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launcherman 05-16-2011 11:22 PM

Whats going on here?
Is it just me or is this forum just a bunch of news reposts? I haven't had the opportunity to really delve into the forum but I thought there would be more military history related CONVERSATIONS going on here. Patriot seems to be chucking a few hundred articles on here a day. I'm sure there's a place for it all I guess I just didn't realize what this place was all about.


darrels joy 05-17-2011 06:38 AM


Conversations have sometimes turned into arguments so David created .:c:

Lots of us read both.

We also communicate by email. :)

Got an opinion? Post it and you'll probably get a response. If people aren't interested, they may read but won't reply. Check out some of the threads that went over 100 posts.



darrels joy 05-17-2011 01:45 PM

Oh, the stuff in Military News is just that "Military News".

David had another website that was just military news. He dropped it after a time. Mostly it was just read and had few comments.

He seems to have incorporated that idea here.


reconeil 05-18-2011 01:10 PM

Launcherman makes a good point. Daily reporting what normally reported day before on Fox News Channel is just repetitive reporting. Reporting is reporting.

Whereas Open Forums where members discuss, debate or hash-out good, bad or even quite troubling past & current events,...are just that. Plus, such banter, controversies or different viewpoints make people think.

Too bad some participators in Once lively open forums here at Original Patfiles moved over to Patfiles II or After all, posting, replying & debatting matters on 2 similar sites with same crowd seems redundant to me ("Arguments" or not).

Hell,...aren't we mostly all Honorable Veterans & grownups here, anyway?
Must we all agree on most everything?

Still, and in fairness to: "Bunch of news reports" daily posted here on this first & original Patfiles, realize this. Not ALL Americans have Cable TV nor watch Fox News Cable Channel.

Thus, all unequivocally HONEST (DEFINITELY NOT SO in Mainstream Press/Media) Fox News Channel type reports repeated here on or ANYWHERE,...actually serve as A Great Public Service. Many purposefully kept duped Americans are Finally exposed to truths by Fox News.

I've said it often enough. "If don't get news from FNC (Fox News Channel), one is an uninformed American". "ABC, CBS, NBC & CNN pretty-much all report the party line bull or spin".

Besides, what's the point of members viewing & posting on both an alternate PF-II & original or on both sites, anyway? "You can't please everyone" & there are just so many hours in the day.


reconeil 05-19-2011 10:00 AM

You most definitely don't exaggerate.
Checked out some: "Patriot" reportings that you alluded to, on just the General segment.

Twenty to Thirty PAGES of DAILY REPORTINGS there are surely a-tad-bit too much.
Must believe that other of The Patriot segments are just as loaded with news reporting?

I think only a computer could absorb & produce or disseminate so much news on a daily basis.


reconeil 05-19-2011 10:16 AM

You most definitely don't exaggerate.
Checked out some: "Patriot" reportings that you alluded to, on just the General segment.

Twenty to Thirty PAGES of DAILY REPORTINGS there are surely a-tad-bit too much.
Must believe that other of The Patriot segments are just as loaded with news reporting?

Think only a computer could absorb & produce or disseminate so much news on a daily basis?


1CAVCCO15MED 05-20-2011 09:53 AM

Most of us just got tired of the hassle.

BLUEHAWK 05-20-2011 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by launcherman (Post 1088387)
Is it just me or is this forum just a bunch of news reposts? I haven't had the opportunity to really delve into the forum but I thought there would be more military history related CONVERSATIONS going on here. Patriot seems to be chucking a few hundred articles on here a day. I'm sure there's a place for it all I guess I just didn't realize what this place was all about.


What 1Cav said, and amen.

Also though, for many of us from olden times, the chief attraction of this place was and remains that it had and has the reading and recording of military history as a major focus - with (as now) a place to take exception to the color of sky and conduct pissing contests.

That section still exists, but its posts (thankfully) are not kept track of in the recent threads box every five minutes anymore.

The historical value of Patriot Files is unassailable, in my reasonably extensive experience with military websites. Much of that value is to be found not here in the forums but rather within the HOME page, which is where I always go first both to find most recent new threads to forums, but also everything else in the reservoir past and present.

Even so, any serious conversation about purely military matters of history can be and still is discussed in the forums - should anyone be interested and versed in the topic.

reconeil 05-21-2011 12:51 AM

RE: "Most of us just got tired of the hassle"???

Just exactly what: "Hassle" or discussing did; "MOST OF US(???)" get; "Tired of"?

Sending MY/YOUR/OUR and/or U.S. Taxpayer monies everywhere on earth,...except TEXAS?

Favoring Mexicans over Americans on the America/Mexico border?

Big Brother protecting Mexicans & foreign nationals (terrorists inclusive) INSTEAD of Arizonans in Arizona & Americans in America?

American Government wanting to throw tiny little Israel under the bus, just to satisfy, gratify & appease Fanatically-Radical & Mass-Murderous Islam (?),...just to mention a few hassles.


reconeil 05-21-2011 01:04 AM

RE: "Most of us just got tired of the hassle"???

Just exactly what: "Hassle" or discussing did; "MOST OF US(???)" get; "Tired of"?

Sending MY/YOUR/OUR and/or U.S. Taxpayer monies everywhere on earth,...except TEXAS?

Favoring Mexicans over Americans on the America/Mexico border?

Big Brother protecting Mexicans & foreign nationals (terrorists inclusive) INSTEAD of Arizonans in Arizona & Americans in America?

American Government wanting to throw tiny little Israel under the bus, just to satisfy, gratify & appease Fanatically-Radical & Mass-Murderous Islam (?),...just to mention a few hassles.


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