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BLUEHAWK 01-10-2004 07:32 PM

Draft Women
Leaving aside the question of whether there should or should not be a Draft... should women be drafted?

I believe we're soon gonna need you, in battle.

Don't like having to say this.

Not totally sure my hunch is correct either.

:q: :af:

revwardoc 01-11-2004 09:53 AM

Yeah, I think women should be drafted but not to combat MOS's. In WWII women proved that they could do any and all non-combat jobs from clerical to mechanical including ferrying combat aircraft to overseas bases, though sometimes I feel that contemporary women care more about their nails and being Brittany Spears clones than anything else. But if its equality they want, lets give it to 'em.

BLUEHAWK 01-11-2004 05:02 PM

Dan -
I do not like the idea of them being into combat either... but there's a percent of 'em who CAN really fight and WANT to!

What do we do about those ones man! We need them!

I am confused.

We cannot just make them all go into combat or be subject to it can we?

Shoot, that would not work for the very reason you stated...


revwardoc 01-12-2004 05:47 AM

The best example I can think of is the Israelis. They tried using women in direct combat roles and the "experiment" failed for several reasons; comparative lack of physical strength, emotionally unfit for combat, the "periodic" inability to fight and its accompanying irrationality, and more men were lost in an attempt to protect the women in their outfits. Granted, there are times in history when there were entire divisions of women warriors (the Zulus, the Roman-era women of Britain, another tribe of West African women in the 19th century [I forget who they were]), but these were the exception, not the rule. As for putting the small minority into direct combat, it may be a sexist point of view, but I personally don't think it would be worth the effort. And even in this "enlightented" day and age, a woman would have to be extremely exceptional in order to be accepted by men and lead them into combat.

DMZ-LT 01-12-2004 06:09 AM

If I was in a defensive position and knew my daughter was leading a platoon against my position I would be booging out of that location real fast. :a:

BLUEHAWK 01-12-2004 12:40 PM

Guys, that is exacraly what I have been thinking!

a) Guys will pay more attention at critical moments to the presence of a female anywhere in proximity, and put at risk the mission, so to speak.

b) I did not know that the Israeli experiment did not work out. It's always held up as THE example of women in combat, right?

c) Women are women. Even if they are lesbians, no?

d) How to allow for that "exceptional female"... dear God we need all the fighters we can muster.

39mto39g 01-31-2004 02:06 PM

W-in combat
I think W's can be very effective in combat,
If you stop looking at them as W's and start looking at them as inteligent fighters. After all, there are very large guys out there that we wouldn't want to confront head on, but we think of ourselfs as inteligent fighters. (through a gernade and run).

Training is most likely the key to W's in combat. M's have been doing it for so long that it's expected.

Lt-- it's nice thing to say, but reality check, She wouldn't have a chance against your defencive possition.
Again-- training is the key to the W's sucsess. and for the M's for that matter.


BLUEHAWK 01-31-2004 02:16 PM

Ayup (as Bones says) - Ayup Ron...

Thing is, thang is... we're close to having it worked out, close but no cigar, yet.

Cannot get my brain heart wrapped around the Co-ed thing, so was thinking maybe separate female and male units... every time I think of having to be next to a woman in a dire strait, the first thing I think of is the woman... VERY bad sign.

I'm s--t off the pot on this deal no doubt, but that's how it's seeming. No dang mixing, NO mixing at the training level.

Keith_Hixson 01-31-2004 03:01 PM

Give them a meaness aptitude test.
Only draft the mean ones.

Keith :D

melody1181 01-31-2004 03:27 PM

I know alot of women my age I wouldn't trust my dog's life with...but that isn't everyone. You find this with men too. There are plenty of men who should NEVER hold a loaded gun let alone shoot it.

There will never be agrement on this between everyone. You will find idiots everywhere in both sexes.

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