Thread: Bonds and Ruth
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Old 05-05-2006, 07:39 AM
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Keith_Hixson Keith_Hixson is offline
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Post The Problem Wasn't the Players as much as . . . .

The players should pay the price for using illegal drugs! They broke the law! However, I believe that major league baseball knew they had a problem but buried their heads. Lots of home runs meant that more revenue at the ball park. While other sports had had rigid drug testing, (the purist of all sports "choke") major league baseball winked and even accepted steriods because they wanted the almighty dollar. These young men realizing the benefits ($) from feats on the field were encouraged by the cheers, the money incentives, and the quite approval of major league baseball itself to use these drugs. Yes, they failed miserably but if major league baseball had instituted a good drug testing policies back in the late eighties and early nineties this wouldn't have happened. The players union fought against drug testing and major league baseball itself didn't do much of anything. These were youngmen being led astray by the whores of fame and financial gain, and at such time in their lives when they needed someone to establish moral standards, alas, no one was there. Who do we blame? Maybe all of us but I believe more blame goes to major league baseball itself and the players union than to the players.
Should their records have an astrick by them: You bet ya. Their records should show they cheated, even though they were aided by the powers to be.


P.S. Paco Tom,
The reason you never used drugs is that you are old! Steriods hadn't even been invented yet! when you played. We are all old!
Geezers I say, all of us are geezers.
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