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reconeil 03-05-2009 11:09 AM

Communism or Socialist Democracies best?
Communism or Socialist Democracies best? (March 5, 2009)

Most thoroughly understand (or at least should) those: "Do Gooder", "Feel Good" & "Share The Wealth" socialist ploys so obviously done for attaining TOTAL Political Control over People. After all, historically what better ways have proved for politicians to gain TOTAL CONTROL over a Nation's Wealth & its People other than: "Pulling on Heartstrings"? Nary a shot need be fired.

Sure, Communism no doubt controls nations & people at least just as well, if not even better. But, that ALSO TOTAL Societal Control isn't near as benign as Socialism.

Still, and in fairness to Communist Dictators, at least they're differently honest about their Governmental Dictates and/or Laws Imposed. Communists don't try to kid their people. Just work as you MUST and do as you're TOLD,...and that's that. Do otherwise and off to The Gulag Pens: "Turkey",...or suffer even much worse to your neck & general health.

Yes, and like them or not, but Communist Ruling Elite are infinitely more honest than most other type Political Rulers on earth, and especially Islamic Rulers. Directing or Dictating violence against Infidels by instilling wrath from an: "All Merciful God or Allah" if not obeying their dictates, about as dishonest as it gets.

Whatever and Fanatically Deviant Muslim Rulers aside, basically there's only one big governmental difference in Socialist Democracies, to all other governances. Such being that the people are usually schooled & press validated (Some say: "Purposefully schooled & press propagated as politically desired, here.") and/or herdlike led-by-the-nose believing that VOTING sets us apart from all other Big Brother or: "State always knows best" types of Omnipotent Ruling Governments.

Well: "Pilgrims", and unless lately never reading papers, listening to radio or watching TV, it must be admitted that VOTING sure-as-hell is no total panacea against governmental dictates or quite biased or preferential forced-upon laws. The now TOTALLY America CONTROLLING: "Democrat/Socialist/Leftist Political Supremacists posing as Liberals" and/or; "In-your-face" "I Won" & "We Won" Obama & Pelosi types can pretty-much do whatever-the-hell-"They"-WANT!

Whatever President Barack Hussein Obama II or Jr. & Democrats WANT & all their Officialdom Underlings ENFORCE being done (even the most absurd or stupid as now),...will be done. It's that simple. Besides, whom will or can stop them?

As sad & as unfortunate for America & American People as stark realities now are, you still jus-gotsta-see the dark tragic irony of it all.

The United States of America initially conceived due a piddling Half Cent on A Dollar Tax (re. "The Stamp Tax) & British Domination by Lordly Rule,...has now quite obviously retrogressed into having its very own American variation of being Royally Taxed-to-Death (& even beyond) & Political Domination by Lordly Rule.

Nowadays, Our Forefathers are obviously rolling over in their graves...MORE SO than usual.
No doubt many millions of Patriots (both alive & dead) having fought for America,.............

Neil :d: :b:

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