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sn-e3 08-16-2004 03:14 PM

Going to see Brother Fred
It is with great joy that I leave to visit Doc Fred next month. we fly into Atlanta on the 22nd of september then rent a car and drive North East to ashville first day then on to jonesbough the 2nd day and meet up with Doc and Shirley. My wife has made all the travel plans through triple A sso every step of the driving is covered by good maps. We will be staying at a Bed & Breakfest in Jonesbough thursday and Friday nights and spending the days with Doc Fred who promised to show me Davy Crockett's birthplace. and maybe alittle of his corner of the world. I would kind of like to see Dolly's world and see those twin mountians again but its too far out of the way. I do want to see Doc's Bat bite waterfall. that sounded pretty cool. after two days with Doc Fred we head South to Charleston S.C. for three days of my Navy ships reunion, While there I hope to get to meet Paco, from Charleston we drive to Atlanta and stay the night and fly out at O dark thirty on the 30th of September. If we get into Atlanta early enough I'll hook up with Sid and Lt and eat a few oysters down at the saloon. Man this vacation has been along time coming and I really need to get away for a week.

Keith_Hixson 08-16-2004 06:00 PM

Hey Brother Chris!
Tell Fred,

I'm serious about climbing Mt Adams next August or Sept.


sn-e3 08-16-2004 06:22 PM

Keith if I keep loosing weight I would like to tag along.

1CAVCCO15MED 08-16-2004 06:51 PM

I'm serious too unless I get too fat over the winter. LOL Yeah Chris, I figure a day of Davy Crockett and Civil War and waterfalls and then a day of hillbilly activites: A little Barbecue, maybe Bristol Raceway and the Birthplace of Country Museum and may be top it off with a visit to the Carter Family Fold in Hilton's Va. See Are you going to be with us Saturday? Or we could go to Dollywood if you want. It's only about 75 miles from here. I am open to anything you want to do. Now the best way to see Packo, take it from Andy and me, is to show up at his doorway unannounced and ask him why he is not in Charleston at the get together. He needs to show you the best Bloody Marys in the world and the joys of shrimp and grits for breakfast. Trust me on that, they are both great.

Packo 08-17-2004 10:25 AM

Chris, Need to know exactly what day you get into Charleston. I have to go visit my mom and will probably be leaving on the 25th which sounds just about the time you'll be getting in. Post the Charleston itinerary, please. It would be a huge bummer to miss you but may not be avoidable. If I can't be there.....I'll give you some dynamite places to eat and have adult beverages.

Why do I have a feeling you'll be getting there Weds.


Packo 08-17-2004 10:28 AM


Chris, I thought you were talking AUGUST. Never mind. Will see you in Charleston!!! Great!


DMZ-LT 08-17-2004 10:53 AM

After oysters at the Outhouse Saloon we'll head over to the Pink Pony where some very fine looking women model shoes - thats all they wear - shoes. They advertise they have a hundred beautiful women and 3 ugly ones

Keith_Hixson 08-17-2004 11:47 AM

Planting the Psycho Vets Flag!
Wouldn't it be great to plant the Psycho Vets Flag on top of the third highest peak in the Cascades. [12,276 ft elevation] Fairly easy climb. South ridge is a long uphill walk with no technical stuff. But lots of work.

Mount Adams is one of the easiest Northwest volcanic peaks to climb; in fact, it's often used as a first climb by area mountaineering clubs. Before you begin, be sure to register with the Mt. Adams Ranger Station in Trout Lake, 509-395-2501. Use quotas may be in effect. The south slope route is least difficult: it begins at the end of Forest Roads 8040 and 500 at Cold Springs Camp, 13 miles north at an elevation of 6,000 feet; follow the old road for two miles to Timberline Camp. From here the South Climb Trail (No. 183) leads to a large snowfield. Bear right across the snowfield to the ridge, following the ridge to the false summit at 11,500 feet. A zigzag trail leads through pumice to the summit, for a six-hour one-way trip. Climbers should carry an ice ax, rope, crampons, warm clothing, sunglasses, and other basic supplies.

Excerpted from Moon Handbooks: Washington,
copyright Don Pitcher

Excited about the possibilities. I have climbed most of the major peaks in the Cascades except Mt. Adams.


phuloi 08-17-2004 03:31 PM

I`ll climb Mt. Adams with you guys....Just as far as my 4x4 will take me :)

1CAVCCO15MED 08-17-2004 03:39 PM

It would be worth it just to have a picture of the flag, providing Sid has one. I guess we could fly a tee shirt. Instead of "Don't Tread on Me" it could say, "Heavily Medicated for Your Protection."

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