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11BRAVO 01-31-2003 06:39 AM

Nelson Mandela please join Susan Sarandon et al.....
Hopefully the following is a misquote or just a mistake, and he doesn't believe this or said this intentionally :

Mandela said U.S. President George W. Bush covets the oil in Iraq "because Iraq produces 64 percent of the oil in the world. What Bush wants is to get hold of that oil." In fact Iraq contributes to only 5 percent of world oil exports.

Other wise you have Jolly-Wood potential.......



Mandela: U.S. wants holocaust

Former South African president was applauded for anti-war comments

Former South African President Nelson Mandela blasts President Bush and the U.S. stance on Iraq. CNN's Charlayne Hunter-Gault reports. (January 30)

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (CNN) -- Former South African president Nelson Mandela has slammed the U.S. stance on Iraq, saying that "one power with a president who has no foresight, who cannot think properly, is now wanting to plunge the world into a holocaust."

Speaking at the International Women's Forum, Mandela said "if there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of America."

Mandela said U.S. President George W. Bush covets the oil in Iraq "because Iraq produces 64 percent of the oil in the world. What Bush wants is to get hold of that oil." In fact Iraq contributes to only 5 percent of world oil exports.

The Bush administration is threatening military action if Iraq does not account for weapons of mass destruction and fully cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors.

Receiving applause for his comments, Mandela said Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are "undermining" past work of the United Nations.

"They do not care. Is it because the secretary-general of the United Nations is now a black man?" said Mandela, referring to Kofi Annan, who is from Ghana.

Blair is expected to discuss the issue of Iraq when he meets with South African President Thabo Mbeki in London Saturday, a day after the British leader's meeting with Bush.

Mandela said he would support without reservation any action agreed upon by the United Nations against Iraq, which Bush and Blair say has weapons of mass destruction and is a sponsor of terror groups, including Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network. (Full story)

Nobel Peace Laureate Mandela, 84, has spoken out many times against Bush's stance, and South Africa's close ties with Libya and Cuba irked Washington during Mandela's own presidency.

In reaction to Mandela's comments, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer said Bush was grateful to the many European leaders who "obviously think differently."

"The president will understand there are going to be people who are more comfortable doing nothing about a growing menace that could turn into a holocaust. He respects people who differ with him. He will do what he thinks is right and necessary to protect our country," Fleischer said.

Seascamp 01-31-2003 09:18 AM

Seems to me Mandela would be best served to worry about his own holocaust. From his Presidency forth, South Africa has gone from a self-sufficient plus Country to a totally broke beggar Country and only recently officially acknowledged that they have an AIDS epidemic of staggering proportions. In addition to all that, its quite obvious old Nelson?s bubble is no longer between the lines and hasn?t been there for a very, very long time. Even his own family claims he?s nuts, so why the media hubbub over the ratings of a madman? That?s a go figure kind of deal as to why he?d get any press at all and probably would be better off being nicely sedated.


Boats 01-31-2003 10:14 AM

11Bravo & Scamp,

Saw this on the news last night. He's not in the loop so he's only repeating what others are telling him. I think he doesn't like us being so close to the UN Secretary at the present time?

Those countries that are not with us are most likely those 3rd world areas looking for cheap oil for their countries. They will all play the game until this issue comes full circle. I'm sure foreign aide will be another factor many will want from the US and if they aren't playing the same game we are well I guess they will have to look for funds elsewhere.

I don't think we are too worried about not getting Iraq oil but you never know. Last I heard we were getting roughly 10% of our nations oil from Iraq. What's really driving up the cost is this issue in South America now that's having a major affect!

Gas prices are creeping up oil is getting more expensive to get and I'm sure prices will go up accordingly. We can only hope we can get all of this resolved soon or it will have a major impact on our economics here stateside.

FlyBoy 01-31-2003 10:30 AM

To Nelson, Susan (dammit Janet) LOL and all the rest of the "I hate the USA" idiots! SHUTUP!

When will the media learn that we don't give a rats ass what they say?

Keith_Hixson 01-31-2003 10:34 AM

Way to go Fly Boy! You are echoing the words of the Presidential Candidate / You are going to make a fine Vice President.

Keith :D

blues clues 01-31-2003 12:39 PM

Keith if not vp maybe s.state.

reconeil 01-31-2003 12:40 PM

In fairness to Mandela, the man must be senile. After all, most everyone honest on earth (apparently excluding Mandela) must know that if it wasn't for pressures and imbargos by the despicable USA (in "His" mind),...that Black Marxist would still be rotting in some South African Jail. America should have gotten The Peace Prize instead.

Regarding Sarandon,...hey who-the-hell-knows? Maybe she too is also getting senile (no longer: "A Spring Chicken")? Though, and given all the nonsensical anti-American rhetoric coming from the all-knowing and all-caring Liberal Hollywood Cult (much like the all-knowing and all-caring Liberal/Democrat Washington Cult) these days,...don't believe Susan needs any excuse for spouting the standard Party Line and/or contrary to everything American dribble. And why should she? Some Democrat Congressman and Senators do such day-in and day-out. Plus, "We The (Schnooks)" pay them quite generously (quite asininely also) for doing just that.

Our strange, nationally-suicidal, and purposefully divisive political kakistocracy,...just keeps getting weirder and weirder, and weirder. Hope this naturally and historically Lucky Country's luck holds-out. After all, it seems to me that if the likes of Mandela and Sarandon (other fools also) are taken seriously here,...we're in deep-sh!t.

Alpha-11(once)...AKA: Neil

phuloi 01-31-2003 02:10 PM

And on the heels of President Bush announcing billions in fighting the AIDS epidemic in Africa..You`re right,Scamp...Go figure!

FlyBoy 02-02-2003 01:18 PM


Originally posted by Keith_Hixson Way to go Fly Boy! You are echoing the words of the Presidential Candidate / You are going to make a fine Vice President.

Keith :D

have we decided on a party yet? :a:

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