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PHO127 02-14-2005 04:19 AM

Is anyone else tired of this Welcome home Sh!t
Maybe its just me, Maybe I am in a grumpy mood today. I need to go kill something.

DMZ-LT 02-14-2005 05:36 AM

Try to kill something we can eat.Sounds like a session at the outhouse is in order. Welcome Home @#%**head ! :xx:

b3196 02-14-2005 06:14 AM

Before you lose this feeling....Run over to Home Depot and buy something....Oh other thing.
Welcome home @#96**head! :xx:
Bob K

reeb 02-14-2005 01:50 PM


I have a whole pack of Cayotes that need to be rid of.

Try this:

I hope it goes through for you, I just cant get the music to come up.

If it goes through for you, please post aboiut your feelings then.

Welcome Home !!! You are one of the Physco Vets arent you?


reeb 02-14-2005 01:52 PM


Originally posted by reeb Sid,

I have a whole pack of Cayotes that need to be rid of.

Try this:

I hope it goes through for you, I just cant get the music to come up.

If it goes through for you, please post aboiut your feelings then.

Welcome Home !!! You are one of the Physco Vets arent you?


Maybe someone can figure out how to get rid of the Refresh button on top, I SURE CANT!!!!!


Robert Ryan 02-14-2005 02:09 PM

PHO 127 - I don't know if I'm tired of it, I just feels it way to late for it. Geez I have spent from Aug 1987 to the present to work through 1967-1972 ( 3 tours of duty in nam not consecutive). Now that I have to come some sort of peace, and coping ability, I really don't think the homecoming will mean anything to me, besides it's at least 39 years too late for some of the Vietnam Vets.

PHO127 02-14-2005 05:15 PM

Kinda the way I feel RR
4 tours between 66 and 71 actully 3 years 7 months and 24 days, Would have been nice 25 or 30 years ago but it just seems to be a waste of time now.

REEB, Yes sir, Couldnt get the link but I am leaving early in the morning to try and get 2 or 3 wild pigs for the Psyco Vets party in April.

1CAVCCO15MED 02-14-2005 06:30 PM

The only ones I want to welcome me home now are fellow vets. I am certainly not going to pay someone to tell me.

catman 02-14-2005 07:17 PM

If I may post a few feelings I have on the subject....I know I post on this thread often and sometimes find myself wondering why. I am not a Vietnam Vet, but am the product of one. As others have stated in other posts, I feel as though I do not measure up to what you gentlemen have done. I know it is nobodies fault, each generation has there own war to fight, by chance and only chance, mine was relatively easy compared to yours. I did not choose where or when to fight and neither did you. We all went and did what was demanded of us and nothing less. Some of us sought valor while the majority of us just wanted to come back home. We all left full of piss and vinegar and came home changed and different in so many ways. Some shattered emotionally, some physically but all changed one way or another.

For those of you who read my tiny write up on VOM, I stated that we came home to a hanger filled with over 5000 people cheering and yelling, having received that kind of welcome home, I would rather have been dropped off in the dead of night by a taxi driver who I have never met.

They say the only glory in war is coming home, but as I sit in this house night after night and think the thoughts only we can think, I wonder, where and when does it all begin - the glory. I see the faces and hear the voices that are gone from this world forever and wish I could say a final few words to those who have gone before us. To scream a little louder a warning and move a little faster to their side, would it have made a difference? I wonder.

Brothers...I know little and have many questions, some of the few things I do know are.... I wish it would have been different for you, I wish you peace and I am honored to welcome you home. Godspeed brothers, Godspeed!


Seascamp 02-15-2005 02:19 AM

I guess it depends who says it and in what context. Personally, I have zero interest in disingenuous jerk-off political or media types who say such things just to go with the flow and/or be ?right? with some stupid career path. And it appears to be a larger condition as well. Since GW I, it seems that all pronouncements, positions or agendas have to have some Troop hurrah preface, kind of like some form of automation table grace.

But as we have seen all to often, the next thing out of disingenuous mouths is some kind of crap that directly or indirectly makes a Troops life more risky, demoralizing or irrelevant. My thought is that ya can?t be two places at once when ya start from no place at all, and all that forked-tongue business seems to be the media and politico rule one these times.


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