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SuperScout 03-28-2003 03:31 PM

New World Order
With the passing into irrelevance by the United Nations, and the fading raison d'etre of NATO, we may very well be looking at a new world order comprised of the one remaining great super power, (that's us, to those folks in Rio Linda) and those nations that supported our truly noble mission of liberating the Iraqi people. The UN, in failing to enforce its numerous mandates against Iraq is nothing more than a lousy parent who keeps warning his spoiled brat of a child that if the child's persistently bad behavior doesn't stop, the parent will do something. So the warnings continued, the rotten little bastard of a child behaved even worse, and the remainder of the world, viewing this tragic and pathetic farce of discipline, remained silent and impotent. There were numerous other mandates against other nations that were also wanting in enforcement, leading one to believe that the UN is truly nothing more than a toothless, carping hag, unworthy of offspring or the attention of thinking people.

With the introduction of new members into NATO, the loci nows moves a bit to the east, away from what the French may have thought once was the center of the universe, themselves. The French are so delusional, that even though they have long excluded themselves from NATO (not that I would ever want them as an ally), they desparately held on to the faded notion that they could still command respect as a major player in Europe. Their empire long devolved into other third world countries, the French still cling to their 19th century paradigm as a world power.

Personally, I will continue my boycott of all things French, and will encourage others to do likewise. My boycott will also expand to include actors and actresses, singers and other entertainment types who have (1) endorsed the French perspective, (2) embraced the Baghdad position, or (3) spoken ill of this great nation.

Staff_HQ 03-28-2003 04:30 PM

So, what you mean is that we are going to be nice puppets saying sir, yes sir every time you say jump. And maybe better, your government can declare Norway as a new state of USA.

Well, before I was a supporter of NATO and against Norwegian membership in the EU. But when I read postings like this you can keep NATO, were better of in the EU and the new military alliance that are under progress there.

You have already forgotten the massive support after Sept 11.

This forum is getting more and more like the forum at
And I hate that forum. To much BS.


MORTARDUDE 03-28-2003 06:51 PM

have a few things to say....
if you think this forum is BS, go elsewhere....

however, we are not Scandinavians or Europeans like yourself..... what do you expect ?

They have found over 1,000+ Al-Quida fighters in Northern Iraq currently being attcked by the Kurds...

There are brand new chem-war outfits and atropine from Russia everywhere...

They have caught Iraqi diplomats plotting a terror attack...

Iraq is firing missles it was not supposed to have...

Supposedly they saw Iraqis loading chemical drums...

They execute and mistreat our POWs...

All of this gives us quite an attitude.. ( not to mention 9/11 )

as soon as the first chemical weapon is fired...France, Germany, Russia, China, and Blix are going to look stupider than now.. if that is possible..

I resent the implicatiion this is like out of line....

OK... got that off my chest......please stay...just tolerate us...when the whole world looks at the worst you have done and very seldom realizes all the good we have done for the past 227 years it tends to get us riled up.... :d: :d: :d:



SuperScout 03-28-2003 07:18 PM

Sounds like you had one too many cups of coffee, and your nerves got jangled. We neither want nor need Norway as a new state; the Scandowhovians need each other to tell ethinic jokes to and about! EU and a military alliance? Was that the military power house that restored peace and civility to Bosnia? Does it really include France? If so, watch your back! And I would also invite you to have the doorknob smack you in your pompous arse should you decide to leave our happy little home!

Arrow 03-28-2003 07:58 PM


I disagree that we have not been friendly and open with you. Many of us, myself included,said thank you for your contributions on 9/11/01. And you insultthose of us that offered our thanksby saying otherwise.

I suggest to you, sir, far from wanting to rule the world that most of the citizens of this country just want to be left alone.

I need not remind you that we are in this mess because we are a wide open society with wide open borders that will probably be our demise.

You can relieve your frustration with one click of the mouse. There's a little x top right hand corner of your browser.


reconeil 03-29-2003 09:54 AM

Sorry to read that you think not going along with French, German, Russian, and even some American Dem/Lib zealots' asinine self-serving and self-defeating propaganda, which I and SuperScout (no doubt MANY others) are dead-set-against, "BS".

I initially was misled beleiving that you too were in favor of liberating The Iraqi People, instead of as the gang of those alluded to apparently and quite differently prefer not doing. But then, and since I've been wrong before,'s really no big deal to have previously misjudged you, and only wish you well,...where-ever-the-hell you choose to go.

Still, and in fairness to Norway, I do believe that The UN would be much better suited to Norway. You get to house a whole bunch of do nothing and or worthless beaurocrats,...and We get some badly needed office spaces in New York, caused by: "9/11"
Hey,...EVERYBODY is happy. The Worthless Ones will be where truly appreciated,...and America will get rid of a gaggle of agents, spies and such whom actually despize America and hate-our-guts.

Besides, all the ilk alluded to might actually prefer your pickled cream herring to New York Strip Steaks, anyway.


David 03-29-2003 10:21 AM

Staff_HQ I know from many conversations in the past with you that you are a good guy. Your comparison of this forum to is far off target though. is a board filled with wanna-bees. You know most here have not only served but have served in combat in many different conflicts. You are getting the reaction of those who have put their very lives on the line for freedom rather then those who have just talked about it. Being active duty yourself I am sure you can appreciate this. I also wonder why you would want to side with the EU. If the EU had been up to their duty non of this would have ever happened. Realistically this is all going on in their back yard, they simply lack the character to deal with it. If those are the kind of allies you want you will regret such an arrangement probably sooner rather then later. You have a unique viewpoint though. Your country is isolated from most conflict as it holds little strategic importance and you are able to live in freedom at a much reduced cost compared to most countries. Thank God for your topography and appreciate what the rest of us do for your neighbors so that they might have the blessings of the good life your countrymen lead.

Staff_HQ 03-29-2003 10:56 AM

What got me off was the New world order with the US as the supreme nation. I don?t see the US as better or worse than other nations, I see the US as equals to all nations. I do not think of Iraq or the other terrorist nations as equals, they doesn?t count.

And reconeil, I am for the combat in Iraq and the liberation of Iraqi people.

If you want some respect, show some respect.

I have in an earlier post in here told you about my respect of the US troops and nation, and the fine servicemen that I have met. But when I read the replies in this thread all I get is disrespect for some point of views that I have.

There you have it, take it or leave it.
I?m proud of my country; we have done our part, and are doing it and are going to continue to do it.

And a newsflash for you people, latest today Norwegian fighters bombed Al quaida stronghold in the Afghani Mountains.


David 03-29-2003 11:17 AM


Originally posted by Staff_HQ Norwegian fighters bombed Al quaida stronghold in the Afghani Mountains.
Outstanding :)

reconeil 03-29-2003 12:37 PM

I personally don't care what others think. But, when someone states: "I see the U.S. as equal to all nations",...such certainly derives no; "Respect" from me.

My Country and My People shed more blood for Liberty and Freedom than any other country on earth and in history.
Such most certainly doesn't seem very "EQUAL" to me.

Besides, and back to that: "Respect" bit, I say: "Screw-em-all-but-nine". The only: "Respect" any Trooper ever needs are 6 pallbearers, 2 road guards and a guidon bearer. Anything else is incidental.


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