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Bandman 10-17-2006 01:32 PM

Bad Meds
I have been getting diabetes meds from VA, along with some other meds. All of a sudden my primary care Doc. added a new med for no apparent reason, the med was Rosiglitazone. He never told me why he added it or any of the usual stuff they do including warning about side effects.

Around the same time I started taking it my legs started to swell and I started holding water. When I saw my PCD I told her, (she was a replacement for the original PCD), she put me on a water pill and said she would bring me back in 60 days and see how I was doing.

Within 30 days my legs developed blisters and started leaking water from them. I called and told her and she brought me in and said it was an infection and put me on anti-biotics and said we would see in 60 days again.

Within 30 days I could hardly walk, I went to urgent care to see if they could find something, and low and behold this is a side effect of the medication Rosiglitazone. Now how do we repair the damage?, to start with VA wants to get me a wheelchair, they say it will only take 4 to 6 weeks. They said don't take the medication any more, thats a given.

Between Agent Orange and wounds I'm disabled already, I don't need them finding more ways to take me out. I think VA is more dangerous then the NVA or VC :d: .

SuperScout 10-17-2006 02:24 PM

Are you being treated at Audie Murphy VA Hospital? Pity, if so. I've seen better third-world hospitals.

Doc.2/47 10-17-2006 03:56 PM

That seriously sucks! Maybe I've just been lucky but I've had little to complain about with VA care. Had a PA that didn't ID a basalcell carcinoma I had, but otherwise no complaint.

Is ALWAYS a good idea to ask lots of questions before starting a new med.

Packo 10-17-2006 05:00 PM


After my last VA hip operation, I'm not surprised. Nothings too good for our veterans....that's why we get so much of it.

I'm sorry Bro.....we trust these assholes and this is what we get. Well, guess if they were any good, they wouldn't be working for what the VA pays them.


colmurph 10-17-2006 06:21 PM

A witch doctor from Guatemala will do you more good than one of the alcholic doctors that work for the VA. What kind of doctor would work for the pay that the VA gives? I certainly wouldn't want to be treated by one of them.

BTW. I went to a witch doctor in Guatemala and told him I needed to get a curse removed from me. He told me that he could do it but he needed to know the exact words that were said when the curse was placed on me.

My response?

"I now pronounce you man and wife"

Packo 10-18-2006 01:35 AM

Col. et al,

I have a young VA female psychiatrist at our OPC who is living proof that you don't have to be a cow to know where milk comes from. She is fantastic and actually gets it when it comes to PTSD. She is dedicated to her veteran patients. Now, here's the catch. We just finally got the 2nd doctor we needed at the clinic and our clinic will be picking up 900 more patients. My shrink told me that a large number of these will also have mental health problems, many with PTSD. I asked her if she's going to get a Clinical Social Worker or Psychologist to help her with the new load. Her answer, " way". It is making her rethink her own health as to how she's going to be able to do this. As I said on the General Posts side, same same as when I was working in the Vet Center....."Tom, do quality and quantity". I don't expect her to be working a lot longer for the VA. What a shame it will be to lose her. I also had a great doc at the VAOPC in Savannah before the one in Beaufort opened up. She left the VA because..."They just wouldn't let me practice good medicine." She was denied using many new perscription drugs that would have helped her patients. She stated that she ethically could not work for VA any more.

Still say we need to march on Washington to wake up ALL the SOB'S in Congress to what is happening and what's going to happen when many of the WOT Vets decide to leave the service due to way to many deployments. the Witch Doctor story!


b3196 10-18-2006 05:23 AM

See if that witch doctor offers a package deal?
Bob K

WateringHole 10-18-2006 05:59 AM


I really got a good laugh from your post.

On the serious note, what holds true for the doctors who work for the VA holds true for the same reason with the accountants who work for the IRS. The students who graduate at the top of their class goes to work for big corporations and the ones who graduate at the bottom of their class ends-up working at the IRS or H & R Block doing 1040s.

Bandman 10-18-2006 08:43 AM

Yea Scout I'm going to Audie Murphy. You know its weird, I volunteer out there, you know talk to some of the guys, give rides things like that, I also volunteer at BAMC with the returning Iraq vets. VFW, American Legion, AmVets and other veterans groups do so much for no pay out there and many of us after we were promised medical and all for the rest of our lives after we retired that they took away and now we have to pay for, and we get this kind of care.

Packy I think they know whats happening, I don't think they care. And your all right about the pay, after all these are vets, they already did what the powers that be needed done and a new group will be along soon so the sooner they pass on the sooner they don't have to spend any more money on us, and besides where can you get so many test subjects for free :p .

Robert Ryan 10-18-2006 08:46 AM

Packy our group facilitator is a female and she is pretty dedicated to the group and the vets, she will return all calls, and will get you the help you need when you are in distress. She is a good psychologist (spelling) and really cares about her "guys" as she puts it. Bandman I sure hope you have gotten this problem resolved, and have found the right meds for your diabetes. I take Glipizide for mine and it seems to work well.

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