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Old 11-12-2005, 06:12 PM
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Default Some more Clarification?

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Doc Urb

Battle Of Baghdad,
April 5-7, 2003 - Part II
By Eric May

Dear Operation Truth:

My compliments to you for the fine work I've just seen at your website, which was referred to me by one of my Ghost Troops. Ghost Troop is the cyberunit, comprised of former military professionals and interested patriots, dedicated to the same mission you are: We dig into the real information concerning the war and publish the truth, as well as we are able to construct it.

Our initial area of interest was the cover-up of the Battle of Baghdad, which I was able to pick up on the basis of my experience as a Soviet-media expert (US Army, Military Intelligence, DLI-trained, Russian-fluent) and my background as a Public Affairs Officer (75th Reserve Division General Staff). The story, as you know, has been suppressed by the US media and CentCom Public Affairs, but was finally admitted (although without acknowledgement of casualties) June 29, 2004 -- fifteen months after the battle!

Below I will give the MSNBC acknowledgement and hyperlink; below that I will give my essay, published, ironically enough, by in May, 2004.

Best regards, and all wishes for your continued success,

First item: the Battle of Baghdad admitted on NBC, with an analysis by pro-Ghost Troop journalist Amy Rice.

Battle of Baghdad, April 5-7, 2003

Most of us haven't don't even know that there was a Battle of Baghdad in the first month of the Iraq war, when we reached Saddam's capital. Since this is the biggest of the media's Iraq War lies for Bush, it's time to learn about it.

Think back now the "crazy" claim by the Iraqi Information Minister, whom our media labeled a ridiculous "Baghdad Bob." On April 5, 2003, he made the claim from Baghdad that there was a fierce fight going on between US and Iraqi forces at the Baghdad International Airport and that the Iraqis were inflicting heavy casualties on our soldiers and Marines. That's about the last thing you will remember about the battle, because that's when Bush told the media to pull the plug on the truth and start lying. Within hours the media began to feed us a story about! Private Jessica Lynch as a distraction, and stopped reporting the US attempt to take Baghdad, clearly the biggest story of the war. They didn't return the cameras to Baghdad until April 9, after the fighting was over, when they broadcast the US Army pulling down the statue of Saddam Hussein.

The biggest story of the war became a non-event when the truth of the matter is that it was simply too bloody an event to report. If we had known that things were getting tough, we might have had second thoughts - and the Bush media is not going to let us think for ourselves. They haven't cared about the Constitution or journalistic ethics from the beginning; what they have cared about is boosting the war for their big bosses and Bush, public be damned!

The truth has finally sneaked into an obscure part of the media: In the summer of 2004, Defense Paul Wolfowitz teased the media for being too frightened of the mess Iraq has become to leave their bunkers and go out and get more bogus stories about what a success Iraq is! That was the last straw, and the media (for once) showed some spunk. On June 29, 2004, on the MSNBC Chris Mathews Show, Hardball, (Andrea Mitchell substitute host), the media finally admitted that there had been a Battle of Baghdad.

Ms. Mitchell interviewed David Zucchino, the Los Angeles Times reporter who was present at the battle with the 3rd Infantry Division about his book "Thunder Run," which gives a watered-down version of the three-day battle.

ANDREA MITCHELL: "You write very dramatically in this terrific book, 'Thunder Run," David, about the assault on Baghdad. It's not as we saw it in real time on television, is it? There was a much grittier story on the ground."

DAVID ZUCCHINO: "No, not at all. I think the impression that came from those three days of combat was that the Iraqis rolled over, that there wasn't much of a fight and the American forces just rolled into the city. And it was anything but that. There was just some fierce, savage fighting. There were thousands of, you know, Iraqis and Jordanians and Syrians who stood and fought from a series of bunkers and ditches. They inflicted casualties. They caused a lot of problems for the armored columns. And this w! as never reported but it really was not an easy victory at all." [Full transcript at]

Everything the media told you from April 5, 2003 to June 29, 2004 was just a Bush media lie. The media has become Benedict Arnold, serving King George.

Estimating the true number of US dead:

Now that we've established that there was a Battle of Baghdad, described by someone who was there as "three days of combat," marked by "fierce, savage fighting," what was the death toll among US Forces? Just how many US soldiers and Marines do you think had to die to take a city the size of Los Angeles from "thousands of Iraqis and Jordanians and Syrians who stood and fought from a series of bunkers and ditches

Before you take a guess, bear in mind that in any military operation, the defender has a considerable advantage - and that advantage is greatest when he is defending a city. OK, now factor in the average deaths per day in the three days before the Battle of Baghdad, when the Bush media reported thirty-one dead GI's (or ten per day).

How much higher was the number from the Battle of Baghdad?

Before you guess, here's a professional analysis. A week before the battle began, by the way, US retired general Barry McCaffrey estimated that an assault on Baghdad would cost around 3,000 US casualties:

"We ought to be able to do it (take Baghdad)," he told the Newsnight Program on Britain's BBC Television late on Monday. "In the process if they (the Iraqis) actually fight, and that's one of the assumptions, clearly it's going to be brutal, dangerous work and we could take, bluntly, a couple to 3,000 casualties," said McCaffrey who became one of the most senior ranking members of the U.S. military following the 1991 war. Article from March 24, 2003,

Now go ahead and check the official numbers for the three-day battle [].

The Bush media admits a total of thirteen deaths for in the period of April 5-7, 2003, when the young American soldiers and Marines fought and died in the Battle of Baghdad. Welcome to the brave new world of Bush and his media, liars extraordinaire, and traitors to the American People.,%20April%

Second item: An essay published in US-based explaining how I detected the cover-up and wrote it up the same week it happened:
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You may want to refer to our Ghost Troop website at, dedicated to the young men and women of the 3/7 Cavalry (attacked at Baghdad Airport), and the 3rd ID and Marines who fought the Battle of Baghdad.

Eric H. May
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
(Mission of Conscience)
'In a time of universal deceit, telling the "truth" is a revolutionary act.' -George Orwell

'Time does not heal all wounds but forgiveness will heal all time.'-"The Disappearence Of The Universe"
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