Thread: Graduation day
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Old 09-17-2006, 05:45 AM
exlrrp exlrrp is offline
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Default Graduation day

I got this in the mail from my good friend Cal Rollins who is now the secretary of the E Co LRP/C Co Ranger Association of which I am a life member.
I'll quote you the letter

"This is only for the Echo LRP's. I am not snubbing the rest of our brothers. However, when we went though MACV Recondo School, we did not receive a diploma or a MACV RS number
Personnell attending MACV RS from E/20 after the first four platoons all received a diploma and number. I am correcting this oversight on MACV's part. I have spoken to several of my brethren and they are in agreement with me
I was past graduate of MACV when we went though school so I already had a diploma and number (RS414)
Enclosed is your MACV Rcondo school diploma. Your number is the platoon and order you wnet through.
I have thought about this for several years and I am in a position to correct it now
This is an exact replica of my diploma. The signatures, number and name line are different. The signatures are computer generated. Mine has faded over the years so I have enhanced the colors
Your Brother in Arms
Cal Rollins

I hardly know what to say so I'll start by saying thank you to Cal. I'd forgotten about this years ago, didn't remember untill the Recondo school book came out. I'm listed but no number.
Ive said before the army sure didn't appreciate my service: they didn't even give me the CIB untill I made em do it in 2003 and no other medals but the I was there stuff. Well at least I can say I was there, if not noticably brave.
What made me feel better was when I found out none of the other original Echo Lrps got anything either. (I'm just petty like that) Thats right none of us got anything at all for that service.
Recondo School was volunteer, I volunteered for it mainly to get a shower and hot meal (it had been ages) After 6 months as a 101st grunt, they didn't really teach me anything new about patrolling. But it still was a motherfcker of a school--does the army have ANY school where they treat you nice?
I'd been through jump school and Jungle school (JOC, Panama) so survival type schools were not new to me.
I graduated Recondo School while I was still 18. The day I turned 19 I was walking point on a lrrp patrol in the Ia Drang VAlley. So much for that childhood.
I know its not official but I'm going to hang this on my wall
Thanks Cal!!
Stay good
When you can't think what to do, throw a grenade
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