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HARDCORE 10-30-2021 10:03 PM

Either We Are Free Or We Are Not

“Freedom and Liberty are magnificent concepts” - and without them “Our Nation” cannot continue to function!” For these are not merely just the pointless words that many of us now take for granted, but indeed, they are the icons of our very existence, without which, our lives would merely shrivel-up, decay, and even die!

For we are either free or we are not? And if we are not, then our very existence and beliefs are futile indeed and the reason for our creation - and even the substance of our very existence, truly comes into question!

The words and the intentions of “Our Founders” left little room for doubt! And contrary to some of the rhetoric that is now being pushed by those few who would be kings, “Our Nation” is still “The Noblest” of all of the enterprises ever to be undertaken by mankind!!



BLUEHAWK 10-31-2021 07:20 AM


In my 75 years never have I seen us come so close as we are now to a transformation none of us will be able tolerate... if we survive the process.

Boats 10-31-2021 11:20 AM

HC & Blue you're both correct.
We've dug hole in our political system - I think the virus is doing its job to inject fear and insecurity into our People. Trust in our Government has gone awry and our National Security is being pushed to its limit. This is a disruption to our society - which is not normal - in any way. If they push us into a corner - and destroy our Constitution - it will lead to an insurrection - of which we are pretty close to right now.
The world is watching the U.S. internal instability as it implodes upon itself - and no doubt wondering what's become of the American Way of Life?
These transformations will lead us into an eventual insurrection - and we sure as hell - don't need that!
Life - Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness - just doesn't ring out like it used to.
The last last 5-6 years have been a struggle for many - and its not getting any better.
The virus did its job all around the globe - and is still with us today. People have no trust in the virus shots (but I got mine and so did my kids - the wife said she's not taking it - that's her call and hers alone).
Blue - I'm 75 as well and yes our world has changed - we are going through a phase of which none of us ever wanted to see - buts its here - and Uncle Sam doesn't know how to fix it.
Congress is a mess and they don't know how to fix it. Loss of jobs - higher taxes - and a multitude of misc. issues & messages coming out of Washington are not what we want to hear.
We have the Left & the Right who need to find a Middle - if not - we're doomed - to see more ciaos.
Of late migration of immigrants are flooding across our borders - or being brought in from war zones into our country. I've got nothing against those folks myself - but it should not be an open door. Without sponsor's to take them in - it will never work. Skill sets are also of great importance - not just street thugs pushing dope. We used to call them Free Loaders.
Fighting a couple 20 years wars to a draw - or withdraw - is unthinkable - and also leaves a stain in our hearts & souls.
I'll take the 50's any day. Where we were going through prosperous times a much slower lifestyle and were far safer then our kids are today.
The other ball buster is the price increases on food - gas and utilities. Streets & sewers are in need of repair - contaminated water - and of course addressing endless air pollution issues.
We could most likely add several more issues to this list - but just fixing these - could improve the key ones to me - but many other's would want to add more to the list!
Yes my fellow Bud's - we are in a world hurt - and it doesn't feel or look good - for the future.

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