipe Calderon, to roll in a ton or so of premo "La cucaracha". Now that definitely would have drawn a crowd and no doubt fake, hot off the Juarez presses, "I voted" stickers would been available at a nominal charge; but only in USD or Euros, right. And of course free DHS motor escort from the Juarez border and all the way to Virginia, sirens, flashing lights, all of it, would have to come with the deal. Got to do it up right, eh.

revwardoc 11-04-2010 11:51 AM

When George Washington first ran for a seat in the Virginia House of Burgesses, he lost because his opponent provided more booze to voters than George. When GW ran again 2 years later, it was estimated that he provided a gallon of booze per vote. So there was a precedent. :D

BLUEHAWK 11-05-2010 08:11 AM

If I have it right, it is interesting too that most elections were conducted orally. That is to say, a voter had to go into the polling place and declare their vote by voice!

I think this was still in practice in some states clear into the early 19th century.

Just imagine inebriated citizens in a polling place proclaiming their candidate of choice! :p

Boats 11-05-2010 12:12 PM

Give your supports a six pack of beer and a bottle of muscatel and they will vote for you and not even know it.

reconeil 11-05-2010 01:52 PM

"Six pack" & "Muscatel"....hell. At least we know such voters are STILL ALIVE!

America's Top Squanderer of MY/YOUR/OUR and/or Taxpayer Monies actually promissed
BILLION$ to MILLIONS (even to Illegals),...of MY/YOUR/OUR Monie$.

Hell, he's even slicker than: "Slick Willy" ever was. But then, Old Slick or Lover-Boy-Clinton never grew up & earned his bones as an ACORN Community Organizer, either.

So, it's no wonder why Bill just can't Lie as well? It apparently takes Years at ACORN to become so Masterful at Deceit, as Barack O. and/or Barry S. so obviously is.

Makes being screwed by: "Fat Cat" Bankers, Billionaires, CEOs, Leaders & Unions sound wonderful.

Regardless & still relatively Soul Brothers in Public Deceit aside, that vote buying comes to about a couple of thou$and EACH that: "His Barackness" TOOK FROM US to pretty-much Insure or Guarantee His & Clique's Purchase of The Presidency.

Soooooooooooooo thennnnnnnnnnnnn...what's the-big-deal about buying a little beer & muscatel now & then, just for a few semi-drunk votes? At least such were likely American Votes. But then,...who really knows? ;);)


revwardoc 11-06-2010 06:51 AM

The use of secret ballots began with the Greeks in 139 B.C. It was pretty much stayed in Greece until the French adopted it in 1795; Australia in 1854; The English in 1872. Kentucky started using it for presidential elections only in 1891, but Massachusetts was the first state to use it for local, state, and federal elections in 1856. The Constitution of West Virginia still allows for oral ballots.

Originally in the US, you had to place a piece of paper on which an X was printed into the box designated for every candidate. This made for some nasty election day fraceses when any given opposition supporters could easily tell who was voting for whom. The combination of booze and open political convictions proved to be a troublesome mix and was eventually replaced with what became known as "The Australian Ballot".

BLUEHAWK 11-06-2010 07:43 AM

There we go... I knew you'd have the complete answer!


revwardoc 11-11-2010 03:29 AM

Navy recruiter goes all Democrat on us.,4315493.story

Navy Recruiter Accused of Hosting Drinking Party for Recruits

SANDUSKY, Ohio — A wild night inside a military recruiting station ends with criminal charges and an internal investigation by the U.S. Navy.

Justin Szadkowski, 24, appeared in Sandusky Municipal Court on Tuesday afternoon. He was arrested on Oct. 28 inside the West Perkins Avenue office of the Navy and other military branches. Pictures taken inside the recruiting station show beer cans and other alcohol left scattered in the room. Some was even stashed in the ceiling, where police say Szadkowski was trying to hide the alcohol.

"When they responded there, no one answered," said Lt. Al Matthews from the Perkins Township Police Department. "They kinda watched the area and saw two females and also a male they came in contact with and upon talking to them, they found out what was actually going on there."

According to Lt. Matthews, the alcohol was provided by Szadkowski who had three people underage inside the office. Matthews says two women and one man were also charged with underage consumption. Szadkowski entered a no contest plea in court.

"I think they should have a little bit more respect and it shouldn't have never happened," said Bob Wightman, a veteran who lives in Sandusky.

During a phone conversation with FOX 8 News, Szadkowski said it was over and he had no comment.

"It probably shouldn't have gone on at a recruiting station, it shouldn't go on period with minors, but especially at a recruiting station," said Jeff Lange, a member of the American Legion.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Navy says the criminal case in the court of law is closed, but they're just beginning their own military investigation. They say Szadkowski is still in the Navy but he is no longer working as a recruiter.

"There's a lot of concern out there, so this was pretty reckless and, you know, even though things didn't happen this could have escalated into something very terrible, it could have ended in a very sad story," said Lt. Matthews.

According to police, Szadkowski did not get any jail time during his sentencing on Tuesday afternoon. The Navy spokesperson won't comment on what penalty he could face in a military court.

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