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HARDCORE 01-29-2006 06:03 AM

Did You Know???

Did you know that at a time when our troops are again fighting and dying thousands of miles away from home, that many a departed American warrior still rest in a shallow-unmarked grave, the location of which is known but to God?

Did you know that but a relative handful of their remains have ever been recovered, and this despite the ongoing efforts of dedicated, United States search teams to locate them? And did you know that we are just about the only country that even bothers to search for and retrieve the remains of fallen comrades?

Did you know that the Army alone, and no other service branch that I am aware of, by virtue of the infamous Barring Act, stopped paying combat pay to captured Army personnel after but three months in brutal enemy captivity in Korea. And that these aged and proud ex-warriors, despite all of their efforts, have been unable (thus far) to solicit the productive help of Congress (and government in general) in righting this long-standing wrong!

Did you know that a Bill (HR 2369, Honor Our Fallen Prisoners of War Act) has just sat there before Congress (House Armed Services Committee), unresolved for going on three years now? A Bill that along with its Senate Companion Bill (S 2157), would finally, after over six decades in some cases, grant a Posthumous Purple Heart Medal to those American POWs who died in enemy captivity?

Contrary to a popularly held misconception, most of those who expired in enemy captivity ?DID NOT? receive this nation?s last salute of closure (A Posthumous Purple Heart)!? As a matter of fact, many in government, and the military alike, who have the power to rectify this sad oversight have been timid and mute at best when it comes to addressing this sad issue. And even though over 30 veterans organizations, twelve House Members, and even two Senators have thus far endorsed or backed the above referenced legislation to finally grant a posthumous Purple Heart to these dead heroes, the Bill still sits before our honorable congress, un-passed to this point!

These ?Captive American Service Members? were our fathers, our brothers, and our comrades at arms! Most of all, they were patriots, one and all!

These were the brave young Americans who were starved to death, died of beatings or expired from the brutal elements, were tortured to death or were terminated by a variety of other diseases and fatal causes! And this while being held as captives in some filthy enemy hellhole!

And yet, far too many who have the power (but not the will apparently) to enact change, have forgotten the sacrifices of these fallen Americans, are hesitant to even get involved, or are too busy or just don?t care enough about those who gave their all for them!

My fellow patriots - "We need to quickly pass this legislation into law and finally honor the memory of those can no longer speak out for themselves...."

?What ever happened to us, that we could so quickly forget those who so unselfishly gave their last full measure of devotion and last drop of life?s blood, so that we could continue to survive and prosper in the glow of freedom and liberty?? :32:


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