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HARDCORE 06-21-2003 04:47 PM

Across The Damned Board?
The people of any nation begin to lose control when their politicians and cling-ons (bureaucrats) become mightier than the will and well being of the citizenry! ?This is an arrogance born of greed and nurtured in the furnaces of untouchability!?

Once elected, far too politicos are afflicted with a terminal case of memory loss. This soon degenerates into a stupor of complacency, apathy and me-ism that borders upon royalty!? (opinion)

?Such, I fear, is the case in California?, where ?Big Oil? (with the help of government), has raped the populace for years. (another opinion). Of course, one would think that with a ?Recall? in progress, our State government would be working overtime to quell public ire and discontent. Instead, however, our sides have been ripped open by the vested swords of the powerful, wielded, at least in part, by the State?s Chief Executive and his financial director!

Many California motorists have been dealt a nearly fatal wound in the form of treble (triple) vehicle license fees that will take effect this October. You heard me right, the already hard-pressed people of the Golden (in name only) State, will see the price of their tags soar by 300% in just a few months!

?This whopping increase in license fees is said to be necessary because of (so-called) insufficient general funds in the State, but I have a question to pose??

With the ?California Lottery? going great guns, and the intended recipients of the profits (California's Schools) still claiming to be getting screwed - ?Where did all of this money go Mr. Governor?!?

As a result of this massive assault against ?California?s Driving Middle Class and Poor?, many may now have to chose between food, medicines, doctors or even paying the rent, if they intend to continue driving legally!?

Of course, like most politicos, the target of this recall (Governor), is blaming others for triggering this ghastly increase in auto fees?! Well ?GUV?, if someone else did indeed load-up this attack against California motorists, who actually is pulling the trigger?

I even hear where the ?Terminator,? Arnold (Hang-Around) Schwarzenegger, is making a run at the governor?s mansion himself. If, however, the current ?Hurrah For Me, To Hell With You?, bi-partisan political practices continue, maybe we should emulate Arnold and apply a little muscle, by ?Cleaning House, Clear Across The Board!??

VERITAS :d: :d:

reconeil 06-22-2003 03:19 PM

Sorry to hear that your Public Hirelings have gotten just as pompous, arrogant, and as cavalierly lord-like and/or: "In your face" as my glorious rulers here in; "STILL Colonial New Jersey" (a politically-incorrect article title).

Still Friend, I believe you made a typo on your: "...apathy and me-ism that borders on royalty!? (opinion)".

After all, and if California's Political System is only half as arrogantly self/clique-serving ABOVE ALL ELSE as is New Jersey's, one must believe that: "(opinion)" was typed-in by mistake. Believe (an absolute fact) or even (gospel) would have been more accurate.

But then, and since only words, I guess "They" don't really matter.
So, in the future and if you really want to get some politicos attention or possible satisfaction,...try waving some money in his face instead. No guarantees. But Old Buddy, I guarantee you will stand a helluva-better-chance at satisfaction with money, than you will ever get from just words.

Neil :d: :b:

Andy 06-22-2003 06:36 PM

Don't feel alone
Here in the Commonwealth a carton of cigarettes is $56.00, a pint of J.D. is $12.00, our water and sewer was just increased 42% and the city of Boston is still laying off 760 teachers. The President of U.Mass was just before a Senate hearing, where he lied his butt off about what he knows about his brother. His brother Whitey is on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. The Governor of the state tried to get rid of this guy but the leader of our great State House is in league with the Boston Mafia, as well as the president of U Mass. Having Mr. Davis as our leader at the state house would be an improvement.

I know there are many who want to recall your Gov but how much will that re-call election cost you? Where will the money come from? Will a new Gov be able to dig you out of this hole?

By the way, Except for our governor, I have not voted for one state for federal official that represents me and I do vote.

Stay healthy,

sfc_darrel 06-22-2003 07:22 PM

California! The state where, while a man floats around on the ocean serving his country, they send collection notices with additional charges added because you didn't get your registration for your car paid on time. It doesn't seem to matter that the car is not on the road.

HARDCORE 06-22-2003 09:31 PM


Thanks for the feedback! It is a crying shame when already hardpressed citizens are targetted for their last dime to balance a budget that was screwed over by the same members of the system who now seek to pass the buck!

I guess that even if the name is different, the mentality of some remains the same!?


reconeil 06-23-2003 09:10 AM

Isn't it really to bad that We American Citizens can't retrogress (actually go forward and improve) back to that Representative Republic, Our Forefathers once envisioned (plus fought for)?

Still, and even though I can only go by New Jersey, one honestly believes that if The Brits had won instead,...don't believe "They" would have currently acted so arrogant, lordly and self/clique-servingly greedy as New Jersey's homegrown Lords and Masters OF TODAY.

But then, and in fairness, and since New Jersey is the MOST densely populated State in The USA and one of the MOST nepotistic and/or Political Machine run States in The USA, must assume that we must also have the wonderful distinction of having the MOST Lords and Masters per capita of any other State in The USA. Thusly, it's no wonder that the Political Machine and anyone affiliated with such,...has such total control over every facet of life here TODAY

Regardless, and since what Our Forefathers fought for was termed: "The Grand Experiment",...I guess it fair saying that; "The Grand Experiment" just simply failed? Certainly seems so,...from the perspective of This Subject of: "STILL Colonial New Jersey" and/or taxed-out-of-his-socks American Citizen.

Neil :d: :d: :d: :d: :d: :d: :d: :d:

HARDCORE 06-23-2003 11:57 AM

It, "The Grand Experiment" has not failed, Friend Neil! It has, however, (occasionally) lost it's barings! But, and I guarantee you this, the people have always managed to bring it back on line!


reconeil 06-23-2003 12:55 PM

Hope you're right about that: "...always managed to bring back on line!",...even though I don't foresee such a rational and sensible nicety or solution ever occuring again.

Hell Buddy, we've never been as DIS-united in our short history. Plus, self/clique serving ABOVE ALL ELSE and political oneupsmanship AT ANY COST type politicos have divided Americans even worse.

Such might assuredly reassure our enemies, and there are many. But, "Such" most certainly doesn't reassure me. Guess I'm just not very optimistic? Maybe if I stopped watching TV or reading newspapers for about a year,...I might not be so pessimistic?

But then, and since I can't stop shopping and paying taxes, eating and paying taxes, drinking and paying taxes, smoking and paying taxes, travelling and paying taxes, or even just staying home and indoors and paying absurd taxes,...what would be the point of my not watching TV and paying taxes nor reading newspapers?

Buddy,...and anyway you cut-it: "We The (Schnooks)" are gonna get taxed-out-of-our-socks,..."From the mountains-s-s, to the prairies-s-s" and even in California and New Jersey,...and can't do diddley-squat about it. So it is written. Amen :b:

Neil :d: :d: :d:

HARDCORE 06-23-2003 01:29 PM

I can not fault your logic, friend! To those who dwell atop Mt. Olympus, it's all a game! Morbid at times, dangerous at others, and vested by any stretch of the imagination!

A top employee at a U.S. Congressman's office once told me that I had true integrity. When I smiled and said thank you, she retorted: "That wasn't a compliment - I was merely telling you why you will never amount to anything!"


1IDVET 06-23-2003 01:55 PM

Just an interesting note.
California oil, a full 50% of it comes to guess?
It comes from the lovely state of...are you ready?
The lovely town of Bakersfield produces this vast natural resource, yet when it comes to prices at the pump, who is leading that?
That's right! CALIFORNIA!
Whooohooo! What a great state....of affairs.

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