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Chevelle 10-12-2005 07:07 AM

Welcome LRP1
...Welcome to the site,..., and James will find each other,...

... He's EXLRRP as a Handle,...

..."Welcome Home,...



catman 10-12-2005 07:59 AM

Welcome aboard and welcome home!


1CAVCCO15MED 10-12-2005 09:30 AM

Welcome home.

lcpd24 10-12-2005 09:51 AM

Welcome Home

Strangers when we went....

...Brothers when we returned

DMZ-LT 10-12-2005 10:19 AM

Welcome here and welcome home. Some fine folks here but watch out for those Psyco Vets. At last someone for James (exlrrp ) to play with ! :xx:

Bill Farnie 10-12-2005 03:25 PM

Welcome to the PF LRP1 ... great site and even greater people.

VIETNAM 1968 10-13-2005 07:05 AM

Welcome LRP1:
Hello LRP1.

As time goes on you will meet many great guys, and girls, on this Web Sight. They have been there, to bolster up my spirits, when I needed someone else to talk to. If you have a problem, I am certain that at least one of them will have an answer to that problem. Remember we are as close to you as your computer keyboard. If you really need help quickly, the guys, and girls, will not even mind a personal message on this site, or a telephone call to them personally.

To you I now extend a personal WELCOME HOME BROTHER

To all the rest of my Vietnam Veteran Brothers and Sisters I again state:



exlrrp 10-13-2005 07:20 AM

Cal, where is you?
Welcome aboard!! Been expecting you to show up here, where 's your original post that these people are responding to?
CAl and I go all the way back to E Co (LRP)/20th Inf together (later renamed C Co/75th Rangers after I left). And Recondo school. He's for real, you have my guarantee (whatever thats worth.)
We met over in thanks to our Buddy friscokid.
welcome aboard, Cal, I know you'll be a big asset to this site.
You'll find me here or cruising by the Vietnam section most every day and you can pm me here too. Lets get some posts going about Recondo School
Stay good

LRP1 10-13-2005 08:27 AM

exlrrp - Hey - you are not an exlrrp - remember? Board email was down and could not post until now - would not let my membership activate..G2G now. Been Recon' on AO - good looking site. Uh...we better not tell all we know/remember about MACV RS - don't know what the statute is on some things.....

Do have a lot of Pics and will post as soon as I find all of them.

exlrrp 10-13-2005 08:51 AM

Youre dern tootin'!!

Originally posted by LRP1 exlrrp - Hey - you are not an exlrrp - remember? Board email was down and could not post until now - would not let my membership activate..G2G now. Been Recon' on AO - good looking site. Uh...we better not tell all we know/remember about MACV RS - don't know what the statute is on some things.....

Do have a lot of Pics and will post as soon as I find all of them.
"Uh...we better not tell all we know/remember about MACV RS - don't know what the statute is on some things....."
you are so dam el righto! I only been telling these folks the public known stuff, the rst will be held closer than Harriet Miers true feelings abnout things. It was fun as hell but not necessarily what you want to tel yr kids.
But those days swinging on a Maguire rig100' below a flying slick need to be remembered as does rapelling 120' down from another slick. What an unusual adolescence!
I havent told these folks the half of it, some of it was so unbelievable. Have to pinch myself sometimes to think i didn't just dream it all. It was a terrific adventure and Its good to have someone here who remembers it better than me. I was just a grunt running through it--you were an instructor.
I looked all over Nha Trang for it when me and Tom went there in '03, couldn't fiind it but I was cruising on a moped with my ol lady on the back in the worlds most kamikaze driving situation, I might not have seen it out of selfdefense.. You think those ol VC and NVA were reckless back in The Day , you should see them on the road now.
I'll try and get Tom to run off another copy of the video.
Did I tell you that when me and Tom were in Ban me Thuot in '03 someone set off the fire alrm in the middle of the night? We were all miling around in the halls trying to figure out if we should unassed the scene bu it was a false alarm. . I figure it was just some ol VC out to get the final revenge on the gringos pulling the hanndle.
Stay good, Cal and welciome

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