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HARDCORE 03-05-2024 05:29 PM

They Live - Maybe

Maybe we should change their names from taking heads to chattering skulls, or maybe even pointless intellects? Unless, of course you actually enjoy being told how you should eat, sleep and even think?

And almost everyone alive today is being bombarded with pointless chatter, almost to the point of adnauseam, where the tube does most of our thinking for us, decides what we will eat, what hooch we will dump into your body, and even who we should (and must) vote for in the upcoming elections? “And in the event that you do not buy into this twisted analogy, then I invite you to rethink your mindset!?”

For if there were no television commercials, no mass advertising, and no 24/7 political mind manipulating, just how much of your daily life, the products that you buy, and the adherence to what is being force fed to you via the media, would be different today? After all, would you buy the same products, drink the same booze, and even rally into the same rationale that you do at this very moment?

And what about politics – would you vote for the same career-politicians, believe the same never-ending hype or even elect some dude who really doesn’t know his rump from a hole in the ground – “Think about it for a moment?”

It maybe your life and your personal mind-set that comes into play here, but remember, this is still “OUR COUNTRY, OUR FUTURES AND OUR SURVIVAL AS WELL!!” And unless we are content with the status-quo, or fear not those creatures who have sworn to promote our ultimate demise, then we had damn well better consider the distinct possibility and fact, that:

“Not every home-spun politician out there is our genuine friend and ally –
“And That Too, Is The Absolute Truth of The Matter!!!”


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