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reconeil 11-01-2010 07:45 AM

Important PRE-Election questions
Important PRE-Election questions (November 1, 2010)

1. Why is it that when about 90% of all Blacks & Hispanics (Illegals also) automatically vote for fellow Blacks & Hispanics against Whites,...such is always explained away or excused as people having Great Racial & Ethnic Pride.

"Black Power", "Viva la Raza" & such obvious displays of racism are rarely (if ever) denounced as Racist or Supremacist, and matters not what color such perps actually are.

2. Whereas, any Whites or Anglos openly showing that preferring to vote for fellow Whites OVER Blacks or Hispanics,...are automatically decreed to be RACISTS "Crackers" or worse!

Why is that? Why does such an obviously DARK LORDLY SUPERIORITY or DARK DICTATORIAL DOUBLE STANDARD now exist in America?

Why won't DOJ prosecute Dark Skinned Criminals, whether in Arizona, on The Southern Border or anywhere in USA...and even despicably threatening people at voting places?

Nowadays Whites preferring Return to Liberty & Freedom are even decreed: "Anti-Government".
Another typically Electorate Divisive Tactic is labelling such American Patriots as: "Nazis".

Damn! Just what will it take for most Americans to FINALLY WAKE UP

Sure hope at least by tomorrow, Nov. 2, 2010 most Americans will realize the obvious, and/or that tyranny doesn't always come at gunpoint as did for Old Germans & Soviets?

Besides, America just cannot handle MUCH MORE DICTATORIAL: "Change" FOR THE WORSE!!!

AKA: N.R. Filidei /

BLUEHAWK 11-01-2010 10:23 AM

The end
They have gone to the well of expired statutes of limitations far too many times, and there is and will remain a backlash to it from now on.

reconeil 11-02-2010 07:32 AM

Sure hope you're right.

Still,...let's all pray that today Election will be ONE-HELLUVA: "BACKLASH"!!!


BLUEHAWK 11-02-2010 07:53 AM

I'm simply seeing more flat out stubborn refusal to entertain the usual racial victimhood drivel than ever before - and it is quite a relief, as far as I am concerned.

That has been damaging them more than anyone, since it began.

If anything is bad, it impacts their "community" 5 times more than it does whites. If anything is good, their "community" came into or about it solely despite what whites did and do to them every day all day long.

darrels joy 11-02-2010 08:09 AM

Illegal aliens (mostly from south of the US) in Nevada are being used by unions to keep democrats in office even though the unions have negotiated contracts for them at 1/3 the rate of qualified US citizens. The union still gets the same $ for union dues and looks over their shoulders to watch them vote. :eek: The poll watchers are being watched by the union poll watcher watchers. :confused:

This is must just be rumor and couldn't be happening in this country. :rolleyes:


BLUEHAWK 11-02-2010 09:13 AM

Yes, that must be a rumor. Here in America nothing of the sort could possibly happen done by the same ones who thwart temporary worker permits...

darrels joy 11-02-2010 10:43 AM

Harrah’s Bosses Put Squeeze on Employees to Vote in Pro-Reid Effort
By Elizabeth Crum

Tags: Nev.
Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

The stepped-up effort began Wednesday when a Reid staffer sent an email pleading for help to Harrah’s top lobbyist, Jan Jones. Soon after, Marybel Batjer, Harrah’s vice president of public policy and communications, distributed that plea via email to executives throughout the company.

The Reid campaign staffer, whose name was removed in the email Batjer sent to Harrah’s executives, said “ANYTHING” would be done to help with the company’s get out the vote effort. The staffer cited the fact that 1,100 MGM employees had already voted and indicated dissatisfaction with the turnout from Harrah’s.

The staffer told Jones the Reid campaign had “connected with Culinary” and that the problem was with mid-level supervisors. “They simply are not cooperating with and listening to upper management,” wrote the staffer.

The Reid staffer then indicated that the culinary union had money available for more busses to take Harrah’s employees to the polls. The Reid staffer suggests that Harrah’s execs “put a headlock on your supervisors to get them to follow through.”

The staffer also offered Senator Reid’s personal involvement, writing, “PLEASE… PLEASE tell me how I can help. Would it help to have the Senator call Gary and help give you the backing you need?”

In her email to management, Harrah’s Batjer requested of her colleagues to “PLEASE do whatever we need” to communicate to company supervisors that there is “NOTHING more important than to get employees out to vote.”

She even issued an express endorsement. “Waking up to the defeat of Harry Reid Nov. 3 will be devastating for our industry’s future,” Batjer wrote.

On Friday, Western Regional President Tom Jenkin sent out a follow-up email showing a total vote count for Harrah’s properties along with the percentages of employees who had voted at each property. Attached to the email was a spreadsheet showing employee names and at which property they worked. Supervisors were asked to fill in codes explaining why their employees had not yet voted.

The Harrah’s employee who forwarded the emails asked not to be identified due to fear of reprisal. The employee said the pressure from upper management was “disturbing.”

“We were asked to talk to people individually to find out why they had not yet voted and to fill in these spreadsheets explaining why,” the employee said. “I did not feel comfortable doing that.” :eek:

“It put me in a very awkward position,” the employee added, saying the level of coordination between Harrah’s upper management, the culinary union, and the Reid campaign was “disgusting.”

Calls to Harrah’s management were not immediately returned. Jan Jones’ assistant said at 10:25 EST that she would attempt to track down an executive who could comment.

A spokesman with the Federal Election Commission declined to comment on the case, but encourages anyone who feels that an election-law violation has occurred to file a complaint with the commission. The rules governing communications between employers, labor bosses, and employees can be found here (pdf).

BLUEHAWK 11-02-2010 11:07 AM

"... employee who forwarded the emails asked not to be identified due to fear of reprisal."

^ Count on it.

"... the level of coordination between Harrah’s upper management, the culinary union, and the Reid campaign was “disgusting.”

^ Naturally.

"A spokesman with the Federal Election Commission declined to comment on the case, but encourages anyone who feels that an election-law violation has occurred to file a complaint with the commission."

^ Sure. That oughta do the trick... :cool:

reconeil 11-02-2010 12:08 PM

Blue & Joy,
THANK GOD that We Americans still have A Secret Ballot.

However, if America's voting system follows the path that some unions have dictatorially forced down their members' throats,...We American Subjects might eventually loose our Secret Ballot System too?

Then, and just as with some Unions & Old Soviets (other Dictatorships also), either openly vote for both Ruling Elite types or just get kicked-out of both job & country.

Dictatorial bosses or rulers simply do not like being trifled with, whether dictating in Private or Public Sector.


revwardoc 11-03-2010 08:08 AM

I just read that Heath Schuler is planning to run against Nancy Pelosi for the Speaker of the House job. I hope he or damn near anyone else gets it. While I may have liberal tendencies, Pelosi is a pariah. Besides, think of the money the government will save from flying her back and forth from CA.

“It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.” - Winston Churchill

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