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reeb 06-04-2003 04:02 PM

Gonna PO alot of you
I know how much you ( most ) think about BUSH, But here we go.::

Oour Pres Bush has and is going on with this deal about WMD ( Weapons of Mass Destruction).


So far no evidence ( from I hear on the news).

I stated a long time ago that GWB is out for retalition. I dont know the date, ( I cant find it on here, but I know it is there)...

He GWB is up for re-lection, right?

Is anyone going to vote him again or are everyone going to be like the Dixie Chicks )!!??????

I am just stating my VIEW of the situation and that is it ( if I made my poiont)..........

I can hardly spell anymore and get on this thing since I had a almost Fatal Heart Attack on the 27th of April, but I like to get into your convos.

Just for the last thought frpom me::::


I am only 56 and already ready to meet the makeer..

Never have been smart ( ecept for bussiness).

Oh well,


sn-e3 06-04-2003 04:33 PM

Yup george gets my vote again

catman 06-04-2003 05:38 PM

Mine also!


judyvillecco 06-04-2003 06:57 PM

not on your Johnny reeb life will he get mine, nor his brother either. didn't get it last time and won't get it next time! :ek: O'Reilly was talking about that WMD tonight and that the Pres needs to open his mouth and let us know what intelligence or lack thereof was known...etc. Of course some people will follow any person...look at the taliban. now before missiles are fired my way....don't take that personal but read my lips papa was a liar and well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Sorry to hear about your ticker Reeb...hope you are getting better. Take care of yourself and don't get too worked up.

sn-e3 06-04-2003 07:02 PM

Judy, Judy, Judy if only it was so black and white

judyvillecco 06-04-2003 07:06 PM

sn-e3,sn-e3,sn-e3, it is when you vote! You either vote dems or dos. I vote dems. :D

phuloi 06-04-2003 07:52 PM

How Many,Reeb
Democrats tempted to make a partisan issue out of the quality of U.S. intelligence prior to the Iraq War are setting themselves up for a question they don't want to answer: How many secret bio-weapons labs are too many?

Saddam had at least two.

In fact, we knew he had such facilities before the war. They were one of the reasons we went to war. That we uncovered this carefully guarded secret of Saddam's regime represents not a failure of U.S. intelligence but a triumph.

When Secretary of State Colin Powell addressed the United Nations on Feb. 5, he played a tape of a conversation between an Iraqi colonel and a brigadier general that was intercepted on Nov. 26, 2002. The colonel worked at a facility slated for a visit by U.N. inspector Mohammed El Baradei. He was worried because he had a "modified" vehicle that Iraq did not want inspectors to see.

"We have a modified vehicle," said the colonel. ". . . What do we say if one of them sees it?"

"You didn't get a modified," said the general. "You don't have a modified?"

"By God, I have one," said the colonel.

Further in the conversation, the general says, "I'll come to you tomorrow. I have some comments. I'm worried that you all have something left." The colonel protests, "We have evacuated everything. We don't have anything left."

Powell also showed the Security Council schematic drawings of mobile units Saddam had built for producing biological weapons. "In a matter of months," said Powell, "they can produce a quantity of biological poison equal to the entire amount Iraq claimed to have produced in the years prior to the Gulf War."

Powell said the United States had four human sources for these mobile bio-weapons facilities. One was an Iraqi chemical engineer who had supervised one of the facilities before defecting. Another was an Iraqi civil engineer who had been in a position to know of the facilities. A third was another unspecified person in "a position to know." The fourth was an Iraqi major who had defected.

Powell did his homework before making these assertions. "I went out to the CIA, and I spent four days and four nights going over everything that they had as holdings," Powell told reporters last week. "And everything I presented on the 5th of February, I can tell you, there was good sourcing for, was not politicized, it was solid information that was being presented to us for our consideration for that briefing, not by political appointees, but by the analysts who were responsible for it."

"I knew that it was the credibility of the United States that was going to be on the line on the 5th of February," said Powell.

Did his faith in the CIA pay off?

On May 28, the CIA released a paper entitled, "Iraqi Mobile Biological Warfare Agent Production Plants." It describes three vehicles recovered in Iraq by U.S. forces -- a truck fitted with a "toxicology laboratory" that "could be used to support BW or legitimate research" and two tractor-trailers similar to the mobile units described by Powell at the United Nations.

"We have investigated what other industrial processes may require such equipment -- a fermentor, refrigeration, and a gas capture system -- and agree with the experts that BW agent production is the only consistent, logical purpose for these vehicles," concluded the CIA.

The New York Times reported May 21 that the units "could be used to produce an estimated 500 liters of liquid anthrax and 50 liters of botulinum toxin per batch within two to three days -- millions of lethal doses."

"The manufacturer's plates on the fermentors list production dates of 2002 and 2003 -- suggesting Iraq continued to produce these units as late as this year," said the CIA.

U.S. intelligence, it turns out, found some very deadly needles in a haystack as big as Iraq.

Why did the U.S. change the regime in Baghdad? President Bush stated it plainly in his State of the Union Address: "Trusting in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein is not a strategy, and it is not an option." Those who argue that what has been discovered in Iraq thus far changes this calculation must answer one question: How many secret Iraqi bio-weapons factories would have been too many?

reeb 06-05-2003 06:25 AM


1IDVET 06-05-2003 06:44 AM

If it is a failure, it is an intelligence failure.
I refuse to believe that Bush would simply lie.
Also, WMD, was not the only reason we went in there, albeit the most profound.
Also, if Saddam didn't have any, why was he so reluctant to allow the inspectors full access to Iraq. If he did not have WMD, and cooperated with the inspectors, he'd still be sitting on his fat ass in one of his palaces killing his own people.

judyvillecco 06-05-2003 06:50 AM

Oh I know Dear that was the reason given to the world...we all have heard the standard reasons ad nauseaum...but the bottom line is...other than the mass graves... the production is oil....alas our oil prices have dropped. Follow the money and you will see the truth behind any war no matter what politicians say. We never before in history have preempted military strike on any nation where we were not threatened except in this and alas Vietnam. Our wars are getting more political with American lives as if most of them aren't and frankly I have 7 grandsons i don't want to die for Bush's oil interests. i have a son in law that was sent too many times away from his family to the point they are suffering from his absence and he is suffering from being away from them and our government considers him a tank to send where they want and he can't even retire out now thanks to Bushey boy. No......enough of the bullls....it1 Lies is what we get from politicians! Get a grip and follow the money...we aren't that noble!

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