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darrels joy 09-18-2008 06:13 PM

All hell breaking loose in Grand Island, NE over decision to accommodate Muslims
All hell breaking loose in Grand Island, NE over decision to accommodate Muslims

Posted by acorcoran on September 18, 2008

Update this evening: Fox News is reporting that the deal is off, no special accommodation after all.

GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska — Managers at a Nebraska meatpacking plant have told Muslim employees, most of them Somali, that shift changes made to meet their prayer demands weren’t working and would be ended.

Update later today: Strike continued today. See photos of workers protesting Somali accommodation.

Last night I told you the decision had been made at the Swift & Co meatpacking plant in Grand Island. The Somalis won when managers decided to give in to their demands for shift changes during Ramadan.

But, now all the other workers of all cultures and nationalities have walked out in protest, just as they had in Greeley, CO nearly two weeks ago.

(Hat tip: Blulitespecial)

A compromise reached to accommodate prayer for about 500 Somalian meatpacking plant workers in Grand Island led to a counter protest of even more workers at the JBS Swift & Co. plant Wednesday.

Workers including Caucasians, Hispanics, Vietnamese, and African-Americans walked out after clocking in on the B shift shortly after 3 p.m. [A commenter to this news story says that the Sudanese were not with the Somalis, but with this group of counter-demonstrators]

The objection — a change in the break schedule that leaves B shift workers shorted of hours Monday through Friday and forces them to work Saturday to earn at least 40 hours of pay.

“The Somalians say they can only work three hours after sunset, so we’re supposed to work 7.3 hours a day Monday through Friday,” said Naomi Jakubowski. “We’re supposed to come in and make up the time on Saturday or be shorted at just 36 hours.”

“I don’t want to sacrifice my Saturdays with my kids — and I can’t raise ‘em on 36 hours of pay,” she said. “I’ve got rent, food and diapers to buy.”

This article from the Grand Island Independent then describes the shift schedule changes and quotes Dan Hoppes, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers Local No. 22, as saying:

“This will give them time to pray and satisfy their faith.”

The Grand Island plant employs 2500 workers, according to this news story, and 500 are Muslim.

The multicultural protesting workers, including these women standing up for Hispanics, didn’t mince words.

Bernadino Orellana said the Hispanic workers have staffed the Swift plant for 20 to 30 years. The Somalian workers have come in the last year and changed everything — Swift management has given in to the minority, she said.

“Nobody should have special privileges,” shouted B shift protester Tina Ramirez. “Treat everybody fairly.”

Counterprotesters raised objections Wednesday to a pay raise they say the Somalians were given and were bragging about Tuesday and Wednesday.

Ramirez went on:

Ramirez said Wednesday that the Somalians come late, leave early and take frequent breaks and “drop all the time” in prayer right in front of people, so people are literally tripping over their bodies.

“They don’t do the work and we have to work double,” she said. “It’s not fair.”

“Everyone has rights. Be equal. Be fair,” a protester sign stated in the Swift parking lot Wednesday night.

“We all have religion,” Ramirez said. [But, some are more equal then others]

Apparently Somalis claimed, as they had in Greeley, CO, that supervisors physically abused Somali workers and that one male tried to follow a Muslim female to the bathroom. In Greeley, the Somalis charged that men went into the locker room and fondled Somali women’s breasts while trying to remove them from the floor. The Somalis know that these allegations involving their women will inflame their supporters around the world. As a matter of fact, in some parts of the world, the allegation alone would get someone beheaded.

Hoppes said the union is continuing to investigate allegations that some praying workers were kicked by a supervisor and that a male supervisor followed a female worker into a bathroom as she attempted to pray. He said witnesses to those events have not surfaced and Swift is denying either incident happened.

Don’t forget to read the comments to this story, they are pretty hard hitting. One commenter, Thompson, said:

The people at Swift who made this decision are nothing more than COWARDS!!!!

Regular working Americans get this, the seriousness of accommodating and bending over backward to Islamic religious demands. It’s only our elitists running the US government and the media elites who want to dismiss the growing storm by telling us we are a bunch of racist , bigoted, xenophobes. Notice the counter-demonstrators come from all sorts of cultural backgrounds and are of various and assorted colors.

And finally commenter AlwaysaHusker said:

If this is part of the global unity, I don’t want any part of it. You better hold on to your hats, because America is going down.

Just a reminder, the US State Department has resettled over 83,000 Somalis over the last 25 years and dispersed them throughout America.

If you would like to learn how this issue (Somali demands at meatpacking plants) has evolved over the last two weeks go to our special category here. Posts are organized in chronological order from the most recent to the oldest. See “probing the infidel world” here.

Read especially this post which describes how the accommodation of Islamic religious demands is part of the “stealth jihad” to bring Sharia law to America. The Somalis are merely the foot soldiers, the advancing wedge.


colmurph 09-18-2008 06:56 PM

Why are Somali workers there in the first place? Are they "Green Card" or Illegal Aliens? Fire the SOB's! Then deport them.

reconeil 09-23-2008 01:48 AM

Good questions.

Still: "The U.S. State Department resettling 83,000 Somalies here over the last 25 years",
doesn't paint or portray our political leaders (of whatever BENT) very favorably.
I must believe that amongst SO MANY,...there had to be quite a few: "Black Hawk Down"
Somali Muslim Savages also dispersed throughout America.
What a naively-stupid shame & national insult.

Oh, and for what it's worth, the resettlers of that army of Somalies were ACTUALLY The
U.S. Taxpayer and/or Payer of EVERYTHING in America & much in The World (as usual).
U.S. State Department Officials involved...were merely an additional expense incurred US.


darrels joy 09-23-2008 08:02 AM

Is it our job to take care of the world as they make it?
Apparently it is. More people headed this way saying "take care of me." courtesy of our state department.

SOMALIA: Nuurto Aweys: "When you are hungry you will eat anything that does not eat you"

<TABLE style="BORDER-RIGHT: #bbbbbb 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 5px; BORDER-TOP: #cccccc 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px; MARGIN: 2px 5px 8px 0px; BORDER-LEFT: #cccccc 1px solid; WIDTH: 120px; PADDING-TOP: 5px; BORDER-BOTTOM: #bbbbbb 1px solid; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #eeeeee" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-TOP: 3px" align=right>
Photo: Abdisamad Farah, IRIN-Radio

</TD></TR><TR><TD class=ImgCreditCaption style="FONT-SIZE: 7pt; FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma">Nuurto Aweys at the camp in Arbiska outside Mogadishu</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
ARBISKA (MOGADISHU), 16 September 2008 (IRIN) - In July, Nuurto Aweys, 30, fled fighting between Ethiopian-backed government troops and insurgents in Mogadishu and sought shelter in a camp for the displaced in Arbiska area, 20km south of the capital. The area hosts hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Aweys left her Mogadishu neighbourhood after it became a battle zone and arrived in Arbiska with eight children, aged between one and 14 years.

Two of her children, aged two and three, died recently in the IDP camp after heavy rains destroyed their flimsy shelter. She spoke to IRIN about her plight on 15 September:

"We used to live in Yaaqshid [north Mogadishu] in a part of the district that was not so bad compared with other places. Besides, we had no money to flee. Everything I made in the market we ate, so we had nothing left. Three months ago, there was so much fighting that resulted in the deaths of many people in my area that I decided it was not possible to stay. I could not go out to do the odd jobs I used to do to earn some money and my children were slowly starving.

"I heard that many people went to Arbiska and were safe and were being helped. So since we did not have money for transport, we walked to Arbiska.

"I came to Alrahim Camp [IDP camp] where some of our former neighbours had found safety. My children were very weak. We did not have much to eat for days. My neighbours gave us some food but it did not last very long.

"Since my arrival here I have not received any food rations. I was told I missed the last distribution. I depend on help from neighbours but sometimes they also don’t have anything to give or eat.

"I go out into the fields and collect Kable and Bukurey [wild foliage] to cook for the children. It is not food but when you are hungry you will eat anything that does not eat you.

"We built a makeshift shelter and were hoping to get plastic sheeting to cover it to protect us from the rains.

“However, the rains last week [4-6 September] were so heavy they washed everything away. We were sitting in an open area for over 18 hours with the rains coming down hard.

"My children were already weak, but Awliyo [a two-year-old girl] and Mohamed [a three-year-old boy] were the weakest. They had been ill and so died in the rain. When the rains came, we had nowhere to shelter and they just died.

"I am now wondering what will become of the others. I left Mogadishu hoping to get some peace and safety but I brought my children to death. I am not the only here who lost children. Many mothers are like me.

"Now even this place does not feel safe. No food, no shelter and I cannot find any work. Every day I am cooking Kable or Bukurey. I have no choice.

"My life in Mogadishu was very hard but this one is worse. Even with all the fighting I had all my children, now two are gone. I don’t know when all this suffering will stop. God will help us."

__________________________________________________ ___-
On Africa, President Bush indicated to campaigners and the organisers of the Live 8 concerts that he was ready to be more generous. “I believe in the admonition, ‘To whom much has been given, much is required’,” he said.

He said that he wanted to speed up the flow of African aid money passing through Congress but made it clear that US donations depended on African leaders spending money on health and education projects, while tackling corruption.

He took issue with Mr Blair’s aim of doubling global aid to Africa to $50 billion (£28 billion) and disagreed with campaigners who say that the 0.16 per cent of US GDP that Washington spends on overseas aid is too low.

Mr Bush said that he wanted a relationship of partnership with African countries. “That’s different than a relationship of cheque-writer. In other words, partnership means that we’ve got obligations and so do the people we’re trying to help.”

Americans wanted to help to combat poverty and hunger. But they wanted assurances that their money was being well spent. “I can’t, in all good faith, say, ‘Let’s continue to be generous, but I can’t guarantee the money is being spent properly’. It’s not good stewardship of our own money, nor is it effective in helping the people.”

calcutta2084 10-17-2008 05:51 PM

theyre probably registered vote absentee

calcutta2084 10-17-2008 05:52 PM


darrels joy 11-12-2008 09:28 AM

Muslims get the Last Laugh at Swift Plant
This appears to be what is the final follow up on the story of the Muslims at Swift Plant who demanded extra break times to pray for the month of Ramadan Ramadan. After a back and forth struggle which saw about 100 Muslims being fired, Swift will be paying the Muslims hundreds of thousands of dollars. They were even fined for having Muslims sign a contract saying that they would be willing to handle pork, which is considered Haraam Haraam in Islam or forbidden. So now we see that employers cannot even defend themselves in advance by asking Muslims if they will handle pork. For more on the hazards of hiring Muslims go here.

Minnesota Plant That Fired Muslims for Taking Prayer Breaks Will Pay $365,000
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MINNEAPOLIS — Under a settlement to a federal lawsuit, up to 100 Somali Muslims who are current or former workers at Gold'n Plump Inc. will receive a total of $365,000.

The settlement was filed in Minneapolis on Friday. It sprang from allegations of religious discrimination at the company's chicken processing plants in Cold Spring and Arcadia, Wis.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed lawsuits against St. Cloud-based Gold'n Plump and the Work Connection Inc., an employment agency in St. Paul, which handled some hiring for the plant.

Under the settlement, Gold'n Plump agreed to pay $215,000 to workers who were terminated for taking prayer breaks.

The Work Connection will pay $150,000 to workers who were asked to sign a form acknowledging that they might be required to handle pork, which many Muslims consider unclean.

The EEOC estimates that 40 to 100 workers will qualify for the payments.

darrels joy 11-12-2008 09:29 AM

The Hazards of Hiring Muslims
The Hazards of Hiring Muslims

Besides all the threats and imposing that the Islamic community brings to non-Muslims there is also another problem that they bring, lawsuits. Lawsuits claiming discrimination against them. Most recently we had the lawsuit happy Muslim from Brooklyn and the UK Muslim who sued the Tesco Supermarket chain because as a stock boy he had to handle unopened bottles of alcohol. Today we have female Muslim twins that are stockbrokers from the UK who have filed over 200 allegations of religious and race bias. One of the charges is that they have had their Jewish clients taken away from them and given to a Jewish broker. The brokerage company Tradition Securities and Futures has said that many clients were reallocated to different brokers to try and get maximum results but the Muslim women are seeking the largest tribunal payout is UK history. I believe that many Muslims seek employment with the intention of looking for any reason to sue. It is clear that the Islamic way of life and non-Islamic way of life do not mix. Besides them disrupting the work place, if we do not want to cater to Islam, is it fair that we should be subjected to lawsuits from them? They are once again using our way of life against us, to destroy us from within.

Robert Ryan 11-22-2008 09:11 AM

Getting worse
This is not fair. Then christians should be allowed time to pray to God. What makes Muslims so special this is the land of equality. Maybe some folks forget that. We are allegeldy all equal in the eyes of the law.

Stick 12-04-2008 02:22 PM

It's not a discrimination against any religion, it's the right for a company to run its own business. When an applicant applies for a job he or she agrees to work for the company which has a management and owners of that company who have an obligation to make a profit for the companies owners. If I'm the supervisor and have an employee that's a liability, and not an assett to my company I have an obligation to my employer to purge that liability and I don't give a damn if he tells Muhammad about it.
Damn capitalistic rule but they came here an gotta live by the rules. Iffen they don't like it they can always leave.

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