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reconeil 09-13-2012 10:21 AM

AMAZING,...isn't it?
Even while Radical Islam/Muslims have concertedly Declared War on The United States of America AGAIN by attacking American Embassies and killing Americans,...both The Prez and his Largely Supportive mainstream press/media merely keep knocking or trashing any and all Republicans as usual.

Both obviously believe that the re-election of: "His Barackness" is the ultimate and most important matter on earth,...even though just the opposite is quite obviously true.

Thus it's no wonder why neither President Obama, like-minded Ideologues and Supportive Press or: "Obama's Propaganda Ministry" (as is obvious to many) can be believed about serious and grave matters of National Importance, whether concertedly echoed verbally or typically repeated identically in print.

Totally believe any of such Mutual Adoration Society or Political Supremacist type ideologues at your own peril, folks.

Still, I'll just never understand why America's Press in large part and in concert refuse to ever state anything bad, derogatory, demeaning or belittling about America's Inept Leaders and Our Muslim Enemies,...even while at war and American Embassies and American Citizens are under attack?

Quite differently, none should ever question why President Barack Hussein Obama II or Jr. won't even stop his 4 years of Constant Campaigning and Fund Raising for even a second.

Is conquering those Bad Republicans & Bad Capitalism instead of seriously addressing embassy attacks in some semblance of a presidential manner, that much more important?

Generally the answer to why Obama does what he strangely does is actually a no-brainer.

After all and many needed political expedient facades aside, Obama's very own words from his book: "The Audacity of Hope" explains what his Top Priority is and where his True Allegiance actually lays.

His very own written and sadly self-exposing words are:

"I will stand with Muslims should the
winds change in an ugly direction".

Sorry, folks. But that's what our: Apologist-In-Chief" actually wrote about his most revered and most favorite of all people.

Hey. I'm just the messenger.


reconeil 09-14-2012 02:23 AM

Is Prez still in Vegas?

Seascamp 09-15-2012 03:05 PM

Hi Neil,
My take is de javu all over again. Recall that two African US Embassies, a USAF barracks in Saudi Arabia and a USN Frigate in Yemen ; USS Cole, were all ambushed by the same bunch prior to that exact same bunch taking down the WTC twin towers on 9/11 2001. Now, once again, the same bunch has ambushed a US Consulate in Libya.
The root cause of 9/11; according to the hearings, etc, was multiple US Agencies charged with US security were not communicating with each other. At the time it was the CIA, FBI, NSA and INS.
Pointing out the obvious, we should have sufficient intel going now to know when any one of those slope headed mongrels fart hard on the ground. How long we been at it now? I count eleven years, plus. I seem to recall the current administration taking all kinds of credit for snuffing Osama Bin Laden recently. Given the evidence of yet another ambush of a US facility, my thought is they stumbled upon some intel as some kind of happy accident, and the SEALS took care of the rest.
Case in point, apparently the Justice Department didn't give the DHS a heads-up that one of their operations went real bad and as a result all kinds of mean weaponry was on the loose along the southern border. All the while the Border Patrol was equipped with non-lethal ammo; bean bag rounds according to the Border Patrol. Of course a border patrolman paid the price with his life. A bean shooter against an assault rifle is a no contest situation and a no win for our country.
I guess I apply the rule of wine and sewage synergy. A table spoon of wine in a barrel of sewage equals sewage. A table spoon of sewage in barrel of wine equals sewage.
Recent Federal audits show that the DHS-ICE scored at the very bottom of all Fed agencies in terms of moral, perceived efficiency, communication, all that. Therein is the sewage, but all the failing issues were management issues, not worker bee issues. The decision point now is if the DHS-ICE management is the spoon full or the barrel full of sewage and how well the other security agencies are doing and if there is any productive communication amongst themselves. Getting ambushed in Libya screams very loudly that it is back to stupid is as stupid does.


reconeil 09-17-2012 07:49 AM

Glad seeing you back in action here again at Patfiles. Your (plus other like-minded): "Take" or truths and realities instead of people-pacifying BS (current norm) are needed more so now than ever before.

Welcome back.

Regardless, your summation of: "Getting ambushed in Libya screams very loudly that it is back to stupid is as stupid does" explains America's and world's current predicament very well.

After all, if the most powerful nation on earth STUPIDLY will not protect its embassies and citizens abroad while STUPIDLY giving BILLION$ in Foreign Aid to those: "Sworn to Allah" to kill as many Infidels (mostly Americans & Jews) as is possible,...such sad realities don't exactly paint America's Political Military Dictators (many believe Overall political dictators also) as: "Rocket Scientists".

Think America will survive such STUPID Physical & Financial Dictates forever , Scamp?


Seascamp 09-17-2012 04:47 PM

The current political pasturing going on has the Administration claiming that the Libyan consulate attack was "spontaneous" while at the same time the Libyan government has the attack as a planned and executed operation. One level down in the detail, we find that attackers came equipped with assault rifles and RPG-7 grenade launchers. Not demonstrators back when war was hell and it was hotter at noon, no sir, we called VC or NVA. As well, we find communication from one of the deceased claiming "some people were coming to kill us tomorrow". The last thing the Administration is going to admit is that it is back to stupid is as stupid does in terms of inter- agency communication and cooperation. Like I said, de javu, all over again.
Now, 11 years later our threatening issues are multiplying and we're back stuck and high- centered on stupid. Not good at all, and the least of our worries is Mexico morphing into a narco-terrorist state but pandering to the, illegal, illegal alien vote is a top administration priority.
Tons of blind eye, three monkeys and misdirection plays going on along the border. What this means thus far is the Mexico City government is a non-player from San Fernando north to the US border. San Fernando is about 100 miles south of the US border. Yup, we got problems a bunch and slickering them over with eloquent words is a waste of energy, but it does give the Mexican Cartels and the radical Moslems a good laugh plus a nice tactical advantage.


reconeil 09-18-2012 01:58 AM

Yep, Scamp. You're right on target about inept Rulers purposefully deceiving US (both ways) and their: "In-The-Tank" press/media backing up most all Obama & Holder Failures & Excusing BS, whether right next door or in Middle East.

Regarding all such low-life authoritarians disgustingly discussed, it gets no worse than their giving: "Mexican Cartels and the radical Moslems a good laugh plus a nice tactical advantage", as you've alluded to.

After all, what's worse than always encouraging our enemies and always giving our enemies (both near & far) the Tactical Advantage and FURTHER Risking of American Lives anyway?

Could it be that Barry or Barack and Eric receive more Pay$ or Pay-off$ from both Cartels & Islam,...than: "We The (Schnook$) normally provide such Lordly Rulers and their Appointed Enforcers??


Seascamp 09-18-2012 01:16 PM

One truth I have learned along the way is "Don't expect white doves to fly out when a manhole cover is lifted. More likely there will sewer rats boiling out. " And so it goes with the so-called "Arab Spring".
As a former mid-east and North African oil patch hand, I can say that it is a really bad idea to go stir-sticking around. Sure as gravity, really bad stuff comes boiling out of the environment and totally expect the unexpected.

Oba Ma knows this or should. He was raised in Jakarta and I can't think of a more unstable city. Ay yi, yi, 7/24/365, super mega sized Dodge City and a shoot out a minute, around the clock, and usually the "cowboys" with the best shoot em' up hardware are Saudi financed. The real bad ones these days are called the Abu Sayeff and they are joined at the hip with Al Qaeda and it is always high noon with those mongrels.


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