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reconeil 09-02-2010 07:56 AM

Typical Conquering Monument
Typical Conquering Monument (September 2, 2010)

It must now be obvious to most that Desecrating: "Ground Zero" with A MUSLIM VICTORY MOSQUE is historically quite common,...just as victoriously: "In-your-face" done viciously attacked people of Ankara, Istanbul & MANY other territories of Asia, Middle East & North Africa.
It's that standardly historic/ancient Islamic thing.

Still, insisting that such a people-insulting structure be insensitively built where about 3000 Americans were mass-murdered by Radically-Fanatical Islam, more than just-a-bit-much to stomach. Don't you think?

Islam further taking advantage of our quite unfortunate U.S. Ruling Elite Naivete' aside, why do so many in authority take side of Victorious Islam OVER We Victimized Americans? No American Leaders SO STUPIDLY favored Japan's Rulers over ours after: "Pearl Harbor".

Besides, "The Big Apple" isn't your typical mass of dirt hovels with sheepish rabble, such as typically Muslim Conquered about a thousand years ago. This is New York City, USA AMERICANS we're talking about here! Not a bunch of awestruck by robed authority camel herders.

So then,...don't let Purposeful Zealots (even Mayor Bloomberg) convince or dictate otherwise.
Sure, Mike has got BIG BUCK$ tied-up in Dubai. But, so what?

Stupidly complying to Sharia Law here would be just as Nationally-Suicidal as accepting Similarly Tyrannical Communist/Marxist Rule to America.

People Can Never: "CHANGE" back from Dictatorial Rule easily. That's a historical fact.

AKA: N.R. Filidei /

Boats 09-02-2010 01:46 PM

You just gotta let out and tell it as it is more often. Yipes I'd hate to get your shit list!!!

JBozeman 09-02-2010 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 478921)
People Can Never: "CHANGE" back from Dictatorial Rule easily. That's a historical fact.

I am as close to that crap as I want to ever be as I type. Gentlemen, Prepare to Defend yourselves, Vote, My God, Vote them all out, send them all to Iran where they can enjoy each other!

Take Care
Stay Safe

reconeil 09-02-2010 02:46 PM

NOT TO WORRY, My Friend.

Given the abysmally LOW character displayed by so many current rulers, media & other
foreign & American zealots in general these days,...there's actually no room left on my sorely needed & greatly warranted: "Shit list"...whatsoever. Ever hear word: "Blivet"?;);)

Besides, I could never pick on any HONEST & TRUE!
That's what ideologue zealots normally do.

Neil :d::b:

reconeil 09-02-2010 03:55 PM

That: "Send them all to Iran where they can enjoy each other" was/is A GREAT LINE.
"Vote, My God, vote them all out" makes a-helluva-a-lot-of sense also.

Though, it is hoped that SO MANY Voter Frauds, Crimes & Irregularities won't SIMILARLY
go UN-reported & UN-prosecuted in 2010 & 2012, were perpetrated in 2008???

We The People deserve at least a fair shot from OUR Department of Justice.
Don't you think?


JBozeman 09-02-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by reconeil (Post 479232)
We The People deserve at least a fair shot from OUR Department of Justice.
Don't you think?

"Fair" is a wonderful Word! We will see whether "Fair" means the same thing to the DOJ as it means to us. Today I have come across articles relating that some states are entertaining "Non Citizen Voting" as a reality. If it goes in on one state you know others will follow, so fair is also a questionable word.

That being said: GarryOwen my Friend!

reconeil 09-03-2010 12:37 PM

You really know how to get peoples' hackles up!!!

It was disgusting enough realizing Unknown MILLIONS of: "Criminally Illegal Aliens" (Correct INS nomenclature) receive U.S. Drivers Licenses and/or Photo IDs, Medical & Schooling (higher Education also) at MY/YOUR/OUR EXPENSE, INSTEAD of Automatic Deportation back to their beloved most normal nations do.

Automatic Deportations from Mexico, Iran, China, North Korea & such are truly rare.

Regardless, now: "We The (Schnook$)" and/or the perpetually suckered by Ruling Elite U.S. Taxpayers are expected to just accept ANOTHER ABSURD ILLEGALITY like: "Some states are entertaining: 'Non-Citizen Voting' "???

Sure makes me wonder why so much vote pandering given for foreign nationals (illegals & enemies inclusive), instead of American civilians & military? Also wondered why no Military Hunta, going way back to: "Slick Willy" or Bill Clinton Days?

Would that the U.S. Military abroad received such voting concern from Their Amateur Bosses and/or Our Career Inept & Power & Control Mad Rulers, anyway? It sure would be appreciated.

Wouldn't that at least be: "Fair"?
After all, doesn't The U.S. Military fight & die to protect ILLEGALS (jailed or free) from Islamic Terrorism & all enemies foreign & domestic, ALSO? ;);)


JBozeman 09-03-2010 02:13 PM

Neil, Just trying to be a blessings! LOL!
I agree with you my friend but the current Regime and all brances of it are shameless. Far as I am concerned they are spitting on my Ancestors Graves every day and in the faces of the current troops. The are all thugs and we may as well live in a City called "Gotham"! I saw a great email today concerning a Bumper Sticker declaring that Obama was the Answer, and the caption said, "Then how stupid was the Question!"

The Regime is so corrupt and shameless, "fair" is not in their vocabulary.

Sort of Highjacked this thread so:

I am going to find a place and post the articles so I infuriate several folks! LOL! It is time we got :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: over this crap!

Take Care
Stay Safe

reconeil 09-04-2010 10:07 AM

Boze or any other TRUE Patriots???
I was recently informed by: "Tennessee Frank" or Old Buddy (first at 10th Recon & later C Troop) & Good Friend, in that OTHER: "9/11 Victory Mosques" are also being ABSURDLY planned for Stupidly Tolerant of Even Enemies Americans (mostly politicos).

Another such Islamo-In-Your-Face New Enemy Insult specified is in the works at Flight 93 crash site in PA. Such is being planned out by the U.S. Parks Service (Islamic Crescent facing towards Mecca inclusive). That's truly soooooooome sick s--t,...Me Buckos.

Any of you others out there hear about new stupidities or even MORE of such caving into enemy LUNACIES, before? If so,...let's hear about them. We Americans desperately need some informing,...FROM SOMEWHERE!!!


1CAVCCO15MED 09-04-2010 11:59 AM

Initial Response to Allegations of Purported Islamic Symbology

All of the partners agreed that the design does not imply or depict any religious iconography. The winning designer team, Paul Murdoch Architects with Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects, has stated repeatedly that the memorial is reflective of the landform, which follows the surrounding ridgeline, and intends to symbolically embrace the topography to point your attention to the true memorial – the sacred ground where the heroes of Flight 93 rest today. Indeed, the sacred ground – the cemetery where the plane crashed and where remains still lie today – is the focus and the purpose of the memorial. The circular landform provides “sideboards,” an “embrace,” and a focus to point your direction toward the sacred ground.

The design uses the existing topography; it does alter it to fit some perceived icon or symbol. The natural topography is a circular bowl, the ends of which point towards the crash site. National Park Service design and construction projects always strive towards blending in with the natural environment; this project is exemplary in its attempt to work within the existing conditions. The project partners acted on the principle that the intent of the designer is in response to the landform and to the mission statement.

Neither Mr. Murdoch nor the many others involved in the process wished to have any perceived symbology blemish the intent and the focus of the memorial design. As part of the evolving design process, and in response to the second jury’s instructions, the design team explored several refinements to the design, which included negating any perceptions relating to Islamic symbolism. These refinements are completed. The perceived crescent shape was extended more completely into a circle to alleviate misinterpretation of the site plan graphic. The circle is symbolically broken in two places – the flight path of the plane as it enters the “bowl” topography, and the crash site itself. The entire design is referred to as “The Flight 93 National Memorial.”

These refinements to the design responded to and satisfied many of the initial outspoken skeptics who read Mr. Rawls’ initial blog, including Congressman Tom Tancredo, Colorado, and Reverend Ron McRae, Holshopple, PA. Philadelphia radio talk show host Michael Smercomish, kept an open mind and brought a bus of his listeners to the site; they were transformed from critics to supporters following the trip.

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