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SuperScout 03-05-2009 08:12 AM

News from Afghanistan
[Periodically, I get emails from my son, stationed in Afghanistan. After proper editing and censoring, I'll post them here, in my efforts to keep Americans informed at the war, at least from my son's perspective. Initially what he's alluding to in my efforts to get him some unshelled pecans, so that for relaxation, he can sit on his hooch and 'escape to Texas' for awhile!]

Hey Pop,
Don't put yourself out to much, not like I'm humping in triple canopied jungle during the monsoon season. How's your knee doing?

None the less, as you know its always a bright spot in the week when you get mail. Not sure if they'll do it, but Whittington's in Johnson City would be a nice sponsor for the unit. Perhaps they could send a box of assorted goodies that we could distribute to the soldiers out in the sticks. I could get my PAO do a good story with pictures on "Texans supporting Texans".
Our Texas Independence Day celebration went well. We raised a Texas flag that flew over our Capitol, the chaplain said a prayer, I read Lt Col Cmdr William B. Travis's letter, another Texan read part of our Declaration of Independence, and we all gave a Toast to Texas. All this in the company of about 100 folks not from the unit, who still probably don't get it, but didn't mind helping themselves to our BBQ.

We had a VBIED attack on our east gate, which I drive by on occasion, I happen to be in my hooch at the time. Cleaning out centuries, it seems, of dust. I had my sheets washed, so I thought I'd give my space a good GI ing before I made my rack. I'm hoping it would cut down on the mud balls I'm blowing out my nose in the morning. The explosion had enough force to vibrate stuff in the hooch, luckily no KIAs, only a couple of WIA that should pull through.

Out teams continue to bring in valuable intel that is being actioned.
We conducted another OP, that I couldn't even let my 3 shop in on. Went well, but one of the shit heads had to be released due to connections, can tell you nothing more.
Love you - Greg

DMZ-LT 03-05-2009 09:11 AM

Thanks Brice.Got his address you sent me and will be sending some unshelled pecans and other goodies asap. Tell him my family and I said Thank You !

SuperScout 03-05-2009 10:19 AM

Wow!! I've been searching for unshelled tree goobers - aka pecans - but as we had a smaller crop due to low rainfall, they're all gone now. I know that Greg will appreciate them. This weekend, I'll whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies for he and his men. Just like when we got a care package from home, we shared with all our buddies; he's no different. What I've come to understand and appreciate myself is those cookies and other goodies became the adhesive that bonded up all together in brotherhood.

Thanks for being my brother, LT.

SuperScout 03-11-2009 07:50 AM

More News!
I appreciate you taking the effort to track down some pecans for me, turns out our S-4 likes to crack and eat pecans as well. [LT: looks like your care package will be well received!] We were talking about it the other day, taking a break from the grind, cracking some pecans and playing a game of chess.

Glad to hear they don't have to cut on you, did they prescribe some rehab exercises that you can concentrate on? Pay with pain now and receive the reward later. [Greg is referring to a recent accident I had involving my pickup truck, some downed power cables, and my right knee.] I remember the sadistic nurses at Martin Army Hospital, after I busted up leg, pushing me to near tears. Luckily Rangers don't cry, I would give the wenches the satisfaction. Must have worked, I've logged many hours under the ruck and popping silk since then. [Greg is an Airborne/Ranger/Pathfinder qualified hard-charger.]

Speaking of nurses, we had a GO pin a couple of Purple Hearts on two of soldiers yesterday. A couple of 107mm landed on their MRAP while they were in the motorpool. Both are going to make it, SGT Wild will return to duty after a couple of weeks recoup in Germany. SFC Reed, wasn't so lucky, sucking chest wound and shrapnel to the head and kidney. The tough SOB, wants to return to duty as well, prognosis is three months to recover. The additional training we put our guys through paid off. We spent a chunk of change from the DA G2 and put about 60 of our guys through NEK (run by retired SF SGMs), which include "live tissue"
training. (Think pork ribs) Needless to say, SGT Ballard training probably kept Reed alive, medivac from his local to BAF took over an hour.
Please put them and their families in your prayers. [I second that!]
Say hello and give KC a hug for me.
Love - Greg

DMZ-LT 03-11-2009 11:11 AM

They are hard to find but I sometimes help an old lady in my neighbor hood and I told her about Greg. She has organized her friends that have pecan trees and promises to have a bunch to send me soon. Her brother fought in Vietnam. She says she will do what ever she can to thank " our boys " overseas. Goes around it comes around. Scouts Out Sir !

SuperScout 03-11-2009 12:26 PM

You da Man!

DMZ-LT 03-14-2009 11:20 AM

The olds ladies scouts have found about 7 pounds of them ! It's pouring rain here and she drives with mixed results but she is on her way to get them for her boys in harms way. She is very proud of herself and proud of your son for protecting us.I am to.YES i remember getting care packages and sharing and it did ,for one moment ,take you away from the madness and bond you with your brothers and a piece of home.I will get them in the mail
Monday. Scouts Out , BROTHER !!

DMZ-LT 03-14-2009 03:27 PM

Just got back from Betty's house with about 16 pounds of unshelled pecans. Made her a member of the Scout Section ,she made it a mission and been on it crawling upriver beds and snooping out valleys and talking it up at Waffle House looking for them.Found Pecan Joe who has 60 pounds left.A True Scout. Awarded her the friendship forever award with Oak Leaf cluster.She wrote a note to your son thanking him I'll include in the box.She taught me how to take two and crush them in you hand. Scouts Out , Brother !

SuperScout 03-14-2009 04:30 PM

On my next trip to Hotlanter, kindly do me the honor of introducing me to this gracious Betty!! Wanna give her a big hug for all her work in scouring the woods for the desired tree goobers! And thanks for all you efforts. I owe you, big time.

Crushing two together: my pappy taught me that about 80 or so years ago, it seems!!!:D

Scouts Out!!

DMZ-LT 03-14-2009 06:20 PM

You don't owe me anything ,that check was written a long time ago. Betty would love to shake your hand.Her brother died a year after he got home in 70.

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