Thread: Pull out?
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Old 11-19-2005, 07:38 AM
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Default From Iraq

Wow... my coffee cup is empty and the caffeine content in my blood is almost running out. I'm sure you are all familiar with the feeling. It is 5am here in Iraq and I'm getting pretty sleepy. With that said, it's understood that my tolerance levels have decreased and my irritability has increased.

Ho Hum, can you GUESS what I just saw on the television?

Rep. John Murtha boasting his military experiences (tour in Vietnam), and how opposed he is to criticism by those who haven't served. I commend him for his efforts in Vietnam and his initial support for military action against the dictator regime in Iraq, BUT he isn't here. His DCU Boots have never been powdered with Iraqi sand. He hasn't physically driven the nails that are helping hold together the structure of Iraqi hope for freedom.

"It is evident that continued military action in Iraq is not in the best interests of the United States of America, the Iraqi people or the Persian Gulf region."

My stomach just gained a bleeding ulcer while I typed that part of the Rep's speech.

Who are we talking about here? When he says "United States", does he mean the soldiers who had the opportunity to reach the heart and mind of an Iraqi child? How about the soldier who felt the personal joy from teaching a very young child how to brush his teeth, disinfect a cut, or wash his hands with antibacterial soap before eating? (I have pictures and video footage of all of this.) Maybe he's referring to the families at home that consider their husband/brother/daddy/son their "personal HERO."

The Iraqi People? Surely Mr. Congressman isn't referring to the poor, the hungry, the tired. Certainly not the child who is attending school in a facility with running water and electricity thanks to the soldiers that made a trip ON FOOT to install these utilities. (pics and video of this as well) Mr. Murtha is also not referring to the farmers who have the assistance of military agricultural experts, and appreciate the sense of security that comes with a military presence. Who will have the strongest presence in Iraq if we are gone? The Iraqi Democracy... in it's infantile state? The Iraqi Army? Will the good people have the power? HECK NO they wont! The insurgents, radicals, and militant "Muslims" will. Do you think people like Kevin will be safe once the al-quida's, Husseins, and bin Ladins of the world are free to take over Iraq?

Lastly, the Persian Gulf region. I think the current state of Kuwait and their thriving economy and ever-improving quality of life answer that question for us.

Personally, I don't want leave this country feeling like a coward. I want the hero image my wife has of me to never be diminished by having to hear people speak in the future of how we went into Iraq with great intentions only to abandon it's people, strengthening of Democracy, and the country's fledgling government we helped to establish. I love my country and everything it stands for. With that I must say I respect Murtha for all he has done... I can only hope he will see the hypocrisy in his latest criticism of the war.

?"Some of the most irresponsible comments have, of course, come from politicians who actually voted in favor of authorizing force against Saddam Hussein" - Vice President Dick Cheney

AHEEEMMMM!!! Sorry I i had to clear my throat... congestion from the particulate sand I breathe in everyday. *dusts off boots*

In continuation...

I've been hearing comments being made about how poorly military recruiting is doing. Well let's recap with some FACTS from records... not just what you hear from some guy you knew over at that one office that you stopped at to pick up that one paper about that one subject. *eyeroll*

Military hits October recruiting targets
From shows that we really aren't doing that badly.

Re-enlistments were up even during deployment activity. Hellooooo... that should tell the American people and their political representatives something. It's not a vague message.

Brace yourselves for this. The average American soldier *gasp* WANTS to be in the military and SUPPORTS our involvement in the middle east. If this wasn't true... they'd be getting the heck out in record numbers!

This brings me to my next thought of the night. I am corresponding with a great person and troop supporter via email... Clay Guthrie, who asked for my input and any help i could provide in creating a forum for soldier support and discussion board for the solders by the soldiers. Of course I agreed. (I'll keep everyone posted) Okay... that's not where I was going with this.

Here's the email I sent in reply to Clay's:

That sounds like a great idea man. There can never be enough support for us. About your friend. (Clay told me in his email about a friend of his who gave his life in support of Iraqi Freedom) I commend him first of all... for making the ultimate sacrifice and I'll keep him and his family in my prayersDon'tnt let your personal loss affect a positive outlook on the progression of Democracy. That reminds me of a conversation i had with my mother about that lady that protests the war and got all those folks started in front of the President's ranch in Texas... I told my mother (yes.. my OWN mother), "What that lady is doing is wrong... I'm sure her son is turning in his grave because of the way she is desicrating his sacrifice and love for his country. Mom, if you ever acted that way because of my death... i'd disown you in heaven... dont lower the value of my honor in sacrifice by defaming the President or our war efforts." I realize what i said might have been a bit harsh... especially since my mom is a big wimp lol... but... the idea still holds true. That kid RE-ENLISTED... after his first tour in Iraq... OIF 1 , that should say something to the people of our country and his mother. He loved his country, and he knew he coudln't live without the honor he created for himself through his actions. Dont let personal loss evade your mind of the desire of the soldiers and the purity of altruism. Honestly, giving ones life to benefit others is the deepest dedication to the word. Altruism. Alright bud... talk to you later man,

Now with that said... let's finish our job THEN head on home feeling like accomplished heros.
Check out what
Will Whitley has to say about this. Funny how many soldiers feel the same way I do about the subject.

America is strong, proud, and able. Let this ring true for years to come... Our presence is positive... we truly have the Midas touch.

Click on link



Thomas Jefferson, Kentucky Resolutions of 1798: "In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution."